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Dick Allen

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Everything posted by Dick Allen

  1. I heard, and I really can't confirm this, that they wanted to main entrance on 35th instead of having the park face the skyline and having the entrance on 37th, because they didn't want the suite holders to enter that far south thinking it wasn't as safe. It seems like a weak argument to me.
  2. I don't know if its actually being talked about between the teams, but Rogers has a source that claims it is. It is not a proposal off the top of his head, although he is prone to do that.
  3. Think about it. Of course the owners want someone whose financing is questionable. It increases the chances that he isn't going to go crazy like Moreno with the Angels. It just makes them have to pay more. I agree with you, I don't think this is good for Dodger fans. I'm shocked they passed this with Broad and O'Malley waiting in the wings.
  4. Quotes straight from Kenny at a Soxfest seminar last year.
  5. I'm thinking after the deals Kenny gave Koch and Konerko, and initially tried to give R. Alomar, JR won't be letting KW negotiate any contracts that are above minimum. I believe Rick Hahn negotiated Buerhle's new pact.
  6. They are moving the fences back ten feet this season at Kaufmann Stadium. I wonder if Juan Gone will be psyched out like he was in Detroit.
  7. Sheffield at 3B would make that one of the worst defensive infields of all time. Jeter is overated at SS, Soriano is horrible as is Giambi. Boone is a great thirdbaseman, I really think the Yankees are too weak defensively. Unless their pitching is lights out, the big Stein is going to be getting very angry this season.
  8. KW is a moron. The reason the Sox are over budget is his fault. The Konerko and Koch families should keep him on their Christmas lists for the rest of his life. Jose Valentin should chauffer him to USCF everday this season for what he did for him. He is such a moron, he wanted to give Robbie Alomar $2 million, with another $1 million deferred. JR probably told him he was crazy, and the best Alomar can get is $700,000 and $300,000 deferred. I still wonder how KW intended to get under budget if he had signed Colon. He probably would have taken a weak package from LA for Magglio.
  9. Playing basketball would be a good way to stay or keep in shape. It was a fluke injury. I think its kind off odd that playing basketball would be a no no written into a contract. Cal Ripken Jr. was famous for his off season basketball games. He has his own court, and played everyday during the offseason. I feel bad for Boone. He was just trying to stay in shape, and it looks like the Yankees are going to stiff him on his contract. JR could have stiffed Jay Williams, but still paid him for this year, and will pay another $3 million to buy him out, and Williams wasn't doing anything to improve his physical condition when he was injured.
  10. The Tribune mentioned the Sox were represented when Scott Erickson worked out, and he allegedly was impressive. I heard he's a real asshole though.
  11. The quote about Frank supposedly not running the bases is not calling him out? Did the reporter ask Ozzie if Frank ran hard? If you go to my earlier posts, this was the one comment I remember from said press conference that really pissed me off. Most of the team didn't run the bases, in fact Ozzie didn't run the bases all the time when he played. The article didn't tell me what I saw and heard, it only confirmed it. Its amazing how people think Ozzie was a big part of Florida's success. Evidently they don't remember he was also around when they sucked. I think the White Sox can still be successful this season, but I think it will be in spite of Guillen, not because of him.
  12. Joe Cowley of the Southtown is saying Guillen called out Thomas at his press conference in his article today. Maybe southsideirish can go over to Steff's house and watch it over again on her TIVO.
  13. KW is an ass. He always talks about the fact that he chooses to take the "high road" and may be forced to go the other way if certain things are said. Thats's BS. Taking the high road would be to just shut up about it. What he said now about the Backman situation just gets people to assume Wally deserved what he got and did something horrendous without ever saying what he did. He is a coward. He tries to play on both sides of the fence. Guillen hasn't seen Frank or talked to him in six years, but says he has heard things. I wonder from who. The high road would be to let the new manager come to his own conclusions.
