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Everything posted by Capn12

  1. I'm USC all the way, seeing as I'm in South Carolina, its a given...(f*** Clemson)....go to every game...its mandatory for me
  2. Hey...dont be clowning him.... "This is the video that gets results!!"
  3. How can we not give Robbie a 1 year deal, with a 2nd option year, some kind of performance based contract. The guy still wants to play, and obviously still can be considered great in the field. We don't have anyone jawdropping in the minors ready, so lets keep him.
  5. Well, thing is, if Schoe finishes it tonight, then he is unavail for tomorrow, and Koch will pitch tomorrow probably...rather him go against KC than Seattle, bad memories with our closers and them
  6. Uh oh, is Schoeneweis gonna be the next arm that JM blows up , using everyday
  7. I figured it would, Cali....Go for it, and lemme see it when you are done.
  8. PLaying the pinch hit/relief pitcher guessing game right now...but we only have 1 bat on the bench left.
  9. Looks like sometime around the 6th inning, Joe Nossek went and exchanged everyones bats with their alternate "Home run swing" bats...we got some deadly uppercut swings going on right now
  10. Hmm...Willie gunned down by Brent Mayne??? UH....thats not supposed to happen when thats your forte as a member of the 25 man roster
  11. Don't blame Mags or Frank, they've carried this team lately. dude, are you my damn personal anti-christ or something? I'm just saying that when they go 0-10, its not a good sign in terms of a win. Never did I say, "Well Frank and Maggs suck, they went 0-10. They never help the team."
  12. Cause he was dominant in the 9th? Anyways, we have a combined 0-10 out of our #3 and 4 hitters...that won't win you games.
  13. Uh, who is Nate Field, and how is he throwing endless strikes to our 2-3-4 hitters?
  14. Blown Save #5 in the stats..period. But alas, heres to getting 1 run or 2 here, and letting the closer come in in the 10th
  15. Shut 'em down, Flash!!! Shut 'em down!! Blown Save #5
  16. We wouldn't want Koch in there, "Flash" is really shutting them down here!!
  17. 0-2 count to the Joker..and...HBP....WTF??? Is that Danny Wright out there?
  18. Thats exactly right...and sometimes as a manager, you gotta make those decisions tat you get paid to make..here comes one,.
  19. That was scary...lets get 2 more runs back..then give Koch a shot at it.
  20. And if Koch comes in, and shuts them down...everyone but I will still b**** about him...sounds like a no win situation to me
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