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Dick Allen

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Everything posted by Dick Allen

  1. At Soxfest the Sox had already signed Loaisa, and were contemplating signing Rogers. So that radio report was innaccurate. Rogers was quoted in the paper as being extra pumped up to face the Sox. He claimed that while negotiating the Sox kept coming back and lowering their offer.
  2. I think the big prizes are drawn from seats not sold.
  3. A friend of mine lives in Cleveland, and Cleveland sports radio is ripping JM for using EL when he was sick. To be cosidered an idiot in Cleveland has to be a new low for JM.
  4. Your right, he doesn't come across as a guy who would know how to pour a beer. Maybe have him sell programs, if he looked at one he might have a better idea of who was on the team.
  5. at least I have a good portion of next year's season tickets paid.
  6. Maybe he could hang out with Jerry Krause
  7. They should make him a beer vendor so fans could haze him.
  8. Beltin Melton agreed with him.
  9. Hawk just said the Sox need to go at least 10-1 the rest of the year. Its not happening.
  10. Then make him the 3rd base coach, didn't he do that in Montreal? He has to be better than Kimm
  11. The Sox lose by 3 yesterday and 2 today, and it feels like we got blown out both games.
  12. If you can only get 2 runs off Rogers, you don't deserve to win.
  13. 7th DP he has grounded into this season.
  14. If Valentin comes up with the game on the line, he must be hit for
  15. The dreaded lead off walk. No DPs
  16. Take 2 there small as Wimpy liked to say
  17. Amazing what a lack of a little cork, and some steriods do to your stats.
  18. DJ actually just said, this time of the year Jerry Manuel isn't going to let anything slide by thats going to help his team. I used to joke that DJ looked like he spent the game smoking bongs, now I think I really believe it.
  19. Carlos, looking to make it 4-3 pops out
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