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Dick Allen

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Everything posted by Dick Allen

  1. The people who vote for the Cy Young are looking for reasons not to vote for Esteban.
  2. Is is me, or does it seem like the umpires are missing a lot of calls on the bases this year? It seems there's a blown call every game. The thing that sucks is everytime an umpire blows a call against the Sox, that gift runner is almost guaranteed to score. I was at the games, and didn't see the replay but it seemed to me on Tuesday when Sandy threw down to 3rd on a bunt, the runner looked awfully safe. He was called out. Obviously the call at first last night was horrible, and the pickoff at 2nd was at least, debatable. It usually evens out in the end.
  3. His bloated paychecks clear. Thats something thats going smoothly for him.
  4. I agree, if we have more than a 5 run lead. He gives up ONE run, Hook Him. He didn't have a lot of 1-2-3 innings with Oakland last year. He gives up a hit or two, let it play out, if a run scores on a Sacrifice ANything, keep him in, but if they get one more hit after that, hook him. I think its important for Billy to get some playing time, but the guy needs to be on a VERY short leash. It seems to me the Sox have been a better team when Koch wasn't in a position to pitch. While having him be effective would be a huge boost to the bullpen, the odds against that are staggering. He, like Paniagua, struggled at Charlotte. His velocity was the same as it was prior to his injury. I don't think 5 runs is enough. The Sox would have to have a 6 run lead, like last night, and 3 baserunners is the best I would give him, unless the first 2 men got on. Then he would be yanked. I give him a little more slack then I would Paniagua, Paniagua had no reason to be on the team, and there was no reason to think he would be effective.
  5. I told you back when they signed him, they should have spent the money they gave him on another fireworks show. It amazed me they let him pitch last night, but at least they have the sense to pull the plug before JM had another chance to see what he could do.
  6. Its the same guy. They designated him for assignment. Not sure if Oakland traded for him or if he was released by Detroit.
  7. Sorry to disagree with you, but Foulke had not pitched in three games. Gordon and Marte ptiched every game over the weekend, and had a night off thanks to Colon. Another night off for them would have been beneficial. Gordon won't be available for tonight, but Marte will. Check your facts before you rip JM for not bringing in his two best relievers in a 6 run game. I don't think he was asking for Gordon or Marte, although because of JM's horrible display of managing a pitching staff,you got one and almost got the other. The point I believe, was this is not the time or place to be experimenting with reclaimation projects. Save it for when your losing by 8 runs or for spring training. I hope Sox upper management finally saw the light last night, and wacks this guy at the end of the year. If the Sox make the playoffs the opposing manager will make him look overmatched again.
  8. When everyone in ur pen is doing well, ur a genius When everyone in ur pen is sucking it up, ur a moron You are what your pen does. Bringing anyone in with a 6 run lead really can't be a bad decision in and of itself. Quit blaming JM sometimes, hold these damn pitchers accountable Also, a lot of you manage in hinsight, and we all know that's 20/20. To put a pitcher who hasn't faced major league hitters in a year, and was released by Detroit, and cut by Tampa in spring training, in the game, a must game, is the dumbest decision I have ever witnessed a manager make. And to leave him in long enough for 4 people to reach base against him is incomprehenisble. You haven't watched nearly enough baseball then I've been to at least 1,000 White Sox games in my lifetime. I watch almost every game that I don't attend on TV. If you have a spare 10 hours my wife will tell you all about my "obsession". JM is a dope. You don't remember any of it then. To call this the dumbest thing you've ever seen, is ridiculous Hell, i've seen much more stupid stuff out of jerry this year alone Maybe your opinion, mine, he's done stupid things, but this takes the cake. He blows this win, the whole season is in jeapordy. When are players accountable I don't give a crap who in the hell you put in with a 6 run lead, there's no way the guy should make it as close as it was. I think he left him in there too long; but that's not what anyone is arguing about Putting him in to begin with isn't a problem. You will never know what you have unless he's used. Plus, it saves ur other more valuable arms for the next two games and so on. JM has done some stupid things, but to say it's the stupidest thing you've ever seen, supposedly watching all these games u claim...i mean come on already. This is Jose Paniagua, a guy who was released by DETROIT, and cut by TAMPA in spring training. He sucked in the Mexican League, his era over 9.00, he wasn't very good at Charlotte, he has no business being in the major leagues, let alone a first place ballclub. If Minnesota were to score 6 runs, I believe the best chance they had would be against this bum. Wunsch was ready, Schoenweiss could have remained in. A game against Minnesota is not the time to see what he could do. Why didn't he use him when the Sox were up by 5 in the 9th against Cleveland? He decided to use Gordon for the 4th straight game. What arms did he save? He had to use his closer, what an idiot. Well then why is he on the roster? You could be blaming the wrong person here Well, if you go back to the threads where the Sox were thinking of signing him, and the one where they signed him, you will see I was against the move for 2 reasons. One was he sucked. People argued that the same was said about Loaisa, but I pointed out Loiasa had to make the team with a great spring. The second reason was there was not enough time to evaluate him. What did he make,3 appearances in Charlotte? He got killed in one of them. This man has given no indication he can get out major league hitters in a couple years. To experiment with quite possible the entire season on the line is insane. After the first two guys hit rockets, how can you possibly leave him in long enough to walk 2 more people?
