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Posts posted by Lillian

  1. I posted my preferred lineup, with E. E. at DH, in another thread. Here it is with realistic projected home run totals, for 2020:

    Realistic HOME RUN production, with EE at DH (It could be even better, but this is conservative):

    SS Anderson            25

    3B Moncada            30

    LF Eloy                       40

    DH Encarnacion       40

    C   Grandal                25    McCann 10

    1B Abreu                   30

    RF  Mazara                25

    CF  Robert                 25

    2B Madrigal              5

    TAKE THAT TWINKIES!!!!!!  You know how I love having 3 dangerous left handed hitters, in the mix. That's precisely what I have been advocating, for the last several years.

    • Like 3
  2. Neither Eckstein, nor Pedroia had the elite contact skill that Madrigal projects to have. They struck out more than we should expect Nick to do. Pedroia did hit the ball harder, but we don't know how much stronger Nick might become, with a little time. I hope that he's hitting the weights hard. 

    • Like 2
  3. The Sox have no one who could be counted on to catch, if one of Grandal, or McCann got hurt. Catching has to be shared, to begin with, which means that you need at least 2 capable guys. Given how much of a beating they take, it makes sense to have a 3RD catcher available. If they're worried about getting Collins enough at bats, he is not out of options and can therefore stay in AAA, for one more year. They are probably not going to resign McCann, since I assume that he would prefer to go somewhere, to be the primary catcher, rather than remain here and be a back up. Therefore, I would doubt that he will return in 2021. That is when Collins can be promoted. Hopefully by then, another catcher emerges somewhere, to provide the desired depth at that position, because again,  catching depth requires 3, not merely 2 guys. 

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  4. If the Sox acquire E. E., Collins should be in Charlotte, getting playing time. He would be the first to be called up, if either Grandal, or McCann miss any time, due to injury. Considering that McCann is a free agent at the end of this season. Depending upon how well Collins progresses, McCann may not be brought back. This would be the year to find out whether, or not, it would make sense to resign McCann. 

    • Like 1
  5. I posted this in another thread, but it belongs here, in this discussion about E. E.:

    EE only played in 109 games, last year. He may be almost 37, but he can still hit. He also hits both RH and LH pitching, pretty equally. I realize that he is not likely to play every game, but If he had played a full 162 games, his last year's production projects to be as follows:

    2B   HR  RBI                     AVG OBP SLG OPS

    26 0 50 127 0 1 86 153 .244 .344 .531 .875


    If he can be acquired on a 1 year contract, why not?

  6. Here is a potential lineup, with EE at DH, versus RHP:

    SS Anderson

    3B Moncada

    LF Eloy

    DH Encarnacion

    C   Grandal

    1B Abreu

    RF  Mazara

    CF  Robert

    2B Madrigal

    I put the 2 rookies at the bottom of the lineup, until they prove they're worthy of being moved up, closer to the top. However, they could provide terrific offense, at the bottom to the order. Robert with his speed and power and Madrigal with his contact skills and base stealing prowess. That lineup has great speed at the top and bottom, serious thunder throughout and a nice balance of RH & LH hitting. 

  7. EE only played in 109 games, last year. He may be 34, but he can still hit. He also hits both RH and LH pitching, pretty equally. I realize that he is not likely to play every game, but If he had played a full 162 games, his last year's production projects to be as follows:

    2B   HR  RBI                     AVG OBP SLG OPS

    26 0 50 127 0 1 86 153 .244 .344 .531 .875
  8. The current system makes it difficult to bring young players up to the Big Leagues, even though they appear to be ready. Teams are afraid of starting the clock on potential stars, because of losing them to free agency, well within their prime years. The Sox are likely to face this  dilemma with Robert. If a player is ready, any way that he can affordably be brought up in his early 20's, while still being retained through most of his prime, should be the best strategy. I would personally much prefer to have guys like Eloy, Moncada and Robert from their ages 23 to 31, than from their ages 31 to 39. Unfortunately, the current free agency rules are not structured in a way that affords teams the best opportunity to control a player for the 8 years between 23 and 31.

    Moncada will turn 25 this Spring. I would prefer that they offer him more money than he would earn in arbitration, in order to extend him 2, or 3 years beyond 2024, when he is now scheduled to become a free agent. That would give the Sox control over him, for 6 or 7 more years, through his age 30, or 31 seasons. It would still give him an opportunity to enter free agency, at a young enough age, where he could seek one more big pay day.

    I'm not sure that Moncada would want to agree to such terms, but I really like it for the Sox. It would keep him motivated, while guaranteeing that we have him for most of his prime. It also avoids having to pay him for years, during which he would likely be in decline and overpaid. Although it will only retain Eloy through his age 29 season, this is conceptually what they did with his contract and it seems like a very rational way to manage a payroll. It seems to make more sense than paying for past performance and committing to a long term contract, beyond a player's prime, which has become the norm, for free agents.


  9. Frankly, at this point, I really don't much care how much the Sox spend on their acquisition for another starter. I just want them to get someone, who is acceptable and capable of filling a role, as a middle, to bottom half, arm in the rotation. I would be satisfied with Keuchel, Ryu or Price. My greater concern has been the idea that they would make a trade and give up prospects, upon whom we are counting, to keep this competitive window open. Our top starters are going to have to come from Giolito, Cease and, or Kopech. Knowing that there will be bonafide Major Leaguers, in the 4 & 5 spots, and that there will now be some depth, is reassuring. 

  10. Interesting to note that every player acquired, so far this off season, is another Latino. Grandal, Mazara, Gonzales, Cuthbert and resigned Abreu. Gee, maybe Lindor is next. Just kidding. Anderson and Madrigal might be the only two regular position players, who don't speak perfect Spanish. Isn't Madrigal's father a Latino, as well? Madrigal is a Spanish name for several different towns, in Spain.

