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Dick Allen

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Everything posted by Dick Allen

  1. Dude, you need to VOTE! Don't just comment. How the F any SOX fan could vote NO to this question escapes me. Perhaps I should have restricted this poll to SOX FANS planning to go the games. It looks as though we have trolls voting. :fyou trolls! Juggernaut, I DID vote....I voted No. The question was whether or not the policy would prevent me from attending games. Since I don't prefer to sit in the UD, it really doesn't. I am not going to stay home because the Upper Deck people can't walk the concourse! That said, I can sympathize and understand your frustration. It just doesn't affect me since I don't sit up there. Then vote MAYBE! How am I going to get the policy changed if the NO votes > YES votes. And to you season ticket holders ... a BIG WIDE :fyou. When the team is s***ty in years to come because we still can't support a 70MIL payroll because of ASS- like you I'll be sure to throw your pompous exclusive vote up your ass! DON'T YOU TELL ME HOW TO VOTE!!!! Who do you think you are, a Chicago precinct captain???? It doesn't affect me at all, so it's not even a MAYBE in my mind. I understand the point of your poll, but you're strongarming the wrong people here!! ....just for that I'm gonna vote NO AGAIN, TOUGH GUY!!!!! You people are hopeless. Try thinking of someone other than yourselves once in a while. There are plenty of ways to get discounted tickets. You could have had one of the booklets with 2 free lower deck tickets and 15 buy 1 get 1 free coupons. You could get a Sox 7 where you pay full price for 6 games and get the next one for $1. You could go on half priced night, I believe lower deck reserved are $12 tonight. You way out of line giving season tickeholders s***. We are the ones who put up money to go to games. We are the ones they base their payroll on, not someone who is too cheap to buy a ticket in the lower deck.
  2. Well then, if you want to sit in a seat in the lower bowl, buy one. If for some reason you don't want to buy one, sit in the upper deck. There were plenty of available lower deck seats for tonights game before today, so you have to act earlier. When you go on a plane and pay for coach, and there are a few empty seats in first class, do you question why you can't sit there? I like the policy.
  3. Pony up $8 more and you can have all the amenities.
  4. C'mon, nothing Bart does is Half-Assed, even you will agree with that.
  5. Paulie's been hot, got his ave. up over .250. Still below average performance this season. I'm glad I'm not paying him $6 million a year. Hopefully he will stay hot the rest of the season.
  6. I totally agree with you. KC only has 1 off day and there pitching is toast.
  7. KC is done, you heard it here first. They stayed around a lot longer than I thought, but that pitching staff is cashed.
  8. Rowand still could have played CF. Harris' spot would have been filled by the pitcher. There were plenty of replacements left to hit for the pitcher for 5 or 6 more innings. The game probably wouldn't last that long. Having Harris and his .185 average bat was inexcusable. JM needs to go.
  9. Yea, I saw him on a corner in Bucktown buying dime bags when the Angels were in town.
  10. They did mention people with military IDs would be comped earlier in the season for every game except the Cubs series. A few other teams have the same policy, although not as extensive as the White Sox.
  11. If someone finds this depressing, I don't think watching the Bears would be a good alternative.
  12. Daubach was used. They could have pinch hit Rios, Miles, Burke,
  13. I agree, Harris was up next But why did JM let Harris bat? Who would have played CF if we pinchhit for Harris and tied the game? That is why we didn't PH for Willie Rowand could have played CF, then you would have the pitcher hitting, but with the recent call ups the Sox would have been set for about 6 more innings.I don't blame Kimm for running on Nomar, his throwing hasn't been that accurate the last couple of years. He made a perfect throw.
  14. I think that goes without saying. JR said he wasn't going to announce plans until they were positive on what they were going to do, so if the plan changed a big deal wouldn't be made out of it. And from what it said in the media guide, that plan should have been announced already. I'm just wondering if the cost has skyrocketed on it. I have no idea, but if they are going to tear down the upper deck and rebuild it, I'd think that would cost a lot more than what US Cellular is paying. You have to figure they are going to keep the concourse in the upper deck considering all the money spent to renovate that last season.
  15. Has anyone heard of the future renovations to the Cell? I'm wondering if they are having difficulty converting US Cellular's $3.5 million a year into construction bonds. I was going through the media guide yesterday, and it said the future renovations were supposed to be announced during the first half of this season. Maybe its gonna cost a little more than was previously thought.
