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About Saufley

  • Birthday June 10

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  • What do you like about Soxtalk?
    Best White Sox news and talk anywhere!
  • Favorite Sox moment
    Winning 2005 World Series, I attended final night game at Comiskey Park Sept. 30, 1990.
  • Favorite Former Sox Player
    Nellie Fox, Frank Thomas and owner Bill Veeck

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  1. Finally. Much deserved!
  2. One of the good guys. Have his autographed picture from the "old days" hanging in my den.
  3. The summer of 1971 I returned home from 4 years in the Navy and experienced that sad baseball summer. Maybe there is hope after all. We'll see.
  4. Maybe it is a good first step, hopefully. I'm getting somewhat interested, but time will tell.
  5. An expansion team would have a better and deeper roster than what the White Sox have now! Bring it on!
  6. You know Greg, Although I don't want to see taxes go up, I might support a taxpayer funded stadium only if Reinsdorf wasn't involved and he had to sell the Sox for that to happen. I'd do the higher taxes if it would rid us of Reinsdorf, but I know it would never happen. Just dreaming.
  7. I cannot believe MLB would allow the White Sox to move out of Chicago!
  8. Just adding to the legacy of Jerry Reinsdorf.
  9. I have no regrets on bailing on this team this year. Over the years I have watched my share of White Sox baseball, but sorry not this. I may be back and I may not be.
  10. I haven't watched them all year! Heard on the radio that after today's game over the last 45 games the Sox are 4 wins and 41 losses. Can that be? Reinsdorf has really ruined this franchise!
  11. Congratulations Jerry Reinsdorf and the ownership group.
  12. No excuse, but the reason is Jerry Reinsdorf.
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