  11. The reason that I chose Keuchel and Nova as my personal choices, to target for the rotation, is that they are both a change of pace from our fireballing starters. Kopech, Cease and Lopez all throw hard. Moreover, maybe Nova could teach his cutter and Keuchel could help some of our guys to induce more ground balls. Of course, I would have much preferred Cole and Strasburg, but that was never going to happen, not even half of that fantasy. They're also both pretty durable.

    • Like 1
  12. 4 minutes ago, Y2Jimmy0 said:

    There is no way that Chaim Bloom asked for Vaughn or Madrigal in return for David Price. He's a smart guy. I just don't believe it. It's a complete time waster. 

    I have not given any credence to the speculation that Bloom asked for either Vaughn, or Madrigal. I have no idea. My statement about the Red Sox having unreasonable demands was based solely on Bloom's public pronouncements, regarding the kind of deal he is suggesting for Price.

  13. At this point, it doesn't look like Bloom is going to come to his senses. His demands seem quite unreasonable. In any case, our Sox don't need another outfielder. Leury and Engel can be used as late inning, defensive replacements, or even a platoon with Mazara, at almost no cost. I hope they sign Keuchel, Nova and a reliever and call it an off season. 

    Keuchel at 4/$70 M

    Nova for 1 year at ???

  14. 12 hours ago, smellysox said:

    Thank you. That is all I  was getting at. Orlando's post was funny. Now I might get a little defensive if a Yankees fan posted that or a cubs fan. But it wasn't. It was posted from a Sox fan. And I think Sox fans "get it"

    I suppose that one could have that perspective. However, if I were Nicky, and a Yankee fan posted such a meme, I would simply chalk it up to a fan of a rival team, in a gesture of bravado, boasting of dominance and superiority. What might hurt more is the thought that my own team's fans think so little of me. I understand, it's easy to forget that players are just people, with feelings. Delmonico seems like such a genuinely good kid and one who has experienced some difficult life challenges, off the field. The good part is that a lot of fans here seem to have embraced his return to the organization and wish him well, myself included.

  15. 14 minutes ago, Orlando said:

    For those up in arms about my field of dreams joke, it was just that, a joke. I like Nicky a lot and I didn’t even send it to him directly. Also, as the Sox are currently constructed (mid December) a scenario where Judge and Delmonico playing the OF and Covey and Cole starting is just a couple of injuries away. Also it is more of a joke based on an article that WSD wrote when they announced this game. He said this game proves the White Sox are done messing around. And the field of dreams proves that. It’s all in good fun! I love the White Sox more than you can ever know. I’ve cheered them when they didn’t deserve it and I sure as heck can heckle them when they deserve it

    I'm glad to learn that you didn't send it to Nicky. However, it's still out there and easy enough for him to see. I hope that he would take as just good natured humor. One can imagine that it wouldn't be the most welcoming thing for him to view. He seems like such a nice kid and I love his story.

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  16. 4 minutes ago, wegner said:

    Actually I think you can love the Sox and still think that Field of Dreams post was very clever.  It is a long offseason and I love to laugh.  That post helped with both of those things for me.

    My hope is, that in a year or two, the challenge will be to choose from the long list of White Sox stars, to put on such a Meme. Who would be our best 2 marquee players? Would it be Giolito, Moncada, Robert, Anderson, Abreu, Grandal, Kopech, Cease or even Madrigal, or Vaughn? 

    • Haha 1
  17. 25 minutes ago, smellysox said:

    Orlando that's just wrong! Funny though. Very funny.           And true.

    Perhaps, but I fail to see the humor. Moreover, how can it be both "wrong" and "true"? Could have just as easily put a couple of Yankee bench players, or even Minor Leaguers, next to Giolito & Moncada, or Eloy. That would be comparable. If anyone hates this franchise that much, why not just root for another team? I grew up hating the Yankees, back in the days when Al Lopez' Go, Go Sox had to swallow finishing in 2ND place, behind the Yankees, almost every year.

    I'm excited about the youth on this team, and am patiently waiting to see what else the front office can do to assemble a competitive roster. I like our players, both for their baseball and their character. If a fair weather fan doesn't share that view, please just go root for another team. This negativity is getting pretty old. Condemning the front office, for a "failed" off season, before Christmas, is just unfair. It may not end up being as satisfying as we had hoped, but it's too soon to judge. My comment is not meant to be directed at anyone, in particular, but rather toward the general tone of negativity. Pessimism and skepticism are one thing, but unfair and premature complete condemnation, are just ridiculous. 

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    • Haha 1
  18. What the writer fails to recognise is that the $23 Million per year, which Boston needs to reduce their payroll, is worth more than that, to the Red Sox, because of the Luxury Tax. The fact that other teams know that means that Boston is hardly in the driver's seat, as this writer asserts. Therefore, even if a team can justify paying Price $23 Million per year, on a 3 year deal, they have to recognize that they don't need to.  Exactly how much is the Luxury Tax for the Red Sox, at this point? Never mind, I found this:

    In 2020, they face a bigger potential burden. Every dollar spent above $208 million would be taxed at a 50 percent rate; the next thresholds are 62 percent for anything over $228 million, and 95 percent beyond $248 million. If the Red Sox stay below the first threshold, however, they will reset their tax rate, with the base rate falling back to 20 percent.

  19. 54 minutes ago, HakunaMachado said:

    The article concludes the following: "Finding a team willing to pay Price a total of $70 million over three years, $23.33 million annually) would largely solve what is considered to be a complex issue." 

    Does anyone realistically believe that Boston is going to find a team willing to take on that contract, without including any more than just $26 Million? I'm not buying it, at least not without the Red Sox including another player.

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