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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by SoxHawk1980

  1. There goes Contreras. I'm sure he'll be ready to take the mound again after the ASB next season.
  2. Great f***ing play there. A guy scores from first on a single because the Sox lacadaisical play. Oh no, they must be tired. No, not that, they must be hurt.
  3. These guys are finishing strong. Let's cheer like hell for them.
  4. Is he just figuring this out? That describes their effort in most games since the ASB.
  5. Probably not, but what a manager should be judged on is how well he did with the talent he was given. He was given 100+ win talent and this is what he's done with them. And it wasn't just bad luck. He makes bad lineups, bad decisions with starting pitchers, handles the bullpen poorly and makes other bad in-game decisions.
  6. Does anyone else hate Uribe's bat toss every time he hits a can of corn to the OF?
  7. Since early July, we are under .500. And the problem that I have with this team is that they haven't played well, or with fire and intensity in the second half. I'll give them credit for doing well in the first half, and then crapping their pants in the second half. I'm not pissed at the results; I'm pissed at the (lack of) effort.
  8. Haven't the posts on this board shown you that most Sox fans are happy with the Sox performance this year? Or, they are happy about last year and are giving the Sox a pass for this year. Or, they have come up with handy excuses for the Sox horrible play. So don't expect booing. Most Sox fans are okay with this s***.
  9. I don't know if I can watch any more of these games.
  10. Maybe they just don't want to go headhunting for no good reason.
  11. Payback when a guy obviously just let one get away?
  12. Ozuna got a nice little crack in the head. As good as a hit!
  13. Because he is listed at the top of a statistical list doesn't mean that whoever put that list together thinks that metric describes the best defensive SS. I could list the top batting averages in baseball and that wouldn't mean that I think the player at the top of the list is necessarily the best hitter in baseball. Was that name mentioned BY the Sox? I know that name is thrown around on this board a lot. LMAO. I didn't catch that. Consider that metric worthless.
  14. I agree with that. I don't agree (as I said earlier) that he is the best defensive SS in baseball.
  15. Nope, he didn't quit. He's just an overrated SS who can't hit his weight.
  16. Your first one was a year old. The second one is a list of fielding stats. Would you like me to show you a variety of other fielding stats which show Uribe as not particularly near the top?
  17. I agree wholeheartedly with the first sentence. How confident are you about the second? I would love for him to get moved, but do you think Ozzie/KW agree?
  18. Misplayed an infield pop-up and watched it hit the ground untouched.
  19. I defy you to find one human being who isn't a Sox fan who agrees that Juan Uribe is the best defensive SS in baseball. I don't think you'll find one.
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