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Everything posted by Capn12

  1. Capn12

    Good Morning Poll

    Well, usually go to sleep at about 7 or 8 AM the next day...wake up whenever I get the desire to get back on the PC.
  2. Hehe, little did the police know that they were prematurely stopping the final live Beatles concert ever....
  3. ANytime I can hear some different tunage from the best group ever, I get siked....Specter destroyed the stuff he worked on, and supposedly the Lads wre NOT happy at all. Watched Imagine:John Lennon this AM(about 5 AM )....sad thing, man...such a waste because some dickhead. I always accepted the Specter-produced mutant album for what it was, and for me side 2 of Abbey Road was always the real guns-blazing swan song for the group any way (THE BEST rock and roll album side EVER, btw). I've got enough bootleg vinyl of the "Get Back Sessions" to know what that time was all about and I never let Phil ruin it for me. "I'd like to thank you all on behalf of the group and ourselves, and I hope we passed the audition..." Man, to have been in London walking by Abbey Rd, and seeing and hearing the Beatles on the rooftops, performing what would be their last live show....I only wish...
  4. If thats the case, then Heather PLEASE stay away from Seargant Joe Crede, I want him focused for 2004, he doesnt need any distractions.
  5. ANytime I can hear some different tunage from the best group ever, I get siked....Specter destroyed the stuff he worked on, and supposedly the Lads wre NOT happy at all. Watched Imagine:John Lennon this AM(about 5 AM )....sad thing, man...such a waste because some dickhead.
  6. Damn, I'm caught up right in the middle of a White Sox porno to be!!
  7. Maybe I just can't remember how many then...i may have skipped 1 of the earlier CDs or 2....I'm diggin Help! right now ALOT
  8. :fyou WinAmp ......I've never gotten that player to work up to my desires.
  9. I may get zapped for this comment, but... Is it really the High Road if you felt the need to include it in your post? Either way, its no biggie, hopefully all will be left in the past concerning last weekend, and we can get back to good posting and conversation. Sorry, that was probably unnecessary, but it was what I was thinking.
  10. Natalie Portman is just a ....how did Prince say, "Sexy mutha f***a!!!"
  11. WB Vince....good to see cooler heads prevail on this situation after some consideration.
  12. Very upfront thing to do, Jas. And IMO the right thing to do. I for one will be glad to see Vince back on the boards, even if he has that Eminem pic in his avatar WB Vince, if you are indeed coming back!!
  13. OK, then..since we are adding weight, and taking Texsox's advice into consideration.... I'm 5'12", and 175 lbs. All lean muscle from my head to my pectorals, then from my hips to my feet. Therse a bit of jello in-between
  14. Capn12

    I miss...

    At the risk of being yelled at by Mods, I miss cw and HSC too. The music convos between Vince and I were real interesting, and HSC and I talked ALOT about everything. At least I can still talk to both on AOLIM, but it was easier to do about a week ago on here...
  15. I use Real One Player....because I burned EVERY Beatles CD onto a Real One playlist. Yep, 147 songs of Fab Four greatness....at my disposal.
  16. God I hate the University of Tennessee and their richly corrupt athletic department.
  17. Damn, SS2K3...I was just thinking that when I red Boz's post!!
  18. Capn12


    Capn so true, like I say there are 10 kinds of people in this world, those that understand binary and those that don't. Binary humor at its best, eh Tex...
  19. Capn12


    Technical Support at Anderson Area Medical Center, our local Hospital. When I have the $$$, student at Clemson University studying Computer Engineering You all may be surprised if you knew how little the people that are in charge of your lives in hospitals actually know about computers.
  20. Capn12

    Fav Song

    Hmm....lemme think... Probably be "In My Life" by the Beatles. The lyrics apply to all of us as human beings.
  21. Man, Garland down the stretch was pretty solid for a #4. 7 out of his last 9 starts of the season were considered Quality Starts(6 or more IP, 3 or less ER). To me, he is as important to the rotation as the rest of the guys. Loz is back on the option for 2004, Buehrle is back with or without arb, Garland is back, Colon is the one put to the decision, because the rest of the rotation will be here.
  22. TbhBG, I told you...you are BANNED from Beatle lyrics from this point on.....you are hitting .000 in accuracy so far, and us Beatles fanatics are not down with misquoting!!!
  23. Or you can just throw out the "I'm 71 inches tall." and make people think about it...by the time they figure it out, they won't care anyway.
  24. Well, my nickname is the same for every board and/or username I need....as for the origins....uh....hard to really pin down really.
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