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Dick Allen

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Everything posted by Dick Allen

  1. Anyone know what kind of wheels he has? The Cubune had a paragraph about him and hinted he may be too slow to play center. Considering the blazing speed we have in center right now, Reed would have to be like Konerko not to be able to play center.
  2. I think the upper deck tickets are overpriced for the Sox customer base. No one sits in the upper deck if its full price but half price it gets pretty full. The big problem is the cheapest full price ticket is $14, to sit high up in a much maligned upper deck. The problem with cutting the ticket price in half is more people would show up and the Sox would have to pay rent, offsetting much if not all of the increased revenue from these sales.
  3. If I had seats near the concourse in the outfield, I would be excited for his return, just for souveniers.
  4. It just seems that whatever he says he's going to do line-up-wise, he always does the opposite.
  5. Anyone notice since Manuel said Sandy would be doing most of the catching he hasn't played?
  6. I always thought they should were the red pinstrips on weekends. It would be a huge seller.
  7. Which is exactly what I wrote. Chances are the Sox will start on the road for 2, so their first home game would be either Oct 3 or 4 unless they start at home.
  8. Biddle as a starter or reliever? He would have been alright in the bullpen, but Colon eats innings and keeps Wright and whoever else they would want to call up from getting innings, which is a positive for me. Remember before they traded for Colon, and before Estaban stepped up Garland was the #2 starter. Rocky couldn't be a starter. What are your thoughts on Koch?
  9. Well, as you have stated before, and I agree with you, their quotes usually are taken out of context, as well as being inaccurate. They have had some unflattering "quotes" about Frank the last several years, to which you take exception. Maybe Bartolo is an ass and the laziest person in the world, I don't know, I like him, and I know the team is better off with him, than with Biddle and Osuna.
  10. The first round starts 2 or 3 days after the regular season. I believe the match ups and home field are determined by record until the World Series. Looks like if the Sox made the playoffs they would start out on the road. So Oct 3,4 would probably be the first home playoff game.
  11. No, not me specifically, he puts on that he doesn't speak english when I'm around. However, he was quoted in the Sun-Times, and I posted that here in one of the 'tub o' goo' posts that he waits to see if his teammates show up, then it's time to show 'who he is'. That quote, coupled with his performances have me on his back. The 'workhorse' getting tired after 97 pitches in the cUB game, a series that every player knew was important to the fans, convinced me he is a bum who does not wat to pitch for us. I'm born and raised in Chicago. You don't want me? I don't want you more. f*** that 'tub o' goo'. Funny how you say the media is inaccurate with most of their stories about the White Sox and more specifically Frank, then use a Sun Times story to make a point about Bartolo. If you don't like Bartolo fine, but if we are to believe your other posts about the media, using quotes from the Sun Times seems silly.
  12. Dick Allen


    The Sox took 2 out of 3 at Yankee Stadium last year. They can do it again. They don't get that same phobia they get on the west coast there.
  13. If you buy one of those packages you get 15 buy one get one free coupons, so , in essence, they have made the rest of the season half priced. I think what it does show is , that while Sox tickets are fairly cheap compared to those of other teams, they are definitely overpriced for their market.
  14. The closest Red Line stop to the Hyatt is at State and Lake. From the Hyatt just walk west on Wacker which would be going left from the front of the building until you get to State about 2 blocks tops. Take a left and go to Lake which is 1 block off Wacker There are entrances to enter the red line. You must walk down the stairs. When you get to the platform head south towards 95th street. Get off at 35th. You'll see Comiskey.
  15. Maybe Gonzalez will get hurt and they'll pick up Clayton.
  16. Another thing that will help, is even if the Sox are out of it at the end their last 3 home games are against the Yankees, with 2 being half price nights. I'd bet at least 100,000 for those 3 games. I think they will fall short of 2 million, however, they have a chance.
  17. If he thinks Frank is done, whats his logic about Daubach and Konerko being productive? Maybe he was drunk.
  18. Bruce Levineline is a Cub fan who worships Corky. He has no business working for AM1000. His remarks are probably an audition for WGN radio. He is a dope.
  19. Correct me if Im wrong, but those first base numbers go way back to the days of his prime. They do, but the numbers still hold true today. Maybe we ought to start a Put Frank at First chant at the game tonight.
  20. Hawk's about as gay as Bartolo is anorexic, not that there's anything wrong with it.
  21. They swept Minnesota at home at the beginning of July.
  22. Thats what I don't understand. JM loves to experiment. Why not put Frank at first, and see if he starts hitting. JM said he would play him there. Its not like Konerko is a gold glove canidate.
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