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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by SoxHawk1980

  1. No, not major league average. In those seasons he was on the wrong side of major league average. You're lucky I'm not talking more about intelligence, but we'll leave that one alone. What does Baseball Prospectus say about the value of the runs LOST due to Anderson's horrible hitting as compared to the runs saved due to his good defense? Have you taken a look at Anderson's VORP (taking into account his total value (both defense and offense)? It is abysmal.
  2. His season as a whole has been horrible. In the last month, he has been mediocre. (.328 OBP, .469 SLG in July). I recognize that Anderson and Garland are doing better recently than for the first three months of the season, but in evaluating them, I'm not going to pretend that the only thing that is releveant is their recent performance. That would make for some pretty weak analysis.
  3. No, Buehrle hasn't been much better than Garland this season overall. He's been just a little bit better. But, of course, Buehrle has given the Sox 3 good months this season, whereas Garland has only give the Sox 1 good month.
  4. Over the course of the season he has a 4.99 ERA which is crap. That's ok only for a #5 starter. His WHIP isn't much better because he's given up a ton of hits. His K/9 is the same mediocre it has been all of his major league career. That's what I think of his entire season. My opinion of his season will be considerably different if he keeps up this hot streak for the remainder of the season. I'm not optimistic.
  5. Does excellent season and a bunch of crappy seasons make you a "proven ML pitcher"? If so, what has he proven? That you don't know from month to month what you're going to get from him? That he's inconsistent? That he's unreliable? If so, I agree. And no, he's not better than Buehrle and their differences in success throughout their careers proves that. And, Buehrle has pitched better this season...that is if actualy performance on the field means anything to you.
  6. I'm pointing out how good he's been over the course of the entire season. Am I supposed to bow and scrape and pretend that Garland is an ace because he's on a hot steak? Instead, I choose to call 'em as I see 'em.
  7. Pointing out the weakness of a particular argument isn't "insulting people". Done.
  8. Because I'm saying that pointing to pitching wins is a weak argument? Don't think so.
  9. Garland has been crap this year except for one month. Have you been following the Sox this season. That has been pretty obvious. Anyone who argues about how good a pitcher is by arguing his pitching wins really shouldn't waste their time making an argument at all.
  10. If you don't know that pitching wins is as much about run support as it is about pitching, then I really can't have an intelligent debate with you.
  11. Yes, and ALL one can say that is good about Garland this season is that he's been good over the last 6-8 starts. That doesn't make up for 3 months of suckage.
  12. April - 7.11 ERA May - 5.40 ERA June - 4.50 ERA So basically, he's had only one good month. Then there's every other year of his major league career which have been dog droppings. And if he'd pitched this season like a #3 starter instead of a #5 starter, we'd be at least 4 games better in the standings, and still contending for the divison. That, I'll give you. Compared to the rest of this stinking rotation, he's looked pretty good since the break.
  13. I know he's had some good starts of late, but he's had more bad outings than good ones this season. That doesn't make for much of an ace. He's still Judy in my book, with an ERA appropriate for a #5 starter.
  14. Is anyone up in the bullpen? Garland is almost up to 115 right now.
  15. Teahen has quietly become a monster with the bat.
  16. If the ump had made that call against the Sox, Hawk would be whining incessantly about how the umps don't want the Sox to win.
  17. You'd think Ozzie would have a fundamentally sound team. Why doesn't he?
  18. Thankfully, I'm watching the Royals broadcast and I don't have to suffer through listening to the verbal torture which is Hawk Harrelson.
  19. I can't believe anyone would complain about complaints about Hawk in this thread, but not complain about the thread being highjacked to talk about Hulk Hogan.
  20. This Dohmans guy has some really good movement on his pitches. Hopefully he'll stay in for the Sox to see him the second time through the lineup.
  21. We're talking about a Sox game on a message board. What should I be doing, volunteering for charity? Don't pretend that your posts are high minded baseball talk. And maybe you should just stop complaining about complaining.
  22. Definitely. He often says that the home plate umpire is using a different strike zone for the Sox pitchers as opposed to the other team's pitchers. He complains about that all the time.
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