  16. When called, the infield fly rule is signaled by the umpire, hard to miss for a runner. It is ruled an out before the ball lands, and the runners protected from being forced out, even if the ball is allowed to drop. I still think there are players who would be confused. It wouldn't hurt to try it, the batter is out anyway.
  17. Thomas was the lead runner at 2nd, and the one I was watching as the play had him in line of sight. Yes, he was just a very few feet off the bag anticipating the ball to be caught, and I really don't know where Maggs was. I've see the infield fly rule applied in the outfield in the past, but that was very shallow, only feet behind the infield. I don't know the rule, but think it s the umpire's descretion for a call. Last night's ball was too deep for the rule to be implemented, but it had the same effect on the runners. I don't think it was bad base running at all, just a bad break in circumstances. Speaking of the infield fly rule, I always have wanted a Sox infielder to purposely drop a pop up when the infield fly is in effect. I'd be willing to bet there are more than a few players who don't know the rule, and would become confused , and would take off to the next base, for an easy double, or triple play. Yeah, but we traded Jimenez a couple of months ago... Thats more reason to do it. If they did it while he was playing the infield, and threw the ball to him, he'd think that there was a force at second and screw it all up.
  18. Thomas was the lead runner at 2nd, and the one I was watching as the play had him in line of sight. Yes, he was just a very few feet off the bag anticipating the ball to be caught, and I really don't know where Maggs was. I've see the infield fly rule applied in the outfield in the past, but that was very shallow, only feet behind the infield. I don't know the rule, but think it s the umpire's descretion for a call. Last night's ball was too deep for the rule to be implemented, but it had the same effect on the runners. I don't think it was bad base running at all, just a bad break in circumstances. Speaking of the infield fly rule, I always have wanted a Sox infielder to purposely drop a pop up when the infield fly is in effect. I'd be willing to bet there are more than a few players who don't know the rule, and would become confused , and would take off to the next base, for an easy double, or triple play.
  19. The fact that Magglio easily made it into 2nd base, and Frank had a better look at the play does nothing for you? It was a bad play by Frank, he was out by a mile. I'm not blaming the game on him, but if was one of your whipping boys out on 2nd, you'd have a different opinion. No, I wouldn't. The ball should've been caught, the runners saw that and had to stay close to tag up if they had any play after the catch. Maggs is only slightly faster than Frank, and may have 'cheated' a bit on his lead, he does that a lot, but who would you figure to throw out if you were the fielder? I would have figured throwing the guy out at second, considering it was about 30 ft. from where the ball dropped. It really didn't matter, they wouldn't have scored then anyway. Its just that Magglio was there easily, and Frank was out by so much, 90 feet farther from the play.
  20. The fact that Magglio easily made it into 2nd base, and Frank had a better look at the play does nothing for you? It was a bad play by Frank, he was out by a mile. I'm not blaming the game on him, but if was one of your whipping boys out on 2nd, you'd have a different opinion.
  21. I think his performance last night should end the "he'll show up if the rest of his teammates show up" argument that the author of this thread is famous for. I was at the game, and am still trying to figure out how Frank got throw out at third on that pop fly. He had the best view of the ball, 3rd base was the farthest away, and it wasn't even a close play. Anyway, the Sox had plenty of chances, its too bad they could muster only 1 run off Burkett.
  22. Let me ask you something, If someone was offering you $50 million more than anyone else, wouldn't you take it? ARod is a class act, we would be lucky to have him on the South Side. KW wanted him but Boras wouldn't even let him make an offer. It didn't matter, he had Hicks bidding against himself, no way JR would have ponied up the dough, and who could blame him? Larry Bowa was a Seattle coach in 2000, he said ARod was asking him a lot of questions about Chicago, and about JM. Bowa thought he was coming here. Shows the influence, and control Boras has on his clients.
  23. I don't know what you're getting at. This BMR guy thinks 96% of people who post here are clueless about baseball. My point is that the point he made yesterday was about as clueless as any post ever, so maybe he should look in the mirror. He's not the genius he thinks he is.
  24. I'd love to compare IQ's with you. I know what you wrote, you've got all your bases covered. But if the Sox lost last night, and lost today, the season would not be over, which is what I was pointing out. This psychology you mentioned is BS especially with this team. Are you still counting on Koch, or has Billy's performance at Charlotte, albeit REHAB, as you pointed out to me earlier(although he was throwing in the bullpen in Chicago, and KW,Cooper, and Billy said all the problems were ironed out), finally shown you the light?
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