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Capn12 last won the day on July 16 2023

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About Capn12

  • Birthday 04/24/1977

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  • Location
    South Carolina

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  • Favorite Sox Minor League Affiliate
    Birmingham Barons (AA)
  • Favorite Sox player
    Joe Crede
  • Favorite Sox minor leaguer
    Gio Gonzalez
  • Favorite Sox moment
    2000 Picnic In the Park
  • Favorite Former Sox Player
    Officer Ron Karkovice

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  1. If you're on the side that this move wasn't a good trade by Getz.........I'm not sure what to tell you, at this point. Maybe you enjoy being contrary for the sake of it? Getz got great return for Crochet.
  2. Teel is 22 and already in AAA. I like that part of it, but we'll see what else this brings.
  3. I have no idea whats going on in this thread. That Mike Tauchman, hey....
  4. I'm pretty biased, but South Carolina should be in over Bama. Lost to Bama at Bama, by 2, I get it, but still....don't you want the teams playing the best football right now, in the playoffs?
  5. I'm moreso amused that there are folks who ACTUALLY give a bit of thought to this organization having a snowball's chance in hell, of getting a guy like Roki from Japan. How easily some forget the current level of ineptitude, all around.
  6. Oops, we accidentally did something right.
  7. So, given the hiring history, do you have faith in the White Sox organization to make a managerial hire of a true 'up and comer' then? Because sometimes, you just are who you are, with respect to a bad organization.
  8. Sure, except the last 4 managers of the organization, basically had no shot of being a manager anywhere else after their time with the White Sox.
  9. In no world, does a 'well qualified' managerial candidate look at this organization and ownership, and think to themselves "Now that is a job I'll take if offered." Lets be honest here.
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