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Dick Allen

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Everything posted by Dick Allen

  1. QUOTE(Punch and Judy Garland @ Jun 27, 2007 -> 09:21 PM) Hawk Harrelson ladies and gentlemen! As of last week, Javy had 4 wins blwon for him, tied for 2nd in the game of baseballx fans really underrate this guy and i don't understand why. People lump him in with Contreras as far as underachievers go and they are talking out of their butts when they do so Vazquez has a real sweet ERA the past 4 seasons too. He's a star.
  2. Should be no surprise Contreras would wave his no trade. He waived one to come to the White Sox, saying the same thing. I may be the only one on this site that hopes the Sox keep him.
  3. Josh Fields with a rare whiff. Will this game take less than 90 minutes?
  4. QUOTE(iamshack @ Jun 27, 2007 -> 03:42 PM) No one has stated that he doesn't or shouldn't care about that money. We're stating that it is conceivable he may want to play in Chicago and have $50,000,000 rather than play in New York and have $70,000,000. Then that begs the question, why wouldn't he sign the extension last summer before the ridiculous contracts were passed out? It certainly wasn't for much less than what the Score is reporting.
  5. QUOTE(StrangeSox @ Jun 27, 2007 -> 03:17 PM) It's about relative amounts. To the poster, it makes a HUGE difference. To someone who already has tens of millions of dollars, it won't matter as much. I'd sure like to get 100k, but Bill Gates really wouldn't care about that much money. And you know an additional $10 million or $20 million doesn't mean anything to Buerhle how?
  6. Maybe Hahn is going to Tampa to ask the Count face to face to waive his no trade.
  7. QUOTE(ChiSox9 @ Jun 27, 2007 -> 03:09 PM) Most of the stories I have heard is those said lottery winners that piss away their funds usually end up A) Robbing a Bank B) Killing themself C) all of the above. Also, how does anyone on this board rationalize the difference between $10-$20 million plus to a person? I hardly make close to that money though it would be nice but for someone that has made money like that (at least $30 million for the past couple years) they can understand it more. To me $10-$20 million is a TON of money, for someone like Mark who seems to be a very simple man $10-$20 million might not be that big for him with the opportunity to stay in Chicago. I am sure there are ALOT of other factors playing into Mark's decision, family, his house, child (and one on the way), his team mates and the farm system/club that had faith in him all these years. Money isnt everything to some people. If money weren't important, why did he turn down the security that the White Sox offered him last ASB?
  8. Look for Offman to back off during the next update.
  9. Look for Offman to back off during the next update.
  10. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Jun 27, 2007 -> 03:05 PM) I can see him saying no deal is done....but if Hahn is on his way out than its likely they have already had some discussion and the rest will be finished up in person. You think Hahn would just fly out knowing the agent is out there??? My guess is they have talked, both sides are optimistic based on initial discussions and as a result the two sides agreed to meet in Tampa to get an official deal done. He says they haven't talked.
  11. QUOTE(Jenks Heat @ Jun 27, 2007 -> 03:03 PM) There is no guarantee that there is a $100M contract out there for him. What is his value if he has a 5+ ERA the rest of the year. Also I go back to trying to pick where you want to play. I do not have the luxury of deciding to forego a ton of money to live whereeverI want so I can not speak of this personally but could he maybe only want to play four more years and raise a family and kick back and play with his kids? $50M goes a long way when your lifestyle is hunting and playing with dogs as oppossed to opening recording studios and building atrocious houses. If Buerhle plays in Chicago his wife is a few hour drive away from home as oppossed to palying on the coast where air travel is involved. Kind of sounds worth the $5 to $10M he could be giving up if you ask me but I am sentimental at heart and hate change. I just threw 100 million out there to make a point. There is a lot better than 4/50 million.
  12. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Jun 27, 2007 -> 02:59 PM) That pretty much indicates that Levine's assumption is bogus. I'm not saying the score is right either, but if Hahn is in Tampa and Buehrle's agent is in Tampa there is a freaking reason (especially based upon Buehrle's quotes in the Sun Times article this morning). I think there is going to be some sort of special announcement around game time tonight (even if the game is in Tampa). Why? Buerhle's agent is saying he has no idea where the imminent signing reports are coming from. He hasn't spoken to the White Sox in a while. Sox By Mark Gonzales, 1:40 p.m. Jeff Berry, the agent for Mark Buehrle, said in a telephone interview Wednesday afternoon that he was surprised by a published report that stated the team had resumed negotiations with the White Sox's left-handed ace and that a deal could be finalized by the end of the week. "Nothing's going on," said Berry, who did acknowledge he was in the Tampa area. "Despite what's been [published]. "I'm not sure where those reports are coming from." Berry said he hasn't spoken recently to Sox general manager Kenny Williams and said his client's status remains the same since the end of spring training -- in which any negotiations won't resume until after the season, when Buehrle becomes a free agent. Five weeks are left before the July 31 non-waiver trading deadline
  13. There probably isn't too much a difference to Buerhle if he makes $50 million or $100 million, but he would hate 20,30, 40, 50 years from now to find out there was. There's more than a couple of players who were apparently set for life, finding out otherwise. Also the union would be concerned about the effect it would have on similar pitcher's contract offers. It conceivable could lower the "market rate." You can be pissed off at the union all you want, but its probably been as successful as any in history. If he's considering signing this reported contract, you can be assured he's being pressured not to.
