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Dick Allen

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Everything posted by Dick Allen

  1. I hear Matt Karchner has an ERA under 2.00 in his local 30 and over league. Maybe he can help.[COLOR=green]
  2. Sign him and send him to Charlotte so he'll get lit up there. The Sox bullpen needs help now, and he's not a guy who can help. By the way, he gave up 13 runs in 17 innings in the Mexican League this year. So he was brutal this spring, brutal in Mexico, but is doing alright in the Pan Am games. Doesn't sound like a savior to me.
  3. He was cut this spring by Tampa Bay, that should be enough right there. Just because he has decent numbers in the Pan Am games or whatever he's playing in now means jack. In the Mexican League this spring his ERA was over 6 . To compare this guy with Loiasa is crazy. Loiasa made this team with a non guaranteed contract with a great spring. If he had an average spring and Wright's elbow didn't bother him he might be out of baseball right now. To bring a guy in who has been brutal for a while, 10 homers allowed in 41 innings playing home games at Comerica Park, BEFORE the fences were moved in, in a tight division race where just about every game is important, is absolutely ridiculous. If he's so great why aren't teams lined up to get him ?
  4. If this guy were any good there would be teams lined up to sign him. And if teams were lined up to sign him, the Sox would have no chance to get him. Paniaqua is no better than Koch, probably much worse. Why do people like this guy, he's terrible, he was waived by Detroit and could not make Tampa this spring , 2 of the most horrible teams of all time. Have we not suffered enough?
  5. I actually agree with you most of the time, but this one is too obvious. I have no idea why anyone would get excited about this guy.
  6. He blows. He got released by Detroit, and could make Tampa Bay this spring. I hope this report is wrong.
  7. KW and JR were both working the phones a lot during yesterday's game. Don't know what it means but they know they need some bullpen help. At the end of the game Tuesday, JR was watching with both hands on top his head. He was not too confident of the bullpen.
  8. The Royals are toast, worry about the Twins.
  9. There was a note on the scoreboard yesterday that the Sox have been averaging over 30,000 their last 17 home dates.
  10. Actually, the Sox haven't won a post game series since that guy Pants was running the team. In 1959 there were no divisions, whoever came in first was the AL champion. This guy referred to the Sox going out of business sale, aka white flag trades, yearly and how its nice we won't have to see that this year. Why doesn't he mentioned how nice it was that the Royals won't be trading their top players at the deadline. Dye, Damon, Appier were all recent deadline trades. They almost traded Beltran this year while they were in first place.KC is a cowtown with cowtown sportswriters. This guy needs some space in the Streetwise.
  11. Crede did a great job with the elbow to the groin of Berroa. :fyou KC
  12. Not when you throw a large sausage and pepperoni deep dish in front of him.
  13. Ever notice Sutcliffe cuts the last word off of every sentence he ever speaks. He gets it about halfway out then starts the next sentence.
  14. espn???? i thought that the game was on fsn today...........with the usual hawk and dj broadcasting team....... I think it is here, but in other parts of the country they will show it on ESPN
  15. Sutcliffe and some other dope were their Monday night. Sutcliffe is about 2 feet taller than his partner.
  16. Roberto doesn't like to play day games after night games. I'm thinking a couple of these guys have played 2 straight games. JM is going to have to give them some rest. Maybe have Harris lead off . I'd like to see Ginter in the game and Schoenweiss. Daubach should give Magglio a rest in right. Maybe they could get Danny Wright an inning or two as well. Koch should close today if the Sox have the lead. JM has to build the confidence of these 6 players. JM is a dope.
  17. He sucked in Detroit last year, got waived by Tampa in spring training. It would be a miracle if he added anything to this team. Even his one decent season 2000 he had 52 walks in 77 innings. Since he throws in the low 90's, his performance may be Kochesque.
  18. Dick Allen

    Tony Pena

    I find it hard to believe he told him to hit Frank. When he went back in the dugout, I was watching him and he was motioning to the catcher to pitch inside. Pena thought the reason the Sox lit up the Royals in KC was because their pitchers refused to throw inside. Once beanballs start, and warnings are issued, you can't pitch inside anymore, see Matt Ginter, and his pitchers would get lit up some more. If he did order his guy to hit Frank, and he admitted it, he should be suspended, but I really doubt he did. Pena is a pretty good motivator, and I think he was urging his guy to go after Frank, and not be intimidated.
  19. He supposedly might start Wednesday against the Sox. I hope he does. The results of an MRI on his elbow will determine if KC signs him or he sits out the rest of the year.
  20. Jose Valentin is the most overrated player on the Sox. He's hitting .233. Granted he had a big game with 3 hrs in KC, but other than that, he has been pretty brutal. His defense, while improved, still is below average. This guy made a reputation on his being a leader and fans give him way more slack than any other player. The Sox don't have any options at SS other than him, although I hope upper management makes it a top priority in the offseason.
  21. Jose is a terrible shortstop, no question about it. Its just something we have to live with, to keep him and his .230 batting average in the lineup.
  22. Rick White......................................HE GAWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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