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Dick Allen

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Everything posted by Dick Allen

  1. Yes, but they would be getting all the advertising revenue.
  2. The Cubs being in the playoffs has no effect on how the White Sox will be run or what moves they make. Where have you been, Jupiter? The Sox are going to be second class until they win a World Series, and even that may not do the trick. His statement wasn't about giving Sox fans hope. If he wanted to give Sox fans hope he would announce he had signed Colon. Offering the richest contract to a pitcher in club history, and not having that offer accepted, would not give Sox fans hope. It gives just the opposite. What's Bart got to lose by waiting until he's on the open market? And oh by the way, if the Sox offered Bart the same salary he's making this year , for 3 years, it would be the richest contract for a pitcher in the history of the franchise.
  3. I think its a bush league move of KW to start negotiating in public. I also believe he probably feels he will not sign Bartolo. By announcing he has offered BC the richest contract ever offered to a White Sox pitcher, what does he accomplish? Its as if he is pressuring Bart to sign, and if Bart doesn't sign, Bart is the bad guy. If you are Bartolo, why sign now? Why don't you wait and see what someone might offer you, it may be a better situation than the one you are now in. If Bart signed with NY or Boston or someplace else, KW then could have told the public about his offer, if I'm Bartolo, I'd be a little miffed at KW right now.
  4. Bruce Levineline reported the offer is 3 years $33-35 million. He may stay.
  5. Did he say for a pitcher, or richest overall.? Al Belle had a 5 year $55 million contract.
  6. They could replace him with Stevie Wonder. He'd do a better job.
  7. Please tell me Tony LaRussa is not part of the equation.
  8. I think the White Sox press conference is scheduled for 1 pm. JM is not expected to be there. Tony LaGenius, as he is sarcastically referred to by the St. Louis media, has no press conference scheduled for today. You should read the St. Louis Post Dispatch. They do not like Tony there.
  9. That's exactly right. The Score makes the National Enquirer and Star Magazine look legit.
  10. Winn is no Buerhle, LaRussa is no Piniella. LaRussa isn't coming here, and thank God.
  11. Why is it in KC again? It should start somewhere cool, like Baltimore, or Anaheim. They have to play the Central 19 times each, you might as well start getting it over with quick. These other teams, you only visit once, so that would be it for the year.
  12. Hawk could announce it "Here at US Cellular Field its 335 down the left field line, 330 down the right field line, 375 in the gaps, and 400 to straight away CF. Before we show you our picks to click, you at home select yours. HE GAWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
  13. Flash is getting a little long in the tooth. Of course Mesa who claims to be 38 has a 26 year old son. So they would be going a lot younger. I'd tell Flash he was the closer coming in, but I wouldn't give him too much money. He could go at any moment.
  14. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! Im a die hard sox fan and id rather see the celebration than a meaningless AL central game. HAHAHHAHAH.... you're so right. I think sometimes Sox fans have it too far up their ass to be sensical about things. I mean, I DISLIKE the Cubs too, but c'mon.. that team and their fans deserve the airtime over a bunch of chokebags that are lookin at finishing out of first. The sox game is meaningless. It definitely deserves coverage, but they have to consider the audience. Don't do these cute little stories that even die hard Cub fans don't care about. Most of the people tuned into the Sox game could care less about the Cubs winning the division. If they really cared they would have been watching the Cub game on FSN or if they didn't have cable at a bar. They could have watched the celebration on 4 different stations. If I recall correctly, when the Sox won, the just ran a little crawl at the bottom of the screen during the Cub game.
  15. Bob James. He was ugly, and always sweating up a storm. He sweat more than Patrick Ewing. He was effective for awhile. Although I also loved the Goose. I loved him even more when he was serving up gopher balls for the Cubs.
  16. He didn't like US Cellular Field. Said it is a "scary place"
  17. Channel 2 just said that some Sox fans might jump on the Cubs bandwagon now that a Chicago team has won the pennant. Clueless.
  18. I could understand a little coverage, but to talk to drunk Cub fans is really pissing me off. The probably had to be prepped before they went on camera, and told what just happened. Put the game back on Bozo.
  19. I'm trying to figure out why WGN pre-empted the Sox game to show this celebration. Its seems to me the people who were tuned into the Sox game would be the last people who wanted to see this.
  20. I was thinking of buying them, and then putting them on ebay. People are paying $200 a piece for nosebleeds.
  21. You can find 2 together in just about every level. Use the seating level, not the price. Do best available, then change the level.
  22. Dick Allen

    bears packers

    Just for those interested, there are a bunch of Bears Packers MNF tickets available right now on ticketmaster. The only catch is you have to pick the UPS delivery which they are guaranteeing by Monday at 10:30 am
  23. Having Koch and Konerko fall off the face of the earth hurt. If Manuel knew how to use his pitching staff, that would have helped as well.
  24. I don't think the Sox talent was head and shoulders above Minnesota's. If you look at it position by position you would take Lee in LF, Hunter in CF, Magglio in RF. Koskie at 3B Guzman at SS, probably Alomar at 2B and Meindkdkjffld at 1B and Pierkddksdd at C. The Sox starting pitchers are better, the bullpen you would have to give to Minn with Koch so bad this year. The Twins are much better up the middle. I don't think if LaRussa were managing the White Sox this year things would be much different. Although I do like the fact he doesn't like Dusty Baker. I watch Tony manage the White Sox for 7 years, and that was enough. I really doubt he'll be back anyway.
  25. Dikta was a crappy coach. The defense won the Bears the Super Bowl, and he had nothing to do with that. Give him inferior talent like he had in New Orleans and look what happened. LaRussa wouldn't make anyone forget Jerry Manuel, in fact, with all his tinkering and goofy line ups he would remind people of him. He would be a big waste of money.
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