  9. Pulido was at 70 pitches after 3 innings. He was done. He had thrown 8.1 innings coming into the game, and was not scored upon. He obviously blows. At least Gardenhire saw him get somebody out before he used him in such a big game. Paniagua needs to be released or JM might use him again.
  10. Its a public service for all ESPN viewers with insomnia, to help put them to sleep.
  11. When everyone in ur pen is doing well, ur a genius When everyone in ur pen is sucking it up, ur a moron You are what your pen does. Bringing anyone in with a 6 run lead really can't be a bad decision in and of itself. Quit blaming JM sometimes, hold these damn pitchers accountable Also, a lot of you manage in hinsight, and we all know that's 20/20. To put a pitcher who hasn't faced major league hitters in a year, and was released by Detroit, and cut by Tampa in spring training, in the game, a must game, is the dumbest decision I have ever witnessed a manager make. And to leave him in long enough for 4 people to reach base against him is incomprehenisble. You haven't watched nearly enough baseball then I've been to at least 1,000 White Sox games in my lifetime. I watch almost every game that I don't attend on TV. If you have a spare 10 hours my wife will tell you all about my "obsession". JM is a dope. You don't remember any of it then. To call this the dumbest thing you've ever seen, is ridiculous Hell, i've seen much more stupid stuff out of jerry this year alone Maybe your opinion, mine, he's done stupid things, but this takes the cake. He blows this win, the whole season is in jeapordy. When are players accountable I don't give a crap who in the hell you put in with a 6 run lead, there's no way the guy should make it as close as it was. I think he left him in there too long; but that's not what anyone is arguing about Putting him in to begin with isn't a problem. You will never know what you have unless he's used. Plus, it saves ur other more valuable arms for the next two games and so on. JM has done some stupid things, but to say it's the stupidest thing you've ever seen, supposedly watching all these games u claim...i mean come on already. This is Jose Paniagua, a guy who was released by DETROIT, and cut by TAMPA in spring training. He sucked in the Mexican League, his era over 9.00, he wasn't very good at Charlotte, he has no business being in the major leagues, let alone a first place ballclub. If Minnesota were to score 6 runs, I believe the best chance they had would be against this bum. Wunsch was ready, Schoenweiss could have remained in. A game against Minnesota is not the time to see what he could do. Why didn't he use him when the Sox were up by 5 in the 9th against Cleveland? He decided to use Gordon for the 4th straight game. What arms did he save? He had to use his closer, what an idiot.
  12. When everyone in ur pen is doing well, ur a genius When everyone in ur pen is sucking it up, ur a moron You are what your pen does. Bringing anyone in with a 6 run lead really can't be a bad decision in and of itself. Quit blaming JM sometimes, hold these damn pitchers accountable Also, a lot of you manage in hinsight, and we all know that's 20/20. To put a pitcher who hasn't faced major league hitters in a year, and was released by Detroit, and cut by Tampa in spring training, in the game, a must game, is the dumbest decision I have ever witnessed a manager make. And to leave him in long enough for 4 people to reach base against him is incomprehenisble. Especially when you have Kelly Wunsch sitting on the bench twiddling his thumbs & being bored cause Manuel hardly ever plays him. That's our Jerry though......tinker tinker tinker! Right. The Sox won, which is great. But the reprecussions of this could hurt in the next couple of days. Gordon shouldn't pitch the next 2 games. Marte, maybe one of them. That's a lot of pressure to put on your starters, and on guys like Sullivan, and Wunsch. Not to mention, it may give Minnesota a little more confidence.
  13. When everyone in ur pen is doing well, ur a genius When everyone in ur pen is sucking it up, ur a moron You are what your pen does. Bringing anyone in with a 6 run lead really can't be a bad decision in and of itself. Quit blaming JM sometimes, hold these damn pitchers accountable Also, a lot of you manage in hinsight, and we all know that's 20/20. To put a pitcher who hasn't faced major league hitters in a year, and was released by Detroit, and cut by Tampa in spring training, in the game, a must game, is the dumbest decision I have ever witnessed a manager make. And to leave him in long enough for 4 people to reach base against him is incomprehenisble. You haven't watched nearly enough baseball then I've been to at least 1,000 White Sox games in my lifetime. I watch almost every game that I don't attend on TV. If you have a spare 10 hours my wife will tell you all about my "obsession". JM is a dope. You don't remember any of it then. To call this the dumbest thing you've ever seen, is ridiculous Hell, i've seen much more stupid stuff out of jerry this year alone Maybe your opinion, mine, he's done stupid things, but this takes the cake. He blows this win, the whole season is in jeapordy.