  14. Why do people think if Trump bought the team, the team would be better? He is all about making money, which is the same thing Reinsdorf is criticized for. JR, regardless of what some may think, is a very astute business man, who knows how to make money. He has come to the conclusion, and sane people would concur, that White Sox fans are not likely to fill a park, just because you are in first place, or have a high payroll. Then there is the argument that Trump sees a real estate play around the park, and could package it all together and make a mint. Believe me, if there is a real estate play near USCF, JR is already all over it. It happens to be an area of expertise for him. Trump is not going to buy the White Sox, and that should be a relief for White Sox fans. The team is much better off without him.
  15. Those who think that Trump would bump the payroll up to $100 million or so need to get a reality check. Trump is all about making money, as much money as possible. No way would he gamble that big. I really doubt he is negotiating buying the White Sox. If there is a real estate deal to be had around USCF, I'm quite sure JR has already pounced on it. He is extremely savvy , especially in that area.
  16. How was Ozzie able to answer questions about Frank when he admittedly hadn't seen him play or talked to him for 6 years? He did mention Frank alledgedly not running balls out, but Magglio doesn't run balls out, and Ozzie was bragging about how he was the one who knew Magglio would be a ballplayer. Answering questions the way he did at the press conference announcing is hiring, was inappropriate. You say he was being honest. I say he was being his usual dumbass self.
  17. According to CBS Sportsline the Sox signed Japan's all time saves leader, to be a closer.
  18. Why didn't he say Konerko or Magglio would be held to the same levels as everyone else? Heck, they both get more money than Frank. The thing I didn't like was Guillen insinuated Frank didn't hustle, then said he hasn't seen him play for six years. If you watch the White Sox, not many guys hustle down to first on routine grounders, in fact, scouts were quoted on line at ESPN and the Sporting News as saying they can't get times for White Sox players running to first, because nobody busts their butts down there. It also was ironic that Ozzie would bring up hustle since he was notorious for jogging down the line on a routine grounder. Hawk even called him out on it, and it has to be really over the top for that to happen. Ozzie has a big mouth that the media will get to run in overdrive. I really think Bevington would have been a better hire than him.
  19. Boston allegedly signed him. I don't think he has much to offer anymore.
  20. Chet has a show on Sporting News Radio. He is back in Chicago. His show is on during the weekends. I listen to it , and don't recall him mentioning this rumor, although he might have. Dan McNeil used to work for him. In fact, everytime Coppock would be on vacation, McNeil would do the show, and imitate Chet.
  21. Frank works out as much as any player in MLB. Sometimes he looks a little puffy in his uniform on televison, but if you ever see him in person, he is pretty solid. Just because Ozzie pops off about him, and later says he hasn't seen him play in 6 years, which means he hasn't seen Frank play since he was a perennial MVP candidate, indicates that KW is feeding Guillen information, knowing Ozzie has too big of mouth to keep it quiet. KW is dying for Frank to demand a trade.
  22. That post at WSI isn't credible. If this respected retired Chicago Police Officer knew so much, he would know there is a lot more expense to running a team than its 25 man payroll. There are payroll taxes, minor league costs, costs for travel , contribution to the greatest pension plan in the world, insurance, etc. MLB was afraid of the legal costs to contract the Twins when they had 1 year on their lease. JR just extended his 20 years, for park that was built for him. The White Sox aren't going to be contracted, and they will not move. There is no place for them to move, if there was, Montreal would be there already.
  23. Frank is the easy target. Why no talk of Magglio not flying up from Miami. Frank got disrespected big time from a bigger mistake than Terry Bevington. If he wants to avoid the moron and not come to Soxfest, I don't blame him one bit.Ozzie the big mouth will prove to be the biggest managing disaster the White Sox ever had. Frank is not perfect, far from it, but was treated like crap by a guy who could even hold is jock as a player, while the other asshole, KW, was patting Ozzie on the back telling him to say even more.
  24. I think it was an error. He was a former White Sox minor leaguer.
  25. That's what Nolan Ryan did in his last few years with the Rangers.
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