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Everything posted by Saufley

  1. I'll put away my soapbox for the rest of the day!
  2. It wasn't JR's fault that the Sox didn't win that 1959 World Series for us and it wasn't his fault the Sox traded away Battey and Romano. I agree with you that we have been disappointed many times. So yes, JR, it's time to do something now and make us happy, for a change.
  3. Why irrational?? It's just a point of view and maybe some of us, more than others, have been through some real years of disappointment. Hopes were set high not long ago and hopefully the signings we wanted will happen and maybe they won't. All opinions are welcome.
  4. Well, all I have to look forward to is snow throwing 6-8 inches of snow in the morning.
  5. So, do I call it a night or do I stick around for a while?
  6. For real? Anyone know this guy? This is a joke right?
  7. Yep! One way or the other let's end this thing!
  8. Do you personally think he's close to the end with the Sox? Or is he tight enough with JR to not have to worry?
  9. South Bend and then Hawk would be close enough to broadcast the games.
  10. Hmmm, do we have a pitching coach who might be able to help him develop a good sinker?
  11. I wish I had reason to be as optimistic as you.
  12. I'm not going to blame Rick Hahn. As far as I'm concerned, all the responsibility belongs on Jerry Reinsdorf for either signing or not signing.
  13. So I read on MLB.com that SD wants to meet with Machado possibly in Miami. They want some face time to determine what their interest will be. If this was posted earlier, sorry. This truly could go on for weeks and weeks and weeks!!
  14. With the young talent within the organization the Sox had better not be stuck in mediocrity in the future. And yes with Manny, it would be nice to add a player of his caliber to our starting lineup! But geez, this is wearing me out!
  15. Earlier post. PLAN B. Whatever Mr. Hahn has planned.
  16. If we fail on Manny or Harper, I guess I would have to live with that and hope for the rebuild. There certainly should be some young talent that hopefully will be enjoyable to watch .
  17. I keep waffling back and forth between let's get it done and let's move on but, I sure would like him on my team.
  18. If we do lose out, on Machado, it may not entirely be the fault of the GM. One might also need to look at ownership. At this point I'm just not sure how much I trust either.
  19. I haven't felt this yanked around since I was going with a girlfriend in high school!
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