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Dick Allen

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Everything posted by Dick Allen

  1. As Sox fans, " what might have been", is all we have.
  2. With Buerhle's mindset about the Metrodome and after last nights tragedy its going to be tough to win today.
  3. I agree, but it ain't gonna happen. I don't know how they're going to add the 10 mph he's lost on his fastball. They think this 10 mph will magically re appear. Koch is the soft tosser of the bullpen, White, Glover, Gordon, Marte all throw harder than him I think Sanders does as well. Remember, this was a guy who was shaky when he was throwing 100. At 90-91 he is absolutely brutal.
  4. There is no emotion on this team. Everyone has the same expressionless look whether they win or lose. They need some fire and JM needs to be let out of his misery. Since the beginning of the 2001 season how many games have they lost that they should have won, and how many games have they won that they should have lost? The latter you can count on one hand.
  5. Koch, Glover, White, pick your poison, once the Sox didn't score in the 10th the game was over. They should trade Koch to some other AL team and pay all of his salary, a team that they have a lot of games left with. If he faced us he may be able to wake up our anemic offense.
  6. He has to be hurt, I bet he has a torn labrum.
  7. Larry Monroe used to ref my sophomore basketball games in high school. That was 23 years ago. I sure hope JR has put a little more gas in his tank (salary-wise). He was a star a Forest View high school in the 70's and a Sox 1st round draft pick. He is a real nice guy.
  8. The first inning is the best inning to score runs, you have your best hitters hitting. There is a reason Frank has 85 or so first inning homers. He bats in the first every game.
  9. Foulke was acquired by Schueler. KW wants to win with players he's responsible for getting, he wants all the credit. He's an ego-maniac. Did anyone else notice at the Soxfest seminars he always sat a chair away from everyone else on the stage, separating himself. At no time last year did Foulke pitch as bad as Koch has this year, yet he was removed from the closers role and Koch stays. KW looks like a bigger fool everytime Koch takes the mound. I hope Foulke gets 50 saves, he was awesome here except for one bad stretch, we were totally ripped off that trade.
  10. With the condition of Drew's knee, I doubt he could play CF everyday. Plus the Sox have Buerhle cheap, some team would really have to overpay talent and performance wise for them to even consider trading Buerhle. I can't see that happening.
  11. How about a walk then a 90 mph fastball down the middle for the game-winning homer
  12. If Botch screws up Manuel should be fired.
  13. Botch is warming up, better score 6
  14. He clutches when he hits just like the rest of the team.
  15. I didn't buy it either, but it could be true. He is pretty tight with Minaya the Montreal GM. I don't know if the Expos play any more in Puerto Rico this year, but he is from there, so maybe its true.
  16. Valentin needs to be released
  17. ESPN is reporting he will reject the trade. Doesn't want to play in the NL and doesn't want to play on artificial turf.
  18. Bonds was selected with the 6th pick in the 1985 draft. The White Sox selected Kurt Brown with the 5th pick. That was Roland Hemond's last year as GM.
  19. His final season was 1986, split between the White Sox and Red Sox
  20. He's been warming up in the bullpen every game. The Sox have had a chance to win almost every game recently, so he won't come in. He is JM's concession speech.
  21. Buerhle was misquoted. The quotes that are on this thread were printing not so shockingly in the Cubune. The Suntimes has the same quotes except for his at least trying to win one game is at least trying to win the series. I feel much better now.
  22. The pitching is not the problem, its been good enough to win this year. Its the offense and more importantly the attitude. I'm sure Buerhle isn't the only one on the team with the intimidated mindset. Playing at the Hump dome was never a problem until a couple of years ago. Wasn't Baldwin as close to a guaranteed win as you can get pitching in domes? The Sox clinched the division in 2000 there. They used to abuse the Twins ther. Its MB's quote " we have to try to win at least one" that really bothers me. I hope he was misquoted or it was taken out of context.
  23. They all seem intimidated by the TwinkieDome, but it's nothing a few wins wouldn't cure. I'd guess Buehrle was trying to say to win one and build on it. Makes sense to me. When your opening day starter, and alleged #1 pitcher just hopes the team doesn't get swept by a division rival, it doesn't bode well for the remainder of the season. The attitude on this team must change now.
  24. Anyone KW has traded for or is thinking about trading for, except Colon.
  25. Speaking of t-shirts, did anyone see those Sammy is a Corksucker t-shirts. Those are real sweet.
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