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Everything posted by Saufley

  1. When Paciorek subs I like to listen to him, but I think it is more TV than radio.
  2. When the young OF'ers are ready to take his place maybe he could be resigned to become our first baseman, if he remains a solid player for us. We do have a topic on the future of first base.
  3. I guess I should have ended it wit "LOL". Sometimes my sense of humor is not easily detected.
  4. I haven't read through all of the pages so not sure if this has been mentioned. Heads up, if Alonso and Jay are two of the players going the other way I guess we are losing out to the "mystery" team, on Machado. Then LA can sign Manny and we can put this saga to bed.
  5. I'm sure he doesn't even answer a question like "if your talent development fails and they don't turn into quality". I would think and hope he is more positive. I too am trying to be more positive looking forward.
  6. It was a good time back at the Hyatt. You could also meet a lot of the players at the bar at night.
  7. Can you imagine the fan outrage if they are led to believe there will be a signing for Soxfest and then there is not!
  8. Damn! When I saw you had posted I was expecting some big news!
  9. Thanks, Lillian. Now I have one more thing to worry about.
  10. I hope the weekend is not going to be as boring as this Friday has been.
  11. Yea, let's announce the signing around 7:00PM. Right in the middle of opening night of the northside party.
  12. I wonder what ever happened to that formal offer the Phillies were going to make to Harper this week?
  13. Someone may very well need to adjust his expectations.
  14. If true, is 8/$250M really a bad or insulting offer?
  15. There already is a buzz within the fanbase! At least this fanbase!
  16. If it is such a lovefest between Lozano and Reinsdorf, one would think they could come to an agreement on a fair contract for both the player and the team! Gentlemen, just get it done!
  17. I have to agree. I hope that Machado signs with the Sox, but if he doesn't it won't be the first time I have been disappointed as a White Sox fan and I am sure it won't be the last. BUT, I sure hope the Sox get it done!
  18. Another summer for me and not listening to a radio broadcast.
  19. Like you, I hope the 24/7 time spent on Machado doesn't hurt us with other possible signings. IF they are working with other FA's hopefully something gets reported soon.
  20. If the Sox sign Machado who is really going to care what it took to get him? I won't!! I just want them to get it done!
  21. If the Sox were thinking of making a few moves after the Machado signing I'd like to see them now. Still strengthen the team and keep me interested in this daily grind. Just me dreaming.
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