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Dick Allen

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Everything posted by Dick Allen

  1. Buehrle seems freaked out by Minnesota. He was questioning why he was moved up to pitch there, and is quoted as saying we have to try and win at least one there. Whats up with that? Will the Buehrle protectors comment on these quotes. Definetly not talking like an ace, its time for MB to step up and be the 15-20 winner he is capable of being, but won't be with this attitude. If someone doesn't straighten out his head he will get lit up on Thursday
  2. The guy that not just wants but makes $12 million a year grounds to short I didn't see the replay but he looked safe, and grounds into the 2003 White Sox trademark double play with runners on first and second with one out. If the Sox were up 2-0 or 3-0 in the eighth, there is no way Kim would have waved home the runner, and the way the rest of the inning played out the Cubs probably would have scored only 1 run. Of course Botch would have come in in the 9th so it all could be a mute point.
  3. If a trade would fill a couple of holes and the bats come alive that wouldn't be an admission of not looking to make the playoffs. That'd be more like what people have been asking for since 2000. A trade to push the team over the top. Wouldn't it? Unless we eat most or all of Colon's salary, we aren't going to get the level of prospects in return to fill the holes you speak of immediately. The only thing that would raise his price would be a Yankee/Red Sox bidding war, which could happen if the Yankees continue to struggle. I read, however, that their minor league system is pretty tapped at the moment. If were just going to get crap,(like what they got for Durham) they should hold on to him for the draft picks. He pitched a great game, if it was Buerhle out there and he left in the 8th winning 1-0, the same people who are now complaining about Colon would be upset with the run support Buerhle got. The offense let us down. Ordonez has got to start doing some major damage, he had a couple of big chances, but didn't get the job done.
  4. lol why not just go out and buy the darn tickets.........its not like you wont be able to get good seats.. you could prolly get better than what they are giving away anyhow..... I'm pretty sure they are nosebleed seats, but this year they give you a $100 gift certificate to Grandstand.
  5. There usually are a couple of people who sneak past the ushers and go sit in the farthest corners at the top for a couple of batters before they are moved out. Probably just to sit in the worst seat in the house.
  6. That was a real chickens*** thing to do, spineless, calling me a liar after I left, leaving it up unanswered, undefended. I'm learning a great deal about you. I do not lie. You really have no idea what you are talking about. The contract stays with the Major League Franchise, only the conditions of the contract are reported to MLB for legal approval and by-law qualification. investors is some misaligned dream of yours, that's your problem, not mine. Did you imagine Veeck and the rest of us sitting aroung in Tuxedos and overstuffed leather chairs, discussing banking? Bill had player's contracts written on bar napkins in his pockets! Just so you know, my wife is a labor attorney, and according to her no attorney would ever approve a contract without seeing the entire document. So Bill Veeck , God rest his sole, may have had things written on napkins, but not player contracts, which, again must be approved by MLB. Remember, when he owned the Sox fax machines weren't around, so did he just mail the napkins to the league office? Someone from the league had to see Frank's contract for it to be approved, not just a cliff's notes version, or discussion over the phone. I am thru fighting, will keep my tickets, Sect. 335 row 1, because I know you have nothing to do with the team. I hope everyone on this board reads your posts, puts 2 and 2 together and realizes what a sham you are. I will now prepare for the name calling you resort to when you are called out.
  7. You are a liar, you stated on June 16th in the Frank Thomas bashers thread that at one certain time only 4 people had ever seen FT contract. It was tucked away is a drawer separate from everyone else's cJR , Franks dead agent, Frank only because he had to sign it and you. Contracts must be approved by MLB therefore someone from the league office had to see it. Its funny, the media picks up on specifics of contracts that supposedly only 3 people alive had ever seen, but when a GM gets canned , one month later no media outlet has picked up on it. By the way no "shareholder" from the Veeck era would ever refer to someone as an asswipe, people be entertained by what this idiot writes but to believe anything he says is just not right. That was a real chickens*** thing to do, spineless, calling me a liar after I left, leaving it up unanswered, undefended. I'm learning a great deal about you. I do not lie. You really have no idea what you are talking about. The contract stays with the Major League Franchise, only the conditions of the contract are reported to MLB for legal approval and by-law qualification. The G.M. has yet to be 'canned', as I said, and so have others here before me. You should really retry that remedial reading course, it's probably easier the 3rd time around. However, Williams is G.M. in name only, and not running the club. The example I used of Manuel firing a KW hire, and hiring his own guy without KW involved should tell even the dense something is going on. Further, he will not be 'canned', he will step down and accept reassignment within the organization. You, evidently, never met Bill Veeck. He's been described as 'salty' by others, but maybe you don't know what that means either. Nonetheless, had Bill been around and read about your 'quitting', giving up on the Sox because they are 5.5 games back in June, I suspect he'd have called you far worse than I, asswipe would've been nice, and if your perception of Veeck and investors is some misaligned dream of yours, that's your problem, not mine. Did you imagine Veeck and the rest of us sitting aroung in Tuxedos and overstuffed leather chairs, discussing banking? Bill had player's contracts written on bar napkins in his pockets! I wrote him my check at the old 'Tiny Tap' across the street from Union Station. Your lack of knowledge and big mouth make you sound like a real goof. Does 'goof' get mentioned a lot when you're around? Take your jealous rants, your misperceptions, your lack of knowledge, your lack of spine and your season tickets, which you didn't deny are a fallacy, and stuff 'em all. I'd guess from what I've read you're a big enough ass to fit it. So no one in the Major League office saw Frank's contract, and approved it anyway? You are an idiot. KW wasn't canned, he just isn't the GM anymore. What is his new "assignment" with the team? If its something with the minor leagues he sure is spending a lot of time at the major league games. He was right by the Sox dugout again yesterday. I've met Bill Veeck, it was at a bookstore, a place you would never be, and it was a brief hello. I would be willing to bet you have never met him. He probably had died before you were born.
