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Dick Allen

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Everything posted by Dick Allen

  1. They couldn't get rid of him if they wanted to anyway. The Sox are stuck with him and Paulie.
  2. He's not healthy, he's getting lit up in AAA. They were working on his arm slot in Chicago, and supposedly he was throwing hard and he had no pain.This is according to Billy. Whatever the problem is, he doesn't have good stuff this year. Maybe it'll come back with a couple months rest, because it isn't back now.
  3. They should sit him down the rest of the year and hope for a miracle in spring training.
  4. How many outings does he have to have to be sharp? There are only a few games left in Charlotte's season. Koch has thrown on the side, and for the 3rd time this year said his fastball was back.
  5. I want him to do well. Its just obvious that he sucks this year, and really has never been that great. They hit 4 balls either to the wall or off it tonight. The 98 mph fastball that was supposedly back is not. If you are a true Sox fan, do you want him in the game when the game is on the line?
  6. Koch pitched 1 inning tonight, gave up 3 hits 2 runs, hit 95 on the gun. And he picked up the loss. He still sucks.
  7. there will be no horn blowing of any kind at the ball park zach..... GUG drowning out Farmio, AM1000 listeners couldn't be so lucky
  8. I don't think there is anyone here not rooting for him. Its just that after stinking up the place all year to think 2 weeks off is going to make things better is "cub fan optimistic." I remember countless F-Koch posts on this board and he deserved them, but now all of a sudden he's a stand up guy. What about the time he was rightfully yanked from a game by JM, uttered an expletive,and threw his glove in the stands. What about the homerun he gave up in Tampa, when he said the guy didn't hit it very well. The one misconception about Koch is this even when he was throwing 98-100 he wasn't as dominant as some here believe. His strikeout rate last year is lower than Gordon's and Marte's this year. And his ERA was higher than Martes and about the same as Gordon's. I do agree if he came back to last year's form it would be a big boost to the Sox, but I think they can still win without him. By the way, his proclamation that his fastball is back, is at least the third such proclamation he has made this year. I do hope it is though.
  9. Frank has cooled off against Mussina in recent years. In the early 90's he was hitting about .800 against him.
  10. If they didn't like him being by the microphone move the microphone. This guy should be valued, its BS what they did to him.
  11. I read that, but why don't the Cubs have the same deadline dates? I'm sure they have to print tickets in case a couple team planes go down.
  12. How ironic that in a stadium where "make some noise" and a fan-o-meter are flashed just about every inning, a team would alienate a die hard for doing precisely that.
  13. I haven't heard him, but since he said Frank was done and should be sitting on the bench, the Big Hurt has been on a roll, and Konerko, who he said should be playing more has gone back into his first half fog. Has anyone heard Bruce lately? What is he saying now?
  14. He's a bum because Seattle didn't want him, Detroit released him, and he couldn't make Tampa this spring even though Tampa has no pitchers making above minimum salary. Jim Parque made Tampa Bay's staff. All that and his ERA was above 9.00 in the Mexican League. To sign him to a minor league contract and maybe get him in 2 games is not enough time to determine whether or not he is not a bum anymore. This is not Loiasa. Loiasa had to make the team. Remember Paniaqua's ERA was below 2 at AAA last year, so his performance there will give no indication of his major league performance. Signing him is a waste of money,if they must spend it, put on an extra fireworks show. I'm pretty sure, however, if he hasn't signed yet, he won't, at least until next spring. If they bring him to spring training and he makes the team fine, but he can't help this year.
