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Dick Allen

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Everything posted by Dick Allen

  1. I don't know about his managing skills, but he had quite a performance in the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders movie.
  2. So they can tear their labrums and screw up next season
  3. They have to get Hawk to go to the press conference, have him walk up to the podium and say HE GAWN and walk away.
  4. You are assuming they made a profit or broke even with attendance at this level.
  5. All it takes is for the Cubs to miss the playoffs by one game. Then the 4 out of 6 the Sox took from them will definitely cushion the blow a bit from the dissappointing finish.
  6. Manuel has to go and will go because he doesn't know how to run a pitching staff, which is the most important thing a manager does, and he can't motivate his players enough to get them to even run out a ground ball. Next time you watch a game, watch how lazily the Sox players go down the line on a groundball, the ONLY person who really busts his ass everytime is Rowand. A true leader wouldn't let that happen time and time again without saying something. How many times do the Sox throw to the wrong base and/or miss the cutoff man? Too many to mention. The same players make the same mistakes over and over and nothing is done about it. How many stupid baserunning mistakes are made time and time again? Either JM isn't saying anything to them, or they are ignoring him. How many ill fated bunt attempts have we seen the last couple of years? I'm glad the players like Manuel, he seems to be a great person. Too bad they didn't think enough of him to play anywhere near their potential. With 38 games against Cleveland and Detroit , there is no way this team should have had less than 95 wins.
  7. My point is we were close to seeing baseball history this season. JM benching Paulie earlier robbed us of that. I am kidding of course.
  8. With his 2 GIDPs last night, Paulie's season total is 27. Jim Rice grounded into 36 in 1984. Too bad JM had Paulie ride a lot of pine earlier, or he could have made baseball history this season.
  9. Larkin would get hurt during batting practice. He turned down 500,000 from the Reds. I wouldn't give him 500,000. He is done.
  10. Jose said he would agree to a salary cut, if the White Sox assured him they would keep the team competitive. Wouldn't putting him in the line up everyday hurt the team's chances of being competitive.
  11. Congrats to Maggs on his first ever walk-off homer
  12. He also has 2 sac flies, 6 sac bunts, and 3 HBP which leave him 26 plate appearances short with 7 games to play. If they keep him batting 7th or 8th and sit him a game or two he will not make the coveted mark.
  13. How can you expect the Sox to hit in the Metrodrome with THAT hitting background?
  14. JM likes to change his mind a lot. Ask Neal Cotts, and Mark Buerhle.
  15. Get a full season of Cub tickets...........please.
  16. The ball doen't carry there at night. By May 15th Frank will be sitting with 4 homers, and will say he lost 25 because of the heavy night air. Do you think he'll go there? I know Evans was interested in him, but there has been a lot of speculation that Evans won't survive the off season. I see him staying, I'm not totally opposed, although we have so many like him, and that money would be better spent elsewhere. I think Magglio is probably playing his last week in a White Sox uniform, unless we can figure a way to get rid of Paulie, and either Botch or Frank.
  17. Frank likes money, the $6 million player option he has he probably will exercise. No one else is going to give him that kind of money. Also, if he opts out, doesn't he have to pay something like $2 million to JR? If he is foolish enough not to exercise his option, I hope he finds a team who has a hitting background to his liking.
  18. I can't argue with you about your points. I would say this, I don't think Backman would do half the BS JM does. I think he's earned a shot. I'm someone who also is sick of the White Sox being the training ground for managers and GMs, but everyone has to start somewhere. I'd love to get Leyland, I think you have a better chance of finding Fisk and JR sharing a cabin on a gay cruise than that happening. Tom Kelly would be interesting, he is nowhere near as old as he looks. I just think Backman is different from LaMont, who btw I liked, Bevington, and JM in that he has significant managerial experience, albeit in AA. He has been successful, and knows the organization well. We need a guy who the players know will not tolerate getting thrown out at 3rd with less than 2 out, not advancing baserunners, throwing to the wrong base, not running out ground balls, which almost to a man the White Sox don't do. You want smallball? Wally knows smallball.
  19. before he got to the Yankees, his career record was 107 games below .500
  20. If Joe Torre isn't managing the Yankees, he won't be managing. You can book that. And remember what Torre did with teams without a $150 million payroll, it wasn't pretty. He is a perfect manager for the Yankees, for the White Sox, I think it would be a different story.
  21. Other teams haven't had much of a problem hitting there, check the Twins pitchers ERA. Frank needs to quit making excuses when he comes up empty in big games. Remember the 2000 playoffs when all he did was pop up to 2nd all the time? That was at Comiskey, they didn't change the hitting backdrop between the regular season and playoffs. He needs to take his failure like a man and be done with it.
  22. why is Bell a factor in this conversation? He was never our manager. As for Backman, I very much disagree with you. Cw, the reason I say Bell is because I am reading Bell and Backman are top 2 to replace JM. I have never heard the name of Bell mentioned as a candidate except by you today where have you heard that elsewhere? Bell would be, IMHO, a bad choice I watched him manage in Detroit and I was not impressed at all in any way even though I thought originally he'd make a good manager - but his actual managing showed that is not the case, as I saw it There was a report in one of the papers. He used to work in the White Sox minor leagues, and evidently JR is a big fan. I think Backman would come cheaper, and would be better.
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