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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by SoxHawk1980

  1. But the problem is that any fan of any team can come up with some aspect of media coverage of their team that they don't like...every day. It is pointless to keep bringing it up day in and day out. And the implication that there is some vast anti-sox conspiracy out there is both ludicrous and immature.
  2. Expect the next midseason trade (probably for a CFer) to include Sean Tracey.
  3. If you mean because he is the least bad of the available options, then I agree. However, if the Sox had even a mediocre backup, Anderson should be in AAA. He is not a major league quality player. A real major leaguer can hit above the Mendoza Line.
  4. That reminded me of Crash Rowand. Anderson sure can't hit his weight, but at least he has heart. Or, at most he has heart.
  5. Watching the Sox defense is just painful. Horrible.
  6. I love how Javier is pitching and dealing with adersity. But I hate that he is over 100 pitches in the 5th and that means we're going to see way too much of the bullpen.
  7. Looks like our pitchers are going to have to get used to minimizing the damage after defensive f*** ups.
  8. Uribe sure loves to deke. Nice try, Juan. Crap. I thought Javier owned these guys?
  9. I here it is windy at the ballpark. Does anyone know if the wind is going out, in, crosswind?
  10. The ump is torturing Johnson more by not tossing him. Johnson is struggling mightily and Torre doesn't even have anyone up in the bullpen. So far, 6 runs in 3.2 ip. How the mighty have fallen.
  11. More than a little off topic while I wait for the first pitch... I'm watching Yankees-A's on TV and Randy Johnson just gave up a deep HR to light-hitting Antonio Perez. So far, he's given up 5 runs in 3.1 ip. In case there was any doubt, Randy Johnson is DONE.
  12. I stand corrected by .002. Let's say that he's AT the Mendoza Line. And one more collar tonight and he's under the line again.
  13. I just wanted to chime in that I also think that the White Sox as they are currently constituted can't/won't win the WS this year. There are more holes in the bullpen than there are good pitchers. Plus, SS and CF aren't just holes; they are voids. Most good teams with holes have players hitting under .250 in a position. We have a couple starters under the Mendoza Line. Also, Garland is pitching like a bad #5 starter and Garcia is pitching like an ok #4 starter. These things don't add up to even getting to the WS.
  14. How many mediocre or worse years do you need to have before you have proven yourself? He's had a bunch of mediocre or worse years and ONE GOOD YEAR. How long does he have to do this before people admit that this is who he is?
  15. "For whatever reason"??? I have a reason for you: his career. Look at the various years of his career. He has a bunch of mediocre years, ONE GOOD YEAR and then this crappy year. How does one good year make him a good pitcher? On the contrary, he has proven that he is at best a mediocre pitcher.
  16. Are you kidding me? Garland faced a little adversity and then completely s*** himself. A mediocre pitcher manages to weather that storm and minimize the damage. Garland folded like a house of cards.
  17. Now Garland has responded to defensive mistakes by throwing batting practice. s***.
  18. What the hell happened to our defense? Mack makes a bonehead play and Konerko is asleep? What the hell????
  19. Well then he needs to sack the hell up and get his mind right. If the organization puts him in the bullpen, it is his job to pitch well in that role. He's a ballplayer, not a prima donna. He needs to feel like a reliever unless and until he is put into the rotation.
  20. Robertson is getting better as he goes tonight. His innings are getting easier and easier. It almost looks like the Sox have given up. I'm sure they haven't, but it doesn't look like they are bearing down and fighting like hell, like they did last year.
  21. That doesn't mean he isn't a s*** pitcher who has pitched pretty much like s*** in this game. Now, let's see if Ozzie let's him go out for the next inning with his pitch count at already 115.
  22. Doe these guys communicate at all in the outfield?
  23. Yup, and that doesn't mean this team doesn't have problem this season AND in this game. And all of the rah-rah cheering isn't going to change that.
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