  15. They are eliminated and Cotts is getting skipped for Buehrle in the Bronx.
  16. There's a week left in the Charlotte season. Not enough time to evaluate this bum. If Loiasa stunk up the joint in spring training this year, he would be selling used cars. Pantiagua couldn't impress Tampa THIS spring, and was horrible in Detroit, when the fences were 4000 ft. from homeplate. I don't know why everyone is so fascinated with a guy who was last effective in 2000, and even then not that great. Sirotka was good in 2000, why don't the Sox go after him? St. Louis is so desparate for pitching the trade for Sterling Hitchcock, why don't they go after this guy? The fact that Paniagua hasn't signed yet indicates to me common sense has prevailed with White Sox management. Ginter, and Adkins are both better options than this guy I don't think anyone was fascinated with him. I just think that most thought it would be a good idea to take a look at the guy in a no lose situation. Why such hatred for a guy that was being discussed as possibly signing a minor league contract? Like I posted earlier, there is 1 week left in Charlotte's season. Hardly enough time to evaluate. If he had a bad arm last year when did it heal? It obviously didn't this spring because he couldn't make the D-Rays. Did it heal when he pitched a Veracruz this summer, his ERA was 9.45. I do not like to criticize, just there is a big difference between the Pan Am games and a major league pennant race. It is my opinion that he is no better than Ginter, or Rauch or Adkins.
  17. There's a week left in the Charlotte season. Not enough time to evaluate this bum. If Loiasa stunk up the joint in spring training this year, he would be selling used cars. Pantiagua couldn't impress Tampa THIS spring, and was horrible in Detroit, when the fences were 4000 ft. from homeplate. I don't know why everyone is so fascinated with a guy who was last effective in 2000, and even then not that great. Sirotka was good in 2000, why don't the Sox go after him? St. Louis is so desparate for pitching the trade for Sterling Hitchcock, why don't they go after this guy? The fact that Paniagua hasn't signed yet indicates to me common sense has prevailed with White Sox management. Ginter, and Adkins are both better options than this guy
  18. Paniagua sucks, or 15 teams would be beating his door down right now. He was released by Detroit last year and couldn't make Tampa Bay in spring training. He would be the worst pitcher on the Sox staff if he were here. Quit the pipe dream of thinking he is what he was in 2000, he's not. One more time, he wasn't good enough for Detroit or Tampa Bay, that should tell you something.
  19. Tony, here's a few more... -I know Hawk loves when you analyze, but also "I love email" -When a player swings late on a fastball, he's "Tardy" -"Cinch it up and hunker down" -and of course, "The dreaded leadoff walk" and be a good 2 strike hitter, and carmine derriere "Ball four, basehit" c'mon Frank, one time, give 'em a thrill
  20. Tony, here's a few more... -I know Hawk loves when you analyze, but also "I love email" -When a player swings late on a fastball, he's "Tardy" -"Cinch it up and hunker down" -and of course, "The dreaded leadoff walk" and be a good 2 strike hitter, and carmine derriere
  21. tony i feel your pain believe me i do.. but if it werent a pipe dream and someone was really tryin to put together something awesome here then we would just drop the whole ball and get guys like bonds et el... to play for us for one season to win it all....... patching up this s*** with a stitch here and some glue there isnt exactly throwing together a contending team........hell we wouldnt even be in any race right now if we were still considered the west division.........good thing our division sucks so badly its the only thing keepin us alive......just some food for thought...... Are you even a Sox fan, or just some big mouth who criticizes everything? Why don't YOU shut the f*** up with your constant negativity. I assume you would be happier with a non contending club so you have more to b**** about? YOU NEED TO GET LAID. :dips*** Chill out. She's just voicing her opinion, no need to attack her for it. CWSOX45 Yes, she is voicing her opinion but she is an idiot with her ignorance. KW cannot help it that he has freaking 50 million to work with. So quit the f***ing b****ing..... I am sure she knows everything though, given how well she knew KW was fired in the middle of the season She's had some pretty accurate information in the past. Can you really blame her for being skeptical? I think the namecalling is out of line.
  22. Hummel = Snopek. Its a good deal for the Sox. Hummel is an average at best prospect. Charlotte is a bandbox and he isn't 20 years old.
  23. I remember when I was a kid going to umbrella night. Sure enough, it poured.
  24. I doubt the Sox gave up more than an average prospect for Sullivan. He has a club option for 2004 and the Sox pick up half his remaining salary this year. Cincinatti is going nowhere, they traded Sullivan for financial relief.
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