  8. I think you are out of your league here. What source(s) do you have that this clubhouse fracas occurs? "Some of our very favorites" would be Maggs, Olivo and Loaiza....and guess what? They all speak spanish as well. I think the whole thing your trying to stir is a load of crap. Did you see how frustrated Colon was after the HR to Manny? Yes, he threw back to back high and wild pitches, but they were thrown with authority. That's how he shows his emotion. The guy's a workhorse and will improve as the season goes on. I wouldn't trade him for Fossum or anyone the Red Sox might be offering except that SS prospect they have. I agree...take the draft picks. He just thinks he's important. He has friends who defend him on the boards by stating he is an investor. And ain't it great, that this investor spends his times speaking to us the fan? He wants the Sox to get rid of a 20 game winner. Anyone know what pitching is worth? Pitching wins, hitting is a necessary element of the game. No, no, no, the Sox should not trad Colon. We have a chance to catch up in this race. We don't need anothe White Flag deal. Yes, he rants JR ordered Frank's diminished skills clause not be invoked, but KW did it anyway. Right . Then when they re did Frank's contract, they did it while KW was in the air flying somewhere. When KW was informed he said "I'll trade his ass by the break" into a speakerphone. Remember this was the same KW who in this phony's earlier post had traded Frank to Boston only to have JR overrule. Of course JR wouldn't be able to overrule the invokation of the diminished skills clause. Then he writes about JR and Carlton and about the fences being mended between them. But Steff spends time with Carlton and he doesn't have anything nice to say about JR. Time for this dope to back up saying he might of herd that wrong. He writes interesting stories, too bad they are mostly fiction. I wouldn't doubt if his true identity was Jay Marriotti.
  9. You are a liar, you stated on June 16th in the Frank Thomas bashers thread that at one certain time only 4 people had ever seen FT contract. It was tucked away is a drawer separate from everyone else's cJR , Franks dead agent, Frank only because he had to sign it and you. Contracts must be approved by MLB therefore someone from the league office had to see it. Its funny, the media picks up on specifics of contracts that supposedly only 3 people alive had ever seen, but when a GM gets canned , one month later no media outlet has picked up on it. By the way no "shareholder" from the Veeck era would ever refer to someone as an asswipe, people be entertained by what this idiot writes but to believe anything he says is just not right.
  10. You said to return my tickets, you don't want my money, ok prick, since you already have $4000 of mine, why don't you give it back because you don't want it. Aren't you the guy that blows all the garbage to the aisles to be cleaned up after the game?
  11. I think most of the upgrades are VIP tickets, which you could get on the Sox charge line, but are never available thru ticketmaster. I know they won't refund my tickets, in fact its printed on the ticket. Its just that this man or woman who claims to be a shareholder told me to bring my tickets back for a refund, which isn't going to happen. He or she just continues to prove they have no inside knowledge of the White Sox and hold as many shares of the team as I do.
  12. Did they give you your money back? He or she told me to return the balance of my tickets for a refund.
  13. Even using my infamous 'everyone knows' from the other site, yet you've not posted anywhere else. Talk about dopes. Well then, liar cUbbieBoy, let's see. It's all up to you folks here on the SoxTalk site. Do you think I am a fake, that I've lied about anything? Shareholder, yea, return your tickets, yea. Is there anyone on this board who has ever returned their season tickets for a refund like this idiot suggest I do. Your the shareholder, where do I drop off my remaining tickets off and when do I get my refund. Take your little fake "inside stories" like Bartolo making fun of everyone in Spanish,causing the team to lose. Oh by the way, Bartolo must have really been on the boys before yesterdays game. I thought I saw Crede crying before he booted the double play ball. 4 bunts couldn't be made, probably thinking about Bartolo's spanish. And Lee, who understands Spanish was probably so upset with Bartolo's comments he rolled into 3 double plays. Why would a shareholder of a MLB team go to a fan board and start a thread saying we should trade so and so. Why don' t you go crying to your partners? If everyone agreed and said the Sox should trade Colon on this site, I'm sure he would be traded right away. What a joke you are. And never call me a Cub fan asshole, thats where you really cross the line.
