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Dick Allen

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Everything posted by Dick Allen

  1. Hawk also calls pitifully ugly guys handsome men. Its a Kevin Matthews bit. He's injecting a little humor into the broadcast.
  2. Is it wrong to not eliminate half the population for your personal pleasure? Counselor, I think not.
  3. Did you guys hear Hawk and DJ last night? Daubach up 2nd and 3rd one out. He walks to load the bases for Paulie. Hawk and DJ both said it would have been better if Daubach got one in and one over. If they don't have confidence in Paulie, I don't know, they think Willie Harris is going to get a hit every time up.
  4. Did anyone hear Gardenhire the other night after the Twins got blown out by KC. He said his players didn't know how to play in a pennant race, and apologized to the Twins fans for their effort.
  5. I know he wouldn't. But using the logic that put him in last nights line up hitting fifth, you would think he would come to bat there. They are done. Minnesota will win this division by 8 games at least.
  6. Too bad Tampa didn't sweep the Sox. Then they would have been swept by all the last place teams. They suck.
  7. If Daubach's good enough to get Frank out of the line up, how come he's not good enough to pinch hit for Paulie?
  8. Nobody plays harder than Everett. Of course, he's always chasing balls that are cans of corn to average CF's. Paulie's a tought .230 hitter as is Jose. 1-2-3
  9. Flash looked good. Does this mean he'll suck his next 2 outings?
  10. A 1-6 road trip against 2 teams you have to play again for 7 games. The Sox are going down like a whore on dollar day.
  11. I'm predicting the Sox go down on 6 pitches or less in the ninth.
  12. Everetts very first game with the Sox proved he couldn't play CF. Rowand needs to play.
  13. He was 97 on the Fox gun last night. Texas has a lot of good hitters, and that park is a bandbox.
  14. Schueler told him it might be a good idea that he took the job. Torborg himself relayed this several years ago. He was going to stay, even though he is from the NY area, but when Schueler told him that he knew what he had to do. you have a link or source for that - I am not challenging you - that is new information to me and I'd like to read it No link, it was 11 years ago, but I did hear Torborg say this.
  15. Schueler told him it might be a good idea that he took the job. Torborg himself relayed this several years ago. He was going to stay, even though he is from the NY area, but when Schueler told him that he knew what he had to do.
  16. Believe me, I hear ya. Its ridiculous this guy still has a job. Buy him a big hammock and let him sleep in his backyard, not in the White Sox dugout.
  17. 1. you seriously suggesting that JM could have done what Phil Jackson did? 2. JM took over an inept team from Bevington and made them good. Like it or not, Jerry has contibuted a lot to the Sox. Make the critiques, just make them fom a place where you may rationally convince someone else, if you wish to be effectve. If your desire is just to join the mindless "Jerry sucks" cacauphony, then, achieve that. curious though that JM was here (thus far) less time than a lot of praised former managers and yet achieved more wins than a lot of them. He's also been given a heck of a lot more slack than other managers. Torborg was manager of the year, took a team a hell of a lot more brutal than the one JM took over and made them good. He wasn't canned but was told to seriously consider the Mets job. LaMont took over had 2 great teams, one bad one because Schueler thought Sabo and Kruk were good players and was canned, in what was the most unfair firing in White Sox history. Larry Himes builds a cheap contender and his draft results were great, wasn't offered a contract because JR didn't like him personally. When he was let go they used the same point A to point B to point C crap they used when Doug Collins got fired. Then Schueler becomes GM and JR says he can be the GM until he doesn't want to. Schueler takes over a 94 win team with one of the 3 lowest payrolls in baseball and never takes them to point c. My point is people have been let go by this organization who have done a heck of a lot more towards winning than Jerry Manuel. He's a nice guy, but his time is up. Hopefully the Sox will wake up from this last coma and win the World Series. If they don't, its time to clean house starting at the top, and for God sakes, bring in someone with experience.
  18. With the exception of Loaisa. Marte, and maybe Wunch, all Sox pitchers have underachieved this season. Maybe Cooper is next on the firing line. It seems this organization likes to put the blame on coaches.
  19. He doesn't count. He was an old Sox farmhand, even though it was before most of the guys on the team were around. But this never faced him before thing has been going on for the last 3 years. Offense hasn't been the problem in Texas for the Sox. They have scored more than enough to win. But if they score 2 runs tonight, we'll hear that old song and dance.With the exception of Buerhle, the Sox starters have been awful this road trip. And with the bullpen like it is, its going to take a lot of runs to win.
  20. This team has been criticized mercilessly about their collective approaches to the plate. Basically they just swing for the fences. Frank has had a HOF career, and was putting up big numbers, until he announced he was just going to swing for the fences and not worry about his average. I've found nothing on this board questioning Frank's decision.Since this announcement, his average has plummeted dramatically, while his power production has waned. JM should never have criticized him in the papers, thats bush league, but he does have a point. Why, after being successful for so long, and seemingly finding the groove after a couple of tough years, does he change his approach. Is he so infatuated with hitting 500 homeruns that he is scrapping everything else? Sounds Sosaesque to me.
  21. Sox hitters fired up to avoid a sweep? Probably as fired up as they were in Detroit. Cotts will really show me something tonight if he pitches well. I believe the deck is stacked against him. And remember, the Sox have never faced the other starter, a fact I'm getting so sick of hearing. Every other team who has never faced him lights him up, the Sox go meakly into the night. Maybe after the first 2 games the Rangers will be a little tired from running the bases and Buck will borrow a page out of JM's book and rest everybody.
  22. Why is he batting 5th. For the love of God, JM blasts Thomas in the papers then benches him and puts this dope 5th.
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