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Dick Allen

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Everything posted by Dick Allen

  1. This year the home opener was April 4th. I agree, its a blessing to start the season on the road. Everyone at opening day this year will attest to that. I thought the most ridiculous thing about this years schedule was the one home Yankee series the Sox get, a huge draw , is the last home series of the season, and on a weekday so many kids already in school won't be able to attend. Let alone the Yanks possibly resting their stars for the playoffs.
  2. One thing to keep in mind, when KC and Minn are playing these non contending teams, the non contenders play loose they have nothing on the line. They would love to be able to say they knocked one of these teams out of playoff contention, while Minn. and KC have the pressure of a must win.It happens every year. I just hope teams don't go with line ups filled with Sept. call ups against them. I'm sure the league office would have something to say about that.
  3. That 94 wasn't taken with the same gun they got Koch at 98 with was it?
  4. Until R. Alomar came around, no one on this team could get a bunt down. He's laid down a few beauties. They are getting better at moving runners over, and aren't making as many stupid baserunning mistakes. It seems runners on 3rd with less than 2 outs are scoring more frequentlhy. Just so they don't rely on a homer 100% of the time, they will score a lot of runs. Hopefully, they'll light up the Boomer tonight. If I recall, the Sox have hit him pretty well historically.
  5. The Sox won 2 out of 3 at Yankee Stadium last year. The first game they won 13-2, just like last night, then the won 8-1, and lost on a rain shortened game the following day. They play well there.
  6. Tim Hummel=Chris Snopek. He is not a big loss.
  7. Danny twirled a gem at Yankee Stadium last year.
  8. That's why I think this elbow thing has been going on for a while. I also heard that he had a sore shoulder earlier this season but can't confirm. I just know he hasn't had his fastball all season, and to keep throwing him out there, I believe won't accomplish anything. Give him a couple more opportunities at AAA, but if it doesn't get better real quick, see you in Tucson Billy.
  9. I'd like to see one post where the poster is happy Koch failed. All the posts I saw yesterday, and I was the one that posted his line, were pissed off he failed.I am pissed off he has failed all year. He must be hurt. I want him to do well, but the reality is he is not going to help the Sox this season. His fastball, which he claimed was back to 98 was not. His ball was straight, AAA hitters were teeing off off him. Someone said it was his first outing and it may take time, but his performance was the same it has been all year. I just think it is way too optimistic to think the Sox can count on him being any better this year. Rest all winter, and see what happens next spring.
  10. I went to Yankee Stadium last year and was sporting my Sox hat. There were a few comments but no trouble.
  11. Even with 2 fake knees, I bet Mo could beat Konerko to first base.
  12. He did and hit 26 homers last year,but he has arthritic knees, and is probably done. He supposedly needs knee replacement surgery.
  13. He just said the place was great for left handed hitters. Damon is left handed. It is great for left hand hitters who take the ball the other way, and who are content with bouncing it off the green monster for doubles. Daubach is not that kind of hitter, and is very streaky. He was very streaky when he played a lot and his bad streaks are longer when he plays sporatically.He also mentioned Ted Williams and left field. If you knew anything about Ted Williams, you would know that he always pulled the ball.If you listen and believe Hawk, he thinks Williams would have the all time homerun record if he played in Yankee Stadium, a haven for left handed pull hitters.Mo Vaughn, He ripped up his ankle is very first game in Anaheim, tore his bicep like Frank, missed and entire season, and now needs knee replacement surgery. He did hit 33 homers and 36 homers in his 2 years with the Angels. The ball doen't carry well in Anahiem after the sun goes down, but still those are decent totals.
  14. Most balls are hit into the right center and left center. It is great if you can pull it right down the line, but that is very rare. If you go 10 feet left of the rightfield foul pole the fence is significantly deeper, and in right center its about 385-390. Daubach did a good job in Boston, and was a fan favorite.
  15. Johnny Damon has just ripped it up in Boston. Get a clue, for a left hand pull hitter Fenway is the most difficult park to hit a homer in
  16. I said my next door neighbor was a nice guy. I didn't say he was better than Konerko.
  17. Every team would love to pay big money to a guy who when he comes to bat with the bases loaded and less than two out is just about guaranteed to pop out or hit into a double play. This guy you described is not what he is this year
  18. You ever hear Hawk say "don't tell me what you hit, tell me when you hit it". If you look at AL firstbaseman his stats are very average.
  19. He had a great half a season last year, second have sucked. Who cares though, last year and before are in the books, this year counts.
  20. Paulie's numbers after the all star break last year were brutal. He did have an injured foot though.
  21. Yea, but he can't hit into double plays at the alarming rate Paulie does
  22. My next door neighbor is a nice guy, and I don't think anyone wants to pay him 6 million a year to play baseball.
  23. Who wants to pick up a guy making 6-8 million a year hitting .225 with no range, runs as fast as Herm Schnieder, and has a hip condition? Oh, he also picks up an extra million if he is traded.
  24. What's with the argument about what Konerko did 3 years ago? What does that matter? What matters is what he is doing now, and now he really sucks.
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