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Dick Allen

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Everything posted by Dick Allen

  1. I would hope he'd be on a different wavelength from that train-wreck of a team.
  2. Regular season records are what get you in the playoffs. They mean nothing? Look I don't know you, but I am sure your a big fan even if you don't attend many games, and for all I know you may go all of them. Theres no problem with that, the problem is the Sox need to get more people in the house to increase their payroll. How they do this is anyones guess, I just hope it happens soon. The offense failed the team in 2000, not the pitching or defense.
  3. The White Sox had the best record in the AL in 2000. There was no reason to believe they couldn't be successful in the playoffs.
  4. Did you think Anaheim did last year?
  5. Well if you believed in 83, they too spend a couple of months floundering, I'd imagine if they won their next 50 games straight your next argument would be the park is too blue or the upperdeck too steep. This division is weak, the starters are tough, if they make the playoffs and keep Jimenez off the field they'll have a legimate shot. Its time to believe.
  6. So how do they get you to believe ? You still didn't believe when they won the division. If they win the World Series then you would believe if I am reading this correctly. Unfortanetly, if you must win the World Series before you draw a crowd, the season will be over and there would be no games to attend. The first goal is to make the playoffs. Anything can happen in the playoffs. If the White Sox are fielding a playoff caliber team, there is no reason they should average less than 30,000 a game. If that happened you would see a dramatic rise in payroll. Were you one to believe in 1994 that the White Sox were going to win the World Series, even though they were only 1 game ahead of a young up and coming Cleveland team ? If you believed then, than there is no reason you shouldn't have in 2000 or now.
  7. Every team has flaws. The inevitable happens to every team but one every season.
  8. Even after the spike in attendance with the 3 sold out Cub games, they are averaging 2000 more per game than the Sox. They also get a bigger check from revenue sharing. In fact, until this year, their payroll was lower than their revenue sharing check. Its easy to spend someone else's money but you have to be realistic.
  9. TESTIFY!!!!! Reinsdorf won't spend if/when the money comes in - he simply uses the "50 cents vs. $1" crutch to explain away why he doesn't spend when the money's supposedly NOT coming in. and the Blackhawk example is an EXCELLENT reference point, as well. The Sox picked up Belcher who was the hot ticket item in 1993. In 2000 they picked up Charles Johnson and Baines. Get off JR's back, who do you suggest he should have picked up in 1993? JR and the Bulls are a prime example, he thru money at everyone when he had the cash coming in. They had the highest payroll in the NBA by far.If 15000 are coming to a game you can't add $20 million in payroll. JR wants to win as bad as any of us, maybe even more, the White Sox payroll was in the top 10 in baseball in the early 90's, but fans stopped coming to games.I am sick of hearing about the economics as much as anyone, but you have to be realistic. Would you be willing to lose 30-50 million a year so that you might and its not guaranteed win a division?
  10. Looking at their record, it doesn't seem like too many good players want to play for the Padres now. If you throw enough money at them that can change dramatically.
  11. There were a lot of concerns about his elbow in the offseason, causing most teams, included the beloved to back off. He is probably done.
  12. I read an article about Paulie either last year or the year before, and his dad said he was pretty cheap. He still took money out of a cash station $20 at a time. I find it strange that he is building where he is, but whatever floats his and her boat...........
  13. Couples in their 20's with a boatload of money don't live in Bridgeport. And its not because of a lack of bars. The time he saves coming home after games he loses when he wants to go out . Believe me, his fiance would enjoy herself a lot more if Paulie bought a penthouse condo in a building downtown. I don't think that there are many people in the neighborhood he is building in that have much in common with him or his wife to be.
  14. Yea, I was joking about Jimbo's. I just thought because the area gets such a bad rap as being so dangerous maybe JR might have "suggested" Paulie move around there to try and help get rid of that perception.
  15. He could hang out at Jimbo's. Its at 33rd and Princeton. I do agree that the area is kind of strange for a $6 million a year athlete to live in, he could live downtown and be a few minutes away from the park, and close to everything. Do you think it might be something in his new contract, have a few guys move into the neighborhood, to try and get the neighborhood rejuvenated.
  16. That was the play of the game. It changed everyone who came to bat after that approach from hitting a homer or extra basehit to a single.
  17. I'm not a big fan of Alomar at this point, maybe being back with his brother would spark him. Plus, anything to get Jimenez off the field would be a big plus to our chances.
  18. Sandy Alomar Jr. in the Cubune on Corky's earplugs, "I wasn't sure if it was an earplug or cork coming out of his head"
  19. A couple more months of no improvement and we may have Drew Henson Jr. on our hands.
  20. I think I can say he would have blown the save. He sucks, if he can throw a strike its 90-91 and straight, batting practice to major league hitters. What has he done in a Sox uniform to inspire any confidence in him?
  21. Next time you see DJ take a close look at his eyes. He looks like he's been sucking on a 3 foot graphics bong for a few hours before gametime.
  22. The bottom line is even if Jimenez scores, they bring in Koch and he'll blow the lead. He, just like several other members of the team, sucks. He cost us a perfectly good closer. He's throwing 10 mph slower than before. He blows. He can't be relied on with a lead or a tie. He's being paid a lot of money to do a job he is not getting done, last nights loss wasn't entirely on him. It was the same crap that has been going on all season. Crappy defense, crappy baserunning, no clutch hitting and Koch getting hit hard.
  23. As Sox fans, " what might have been", is all we have. It's the woulda's, coulda's, and shoulda's that drive people to the insane asylum. Watching Koch pitch will also drive you insane, so I guess we are all screwed.
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