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Dick Allen

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Everything posted by Dick Allen

  1. There's something on the other board that the White Sox and Yankees are talking Gordon and Cotts for Weaver.
  2. Next time Crotch comes in the game, the fielders should throw their gloves in the stands, like he did when he rightfully got yanked that one game. They don't need em. Walk, walk, rocket homerun. Crawford had 1 homer all season kock blows.
  3. He sucked when he threw 100. Now when he's topping out at 88 the little league teams at Armour Park are licking their chops. Maybe they'll let Billy throw batting practice at the all star game. Frank should definetly use him as his pitcher for the homerun contest. It probably wouldn't be allowed, an unfair advantage,unless they let everyone else cork their bats..........
  4. Everytime the guy comes in something bad happens. If JM can't figure that out by now,he needs to go. Who else sticks with a bum this long. You want a trade that'll blow my mind, and help get us to a World Series, how about JM for Lou Pinella.
  5. Your thinking of Phil Rogers.
  6. He also wrote that Corky went "high over the wall" to rob Valentin of a homer.Made it sound like he pulled a Torii Hunter. He probably jumped 2 inches high to catch it. Remember who he works for, he wants to keep his job.
  7. Schilling will never play for JR, too many labor troubles. I doubt the Mets would trade Glavine.
  8. FYI, I was looking in JR's box high above US Cellular Field yesterday. KW and Rick Hahn were in there. Rick Hahn was on the cell phone for most of the night. If this means anything, I don't know
  9. I can proudly say that no one in my section participated in the wave the last 2 nights.
  10. Now theres 2 polls about polls this is great
  11. Maybe we should have a poll asking if there are too many polls
  12. Jack McKeon sounded a lot like Dusty Baker last Friday night.
  13. If the White Sox were to get anyone who could contribute for Jimenez and/ or Konerko, whoever made that trade ,be it Hahn, EE or KW would be executive of the year if not the century. They're not going to get anything worthwhile for those 2.
  14. Shouldn't Konerko and bat be in teal?
  15. Out of curiousity, before Alomar went to NYC were there any complaints about him by his teammates or the media, outside of the spitting incident? No complaints from Cleveland. And that is supposedly where him and Albert hated eachother. Albert said that is the furthest from the truth. Knowing him.. and how he never holds anything back (ala Hannah Storm ) I believe him completely. Roberto went to Cleveland in 1999, Albert was long gone by then, they were never teammates.
  16. Good news for you HSC, all the players are under 25 so your boy Miles will still be around.
  17. Didn't JR ask Frank who he'd rather have, Albert or Bonds? SF, I think at that time, was in dire financial straits, and there was a lot of talk of them trading Bonds. Considering everything that has happened since then, its probably better that Albert came here.
  18. It works both ways. Kerry Wood had big-time control problems at AAA. His ERA was above 6. Although I personally like pitchers that throw strikes.
  19. Let me tell you something about this bum Rios. When JM pointed to him Sunday to go bat for Olivo, I happened to be looking in the dugout from the first base side. He was shaking his head no, no, no and grabbed his helmet and walked to the bat rack looking like a little kid who had to clean his room. It was no surprise he struck out. He has been high maintenence in SF and Pitt, although his performance has never justified it.
  20. Exactly, addition by subtraction
  21. Jimenez is a dope with no baseball acumen. I think he may post good numbers someday, numbers teams will pay a lot of money for. But he won't be worth it. He is horrible in the field, and horrible on the bases. Chances are he will never improve in these areas, perhaps some time at Charlotte will wake him up, but I doubt it. He was almost killed a few years ago, yet he takes his priviledge of playing in the major leagues for granted, he is a fool.
  22. Ring has a lot of promise, and I hate to see him go, but there is no guarantee he will be a stud at the Major League level. Even if Alomar is a shell of his former self this gets Jimenez off the field, thats cause for celebration.
  23. One other thing to consider, the trade deadline is 4 weeks away, if the Sox don't make waves in the division (which would be very dissapointing considering the upcoming schedule) they could always trade Alomar again. Who knows who might be desperate for a 2nd baseman they wouldn't have to pay for the rest of the year. Also the Sox would have the upper hand, because they are not paying him, they don't have to trade him and they could hold out for maybe even a better prospect than Ring. I'd rather have Castillo, but I see this as an almost can't lose situation. If it works out great, if it doesn't you still could probably move him along.
  24. I wonder what Bobby V. thinks of Alomar? I'm sure we'll hear tonight
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