  14. Buerhle taking that discount would be a huge problem for his union. Not only would he cost himself money, but theoretically other players down the line. Its the main reason Thome didn't re-up with the Tribe.
  15. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jun 27, 2007 -> 11:43 AM) Then you leak a trade rumor not a contract extension with Mark Buehrle. Talk about terrible timing for a witch hunt. Signing him for Javy Vazquez, Gil Meche type money? I hope its true, but it smelled like a rat from the get-go.
  16. Maybe the Sox are leaking bad info out to certain people to try to determine who their leaks actually are.
  17. Levine claiming to have spoken to Buerhle's agent, says no contract talks are taking place between the two.
  18. KW consults Paulie and asks him for roster advice. No way he goes anywhere.
  19. Cowley wrote Buerhle was, as Hawk would say, a gone goose last week. Does he really know anything?
  20. 2 games in a row the bullpen goes unscathed.
  21. QUOTE(103 mph screwball @ Jun 26, 2007 -> 01:27 PM) US Cellular Field is the 3rd rated hitters park. The Sox have the runner up for the MVP last year, a 12 million dollar 1B who has been an all star multiple times, and a future Hall of Fame DH. The 3b hit 30 homers last year. And yet, the Sox are 30th in EVERY MAJOR OFFENSIVE STAT! They have been slumping for almost a year. Think about that for a while. All of the Sox prospects who were expected to be good hitters have struggled. Even Crede and Rowand took a long time to get going. The fact that Walker was not replaced as an attempt to fix this team or at least to appease ME a fan is the ONE thing I can not forgive about this season. Last place doesn't anger me as much as last place while being to stubborn / loyal to at least try the obvious solution to fix the problem. Losing Mark if it happens, I can understand. The bullpen fiasco, I can understand. Not trying a new hitting coach is inexcusable. For that, I am disgusted. I agree with KW, I'm sick of watching this. I wish Walker well, but he should have at the very least been reassigned within the organization. If you are using results as the ultimate, there are a lot of guys who should at the very least be reassigned. The bullpen has been brutal for 2 years now. Fire Cooper. The in game managing has been questionable at best. Even the players say there is no intensity or passion. Fire Ozzie. The players that were acquired are not performing as they should and don't appear as talented as advertised. Fire KW. No matter who the hitting coach was this year, this team would have struggled. Hitting coaches don't make 50 point differences in everyone's batting average. If they did, they would all get paid more than ARod and be underpaid. Shaffer is the White Sox scapegoat. Ironic how veterans acquired from other teams failing, costs the minor league guy his job. There's plenty of blame to go around, and maybe Walker does have a little coming his way, but he's close to the back of the line.
  22. I think its being really naive to think there's the slightest possibility that Tank's blood test will be negative. The Bears have more info than any of us, and they stood behind him when a SWAT team surrounded his house. They aren't going to release him for going 40 mph in a 25 mph zone.
  23. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Jun 26, 2007 -> 10:32 AM) You realize that Crede up until last year was a poor poor hitter. In 2002 he put up great numbers in a role similar to what Fields has this year. If Fields equals Crede's 2002 output, there will be talk on where to put his statue. Crede hit .285 with 12 homers in about 200 at bats in 2002. 2003 he hit .261 with 19 homers. 2004 was poor, 2005 was poor until September, and 2006 was excellent until September. Its not like Fields is hitting .350. Or .250 now. His OBP is lower than Uribe's, and he's already fanned more than Crede this season. He has a long way to go.
  24. Why is it when the other team does it, its a duckfart, but if it were Erstad, he tries to do it?
  25. QUOTE(caulfield12 @ Jun 25, 2007 -> 06:44 PM) Didn't seem to hurt the Tigers too much last season... They hit a little higher than .230 as a team, and got on base a little more, and ran a little better and had a decent bullpen and...............................................
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