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Everything posted by Saufley

  1. "Firing him after this year would be insane". Then with this organization it's a done deal!
  2. Doesn't appear that there are too many people at the park tonight. The invitations for the farewell party must have been sent out late.
  3. I didn't even know he was on the IL! This team and organization made me tune out a long time ago!
  4. When will owner Jerry Reinsdorf become embarrassed by the product he trots out to the field. It's a bad joke!
  5. So, when does this owner say "Uncle" and make a change? He can't be so blind to not see what is happening! And if he is _ _ _
  6. Ladies and gentlemen, your 2022 Chicago White Sox. Who cares anymore!
  7. Really tough being a White Sox fan right now. Really tough!
  8. What more does La Russa have to do to prove he does not belong managing this team!
  9. The season that could have been and never was.
  10. Need someone new in the FO who can start fresh and be objective and cleanup this mess. We can only hope.
  11. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I was away at a Navy reunion and no White Sox watching or news. I should have stayed longer.
  12. Zero leadership starts at the very top and continues throughout the organization.
  13. He shouldn't have a job after tonight.
  14. Because their boss is Jerry Reinsdorf.
  15. If I'm a White Sox player how do I feel now? No help coming.
  16. Just utterly disgusting! I for one won't be listening. You're fired!!
  17. I don't want them to trade just for the sake of trading. I want them to trade to help the team. But those in charge just don't know what they are doing and should all be fired!!
  18. I have been a loyal fan to this team for soooo long. I don't regret it but I sure am disappointed in THIS ownership group and front office! Just pathetic!
  19. Ladies and gentlemen, your Chicago White Sox.
  20. What I would give to see the fans all get up and walk out of the stadium. What a horrible team!
  21. And his ownership group is making too much money to be unhappy with the results. Why should they care if the fans are disgusted.
  22. Might as well wave the white flag and start over, again! I give up on this organization! Yea, I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning!!
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