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Dick Allen

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Everything posted by Dick Allen

  1. They changed it. This morning it was on top, the very first story.
  2. On the Cubune website, the top story is eight arrests that "marred " the game. Of course, 5 were for scalping, 1 was for trying to sell access to a restricted area, 1 was for grabbing a ticket out of someone's hand, and 1 was for someone climbing in the dugout before the game looking for autographs. This is really getting ridiculous. I suppose they never have arrests for similar hanous (sp) acts at the Urinal.
  3. I think you can take that survey with a grain of salt, considering most who voted never have played for him. But you are absolutely right, comaball must come to an end. Maybe they could give JM a rocking chair as a parting gift.
  4. At least A-Rod picked him up and added a "Yes!" I was really impressed with A-Rod as a commentator, I wouldn't be surprised if he does that after he's done playing, he did a damn good job in my opinion. A-Rod was good. I doubt he'll have a job when he's done playing though. He'll need some time to spend his money.
  5. If he is not the GM, or has been relieved of his GM duties, ,or at least not performing the GM duties as you have stated previously, what is it that he is stepping down from? The press secretary comment was sarcastic. It seems since the alleged confrontation with EE, where KW was allegedly stripped of all his power, his presence on the television, radio and newspapers and increased tenfold.
  6. If you're at Jimbo's, get the combo, its pretty good. Jimbo's wife makes them.
  7. If KW is not making decisions, and is such poison to the organization, why is he still here? Is his new position White Sox Press Secretary? I saw him in JR's box a few games ago and Hahn was also there. Hahn was the guy on the phone all game long. KW may not be making decisions, but if he isn't why don't they tell him to stay home? This was the first time, however, that JM's imminent firing wasn't categorially denied, so maybe there is hope that they will tell him to go home and watch his grass grow, and not Roger Bossard's.
  8. Almost as far as it is from homeplate to the first row of the upper deck.
  9. Most hotels downtown do charge for parking. And they charge a lot. If you're staying downtown, your better off taking the train to the game, walking around and using cabs. The other problem with hotel valet parking is sometimes it takes them 45 minutes to get your car, and when they finally get it for you, you have to grease their palm. Say no to cars downtown.
  10. biddingfortravel.com is a sight dedicated to priceline bids. You can see what was accepted and rejected. They have a list of the priceline hotels in each city, with reviews. It also shows rental cars and airfares. You should never use priceline without looking at this first. The people bidding figure out to the penny what priceline paid for the room, and what you could get it for. They even have administrators who will help you with your bid.
  11. Go to biddingfortravel.com, go to the Chicago hotel room section. Look what people are bidding for 4 star hotel rooms on N. Michigan Ave. and River North for your dates. Go to Priceline.com and bid what they did. You should be able to get a 4 star from $65-$85. The only drawback is your credit card gets charged right away, and there is no cancellations. I've saved a ton of money using these sites.
  12. The Grandslam against the Cubs was huge, and didn't propel him at all. Screw his confidence, the Sox need a win.
  13. Yes, he's got a 3 day rest coming up.
  14. Why doesn't Manuel ever pinch hit for Olivo unless its the 9th inning ,nobody on ,down 3?
  15. Everett got a bad jump on it, gloved it but it came out. Rowand and Harris would have caught it easily. Doesn't matter.
  16. Jesus and Wood were rocked their last outings. Wonder if the high pitch counts are catching up to them. We could only hope so.
  17. The Sox should be leading this division by at least 8 games right now. This town would really be jacked, US Cellular packed if they only played up to their capabilities.
  18. I'll do it! sad thing about it is we can all do it and do it better............me thinks we need to send jm a new managers 101 book........take all of our best comments and put it in there for him to learn from.........we'd see a complete 360 from this team............. Or we could just appoint you manager, let you loose in the clubhouse, flip some tables, and cuss a time or two. That might do the trick! After all Jerry's not going to do that, someone has to! CWSOX45 id do more than flip a few tables... id toss a few bats and kick the s*** out of a few people...........hows that for effective managing........ Would you call the players b****es?
  19. When all you need is a flyball to tie the game, why would you have Daubach give up a strike when it is 3-1. He hit it hard, it was just unlucky it was at Pena.
  20. If Jimmie J.J. Walker was the Sox hitting coach, the offense would be dyn-O-mite
  21. 1-5 against Tampa Bay and Detroit. This has been the most disqusting week in White Sox history
  22. I wish JM would turn over the post game spread and call them b****es.
  23. We haven' had one in a couple innings, I'm shaking over here
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