That's because the NBA in an effort to woe back fans after their strike several years ago, require each team to make available a certain amount of $10 seats. There are several alternatives, the Monday and Tuesday half price night, you can usually get Sox tickets below face on ebay, and the scalpers on 35th usually give you a decent price. Several Sundays are kids days, where kids tickets are $1.Someone also posted that those booklets with the buy one get one free coupons will be returning soon. Cost of going to any professional sporting event is getting outrageous, and don't think the owners don't know that.
Is the rule regarding banning people with upper deck tickets from the lower deck fan friendly? That's a question that has been debated at length. The problem is the idiots that went on the field to attack a coach and an umpire all were holding upper deck tickets. MLB advised the White Sox to adopt this policy, their hands were pretty much tied. This policy has been in effect on several occassions before last season, usually when they were expecting a full house. One solution could be selling standing room on the outfield concourse tickets, maybe just making them available the day of the game, which would entitle the fan to access the lower deck but not sit there.