  14. When everyone in ur pen is doing well, ur a genius When everyone in ur pen is sucking it up, ur a moron You are what your pen does. Bringing anyone in with a 6 run lead really can't be a bad decision in and of itself. Quit blaming JM sometimes, hold these damn pitchers accountable Also, a lot of you manage in hinsight, and we all know that's 20/20. Jose P should have never been in the game to begin with and should have never had the chance to be held accountable. Anyone who defends JM in this scenario is blind in their view and needs to be thumped over the head with a large, heavy object. Bulls*** You gotta see what the guy has, and it's a 6 run lead You are managing in hindsight cuz if he went 1-2-3 none of this talk comes up now, does it? You can argue that he was left in too late, but other than that, should we go to Marte and Gordon if it's 6 run lead or less every damn time? Go thump yourself, tool You leave Schoenweiss in. This is not the time to experiment. The other thing is he hadn't faced live hitters in over a week. I'm sure your attitude about it would be different if Mohr put one in the bleachers. Its too close to be screwing around.
  15. When everyone in ur pen is doing well, ur a genius When everyone in ur pen is sucking it up, ur a moron You are what your pen does. Bringing anyone in with a 6 run lead really can't be a bad decision in and of itself. Quit blaming JM sometimes, hold these damn pitchers accountable Also, a lot of you manage in hinsight, and we all know that's 20/20. To put a pitcher who hasn't faced major league hitters in a year, and was released by Detroit, and cut by Tampa in spring training, in the game, a must game, is the dumbest decision I have ever witnessed a manager make. And to leave him in long enough for 4 people to reach base against him is incomprehenisble. You haven't watched nearly enough baseball then I've been to at least 1,000 White Sox games in my lifetime. I watch almost every game that I don't attend on TV. If you have a spare 10 hours my wife will tell you all about my "obsession". JM is a dope.
  16. When everyone in ur pen is doing well, ur a genius When everyone in ur pen is sucking it up, ur a moron You are what your pen does. Bringing anyone in with a 6 run lead really can't be a bad decision in and of itself. Quit blaming JM sometimes, hold these damn pitchers accountable Also, a lot of you manage in hinsight, and we all know that's 20/20. To put a pitcher who hasn't faced major league hitters in a year, and was released by Detroit, and cut by Tampa in spring training, in the game, a must game, is the dumbest decision I have ever witnessed a manager make. And to leave him in long enough for 4 people to reach base against him is incomprehenisble.
  17. What JM did wrong was experiment against a team he has a one game advantage on (now 2). Put Paniagua in a game you are losing big to see if he can be effective, he wasn't particularly effective at Charlotte. I was against his signing all along, it was a waste of money. What this does is now he has to go to Gordon for the 5th time is 6 games, and Gordon warmed up yesterday, although he didn't get in the game. Gordon is probably cashed for tomorrow. Marte was up 3 times tonight , so that could almost count as an appearance. I swear, I was at the game, and if they blew it I wanted to take JM out. I was hot. He really needs a new job. The Sox won, but this could effect the rest of the series by A. the toll it took on the rest of the bullpen and B. it gave the Twins something positive to go back to the Westin with. Hopefully Paniagua will be released soon, if for the only reason JM couldn't be tempted to use him again.
  18. The one thing that scares me about the Yankees, while the Sox have played them well in New York, they have struggled against them here. The fact that its late September and their pitchers are 100 years old may help matters.
  19. Your right. Loaisa easily could be 22-3 or 23-3 with 4 more runs being scored for him. If Colon doesn't have those 2 rain delay fiasco's which historically he has been brutal in, one was right after the all star break, the entire staff was rested, and gets yanked against SF when it was apparent to everyone he was out of gas, and the offense gets him a couple more wins is very likely his numbers would be identical to last seasons, maybe a little better. There's no question Esteban is the frontrunner for the Cy Young, and if he had any breaks would be a lock. If Colon was handled correctly and had a few breaks he could have been his top challenger.There are a lot of big name big money pitchers who have been not nearly as effective as Bartolo this year, and at the cost of Rocky Biddle, he of the 7.71 era after the all star break, and Antonio Osuna who is hanging by a thread on the Yankees roster, it was one KW trade where he did the fleecing.
  20. Bart's given the White Sox a chance to win almost everytime he has gone out there . He got rocked in Texas, got rocked another time when he warmed up 3 times and JM still used him, got rock another rain delayed game where he had already warmed up, he was also rocked against SF after pitching a gem for 8 innings. If the Sox had a manager with a clue, and an offense that was at least average the first half he'd be battling Esteban for the CY Young. Of course, if the offense I am calling for was there for Esteban the first half he might have 24 or 25 wins. Bartolo also has 7 complete games which is one off his career high set last season. No matter what anyone writes, the gentleman is not going to change his mind about Bartolo, so responding is an exercise in futility. Just get ready for his next Tub of Goo thread Bart's next start.
  21. I've been to both, the Cell blows away Yankee Stadium, believe me.
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