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Dick Allen

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Everything posted by Dick Allen

  1. Their owner paid a boatload of money for the team, and his company has been bleeding money with the shrinking stock market the last few years. Jacobs sold at the right time. The other thing is all their name veterans are hurt, Burks, Vizquel etc. Its really a AAA team right now.
  2. What could we get in value for PK? Absolutely nothing. Carlos is the first traded, because he still has value. If a team like LA wants to take a risk on PK, we could defiantely take on half of his salary and get a solid relief pitcher(do a package of Ginter and Konerko for Mota or Shuey). LA and Baltimore are about the only two teams who have had interest in PK, and they're the only two who will. Baltimore has no interest in PK. Angelos is a stickler on medical reports. After Albert Belle, I don't think he wants players with questionable hips.
  3. I wouldn't mind little Jerry Hairston taking over 2b in 2004. His dad is still with the White Sox organization. I wonder if he is what they have in mind.
  4. A few years ago, Lieber has a no hitter going for the Cubs into the eighth, and the same thing happened. There was 7 consecutive hits, good for 7 runs. I don't think even JM would have left him in that long.
  5. I'm blaming the lack of hits today on Gary Ward and Royce Clayton.
  6. He made 2 plays last night that saved at least 2 runs maybe more. Ray had pretty good range but it was mostly to his left. Alomar's 2 gems were to his right. I don't know if the Sox have had anyone the last 30 years at 2B who would have made those plays. He still has life, so if the team doesn't show any, I think they could get a prospect or 2 for him.
  7. I agree. I wouldn't be surprised if the season ticket base next year is at its lowest level since moving in .
  8. Exactly, they were tickets they weren't going to sell anyway. This way they'll be able to get your money from concessions and parking.
  9. JR got a great deal, dangling Tampa in front of the old Governor. You can't blame him for that. I wonder if he would have moved to Tampa what would have happened. He probably would have wanted a new stadium, which he would not get, and probably would have moved from there by now. As bleak as the picture looks at 35th and Shields, I believe he's much better off there than he would have been in Florida.
  10. the number is somewhere around 1.6 yes... but no, he gets more money if they dont show up from the state...... but i wonder now if all thats gonna change since us cellular took over??? theres gotta be something down on that deal, if they have the hold on the stadium for the next 25 years..........dont ya think.........if not then we should write the congress men and women and the gov and let him know were tired of payin for jr's s***......... US Cellular just bought the name, they don't have control of anything I believe.
  11. the number is somewhere around 1.6 yes... but no, he gets more money if they dont show up from the state...... but i wonder now if all thats gonna change since us cellular took over??? theres gotta be something down on that deal, if they have the hold on the stadium for the next 25 years..........dont ya think.........if not then we should write the congress men and women and the gov and let him know were tired of payin for jr's s***......... The attendance figure is based on full price tickets sold. So the comps, the military, straight A student, half priced Monday and Tuesday, they don't count against the total.
  12. I ran out of hope the first series of the season. They will probably fall about 12 games behind before they rally to get around .500, just like the last two years. Some new players, a new GM, and a new manager will be reason for future hope.
  13. Jeff Bittiger and Eric King were pretty good. Don't forget about the late Frankie Barrios. But the best Sox pitcher of all time has to be Farmio. If you don't think so, just ask him.
  14. I doubt Griffey was on steroids. He isn't very bulky, in fact, up until this off season, he didn't even lift weights. His dad was fairly injury prone, its probably genetic.
  15. If Alomar gets a few hits, I think you might be able to get something for him. Remember he virtually costs nothing.
  16. I heard the only 2 teams Detroit has beat more than ONCE this season are Tampa and the White Sox.
  17. What really sucked about the start of the game was how JM screwed it up. Colon warmed up 3 times, and sat through 3 hours of delays. After his second warm-up and delay, he should have switched pitchers. His whole staff is rested, and Colon could have pitched today, most likely with better results. I know people will say the Detroit pitcher went through the same thing, but he is finesse while Colon is a power pitcher.
  18. I believe in some states that is the deal.
  19. Obviously then you believe her mental state is normal. We don't know the extent of the abuse she has taken, but surely this isn't the first time. I'm sure he has been verbally abusive and her self esteem is probably very low. How many times did Ike Turner beat Tina before she left. I do think if a man hits a woman she should leave and never look back. Unfortunately, it is not that easy. Her esteem is so low, she may even think she deserves it. I do hope she is getting help, and one day will be strong enough to walk away, but to charge her with anything is ridiculous.
  20. Exactly. This is a text book domestic abuse case, and this little senerio occurs quite often. In all probability she will again be abused. She probably lives in fear.
  21. I don't think the Astros would release a player based on a police report. I'm sure they did some investigating on their own. If you want her to go to jail because her asshole husband beat her, thats your business. But its pretty clear what happened here.
  22. I'd be willing to bet her original statement was correct, and she now is having second thoughts. I feel sorry for her.
  23. Honestly I don't know anything about how his trade went over, that is why I asked. I just know Mike's D would be a god send right now for this team. He was sent to winter ball 4 days before his first child was due to be born - and there were complications and his fiance had been on bed rest for the last 7 weeks. He asked to delay for a week and he was told no. Two days after he was there she went into labor. He was told he could not leave. The day after his daughter was born while watching ESPN he found out about his trade on the ticker running across the bottom of the screen. When he got to Cincy he found out that the deal for Paul was in the works for "a couple weeks". There was no need for him to ever be sent to winter ball. His D would be great. But the fans of this team would murder him because of his K's. Geesh. Who is the idiot in this organization who keeps doing this s***? We have a legacy of being assholes. And why do we keep doing it? I'm guessing it was Schueler. I'm glad he is gone. As long as this thread is for people in the know, I have a question. If the White Sox are looking for a GM after this season, would they consider bringing Schueler back? I know JR had stated that he could be GM as long as he wanted a few years back, and he looks like he wants to do it again. I don't know if he burned any bridges, I can only hope he has.
  24. How many times now has Williams done something absolutely within his job description and absolutely outside of what Reinsdorf or Einhorn have intended? These things are no secret to those involved, no secret to KW, why does he do it anyway, knowing they will come down on him? Once again I ask, if KW no longer is performing GM duties,which, according to your earlier posts is correct,why do JR and EE put White Sox fans and everyone else through this charade, giving the illusion that KW is still, if not calling the shots, heavily influencing them. If they didn't want the type of story to come out in the Cubune, and I agree with you that under no circumstance did KW or whomever is in charge give JM an ultimatum, at least from the content of that article, why don't they tell him to stay away. Why don't they let the media know that KW is not in charge, and certainly not performing GM duties? Basically I want to know that if KW is not truly the GM, what the hold up is on the announcement? Please don't say he hasn't stepped down yet, because according to you he has already been removed.
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