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Dick Allen

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Everything posted by Dick Allen

  1. I think they know that they aren't going to win the division, yet couldn't get away with trading Beltran. So in the spirit of keeping the fans on their good side and in showing the players they are trying to win, they make this move, which is basically a token move for show. This sets them up for next year to rebuild how they had planned before, without turning all their fans away. I'm surprised they haven't re'signed Chuck Knoblauch for the stretch run.
  2. Evidently Suppan has been traded or sold to Boston, so that will make Gammons happy.
  3. His problem is every team is trading for every player. So it a trade occurs he has his ass covered, and came up with a scoop. Gammons baseball acumen was on display at the All Star Game. He picked Boone to win the HR Derby. Boone hit 0 HR's and even whiffed at one. For the actual game he compared the NL line up to the 1933 game's AL lineup, Ruth Gehrig, Foxx ect....and said if the NL had the lead after six the game was over. It wasn't a Cap Cod league team the AL had out there, but listening to him you would have thought that. Gammons is mostly fiction, there's really no substance to most of what he says.
  4. He did, but only after this Boone deal came to light. Even then he was nearly as upset about the Williamson purchase, as he was about the Boone-dogle.
  5. Actually the deadline occurs before the game. We're ok
  6. I sure hope the Sox win tomorrow, because if they don't they will be 3 games back at the trade deadline. You know what happened last time they were in that situation.
  7. Do you think JM told White he won't be pitching tonight?
  8. I think they have scored 15 runs their last 10 games.
  9. Kevin Appier just got released by the Angels. He's been pretty bad this year, but maybe a change of scenery?......
  10. I think the Cub collapse from any kind of contention is just around the corner. The aura of Dusty will then fade, and next year he will get hammered for all the stupid things he says and does. Hopefully, the "cute" little Darren Baker stories will also end.
  11. And he'll never blame himself when his starters are blown out by the middle of August.
  12. Good question clu, I've never really thought about it. Do they throw to a machine? They should have some sort of promotion, and let a few fans take some cuts off him. Hawk--"And remember Sox fans, this Tuesday is Rick White BP day...if any fan can hit more than 3 HRs in 5 ABs off him, you get to personally define his role to him. I loooove promotions at the park." Apparently, Rick White thinks his role is to throw batting practice during games.
  13. Dusty was blaming the Cubs losing at home to negative fans and media. He doesn't get blasted because most of the media think he is the second coming.
  14. Good question clu, I've never really thought about it. Do they throw to a machine? They should have some sort of promotion, and let a few fans take some cuts off him.
  15. They need one but if KW says the price it too high, everyone knows the price is too high. If one of the 4 starters misses a start or two the Sox would be in serious trouble with no one to fall back on.
  16. I also think you can't pick up another 3rd baseman without getting rid of Crede. Joe cannot ride pine, it would ruin any chance he has for a good career. He still shows a few flashes, and we know he can get hot. He has a lot of potential. I personally would have given him up for Williamson and Boone, in an effort to win now, but I can't see giving him up without getting a ton in return.
  17. You can't give up Crede unless your getting a thirdbaseman back. The 5th starter supposedly only has 6 more turns the rest of the year. For this reason, I'd like the Sox to pick up Escobar. He could start these six games, plus has experience in the bullpen, which would be very helpful down the stretch. Suppan would be ideal as well. I wish I knew the asking price for these 2.
  18. On BBTN Gammons said KW was "heartbroken" he didn't get Williamson.
  19. Let's get the real pitchers in the game
  20. Somebody better tell White his role is not to pitch batting practice.
  21. I wonder if JM told White he'd pitch in the 8th tonight, before the game. Probably not, it doesn't appear he is ready to pitch.
  22. Before I get my hopes up, I remember its Gammons with the info.
  23. Gammons was just on, he said the Sox were still in it for Boone, and believed the Sox would get Suppan. If this comes to fruition, start printing playoff tickets.
  24. If that report is accurate, KW's brain cells may, I repeat, may, be regenerating.
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