  14. I'd love to return them for a full refund, phony. Talk the talk walk the walk. Give me your name or number so when I am denied a refund I can show them this message you sent me. I have never been on another board. If I am not received very well what do you call your reception. EVERYONE knows your a fake. I am sure given your stature with the team, I'll get my refund. LOL You are a dope.
  15. That pretty much shows what you know. Stockholders in the White Sox organization do not get dividends nor profits from their stock, until it's sold. I'll miss your 2 cents, and your bad breath. Well teams with no season ticket base don't command a high price when they go to market, so in essence it would cost you money, but it won't because you are so full of s*** your eyes are brown.You own about as much of the White Sox as Ronnie Woo Woo. With fair weather Sox fans like you leaving, the organization and my pockets will be just fine, Thank you. Asshole. Fair weather fan like me. There is no such thing as a fair weather Sox fan. This team sucks, I've been going to games since 1968,when I heard that Larry Doby died, my memory of him was when he was managing in 1978 and protested a game I was at against the Twins because one of the players didn't have his name on the back of his uniform. You are a phony whose baseball acumen is equal to a new born.
  16. That was the most frustrating game of the season. You are so right. You almost have to try to screw up as many times as they did today, put a fork in em.
  17. That pretty much shows what you know. Stockholders in the White Sox organization do not get dividends nor profits from their stock, until it's sold. I'll miss your 2 cents, and your bad breath. Well teams with no season ticket base don't command a high price when they go to market, so in essence it would cost you money, but it won't because you are so full of s*** your eyes are brown.You own about as much of the White Sox as Ronnie Woo Woo.
  18. Did you happen to read what Rios said about him. It seems as though his teammates are afraid of him. Just because he's nice to you in a grocery store, doesn't mean he's not a pain in the ass to 24 men that he's hanging with for 7 months.
  19. I do not agree. Colon has yet to step up, and has not come close to his reputation since in a White Sox uniform. A really big White Sox uniform... Yes, I did and you replied. You can make a case that except for Loiasa and Marte no one on the roster has stepped up or played up to their reputation. Why are you not ripping them? Are you really a shareholder? If you are why don't you let me, a long-time season ticketholder (soon to be ex), know exactly what is going to be done to clean up this mess of a team? It starts at the top. Colon wants at least $12 million to play next year, and I don't think he's worth half that. I have been on the entire team as well. It took 2001, 2002 and up til' a few weeks ago to make this mess, after a 95 winseason, it'll take some to clean it up. If the bats come alive most of the mess will be covered up, at least temporarily, for this year. If you are a season ticket holder of long standing, you may have attended JR's meetings, or at least get mailings. If you plan on not renewing, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. Set someone else up with your pointed questions and feigning fandom. I don't buy it. I live and breath White Sox baseball. Just in the 1,000,000 to 1 chance you are who you claim to be, I will join the thousands who won't renew, I would hate to live with the thought I might have put money in your pocket.
  20. I do not agree. Colon has yet to step up, and has not come close to his reputation since in a White Sox uniform. A really big White Sox uniform... Yes, I did and you replied. You can make a case that except for Loiasa and Marte no one on the roster has stepped up or played up to their reputation. Why are you not ripping them? Are you really a shareholder? If you are why don't you let me, a long-time season ticketholder (soon to be ex), know exactly what is going to be done to clean up this mess of a team?
  21. Except for Loiasa he's been the best starter we have. You are out of your mind. With a decent manager and some defense and maybe a clutch hit every now and then he'd be 9-4 or 10-3. The reason his record is 6-7 is the crap that is behind him. If your a shareholder and you can't see that ,God help all Sox fans, this team will never win. By the way, you never answered my question yesterday, who would be trading Colon?
  22. I know what I am saying. When your pitcher who was cruising along starts to get rocked in the ninth inning its time to make a change. Manuel screwed up, he should have been yanked after the Bonds HR. The Sox have been outmanaged for quite a long time.
  23. No one said his 'behavior' was. Don't read words that aren't there. It's his lack of performance I don't care for. Colon has the 'rep' of getting stronger as games go on, and he's a $12+ million 'wannabe'. Manuel did right, he should've stayed in, and he should've pitched. Most mangers would've done the same, sorry, you are mistaken on that. The point is that Colon has not pitched well enough to win, as he should if he wants to be an elite pitcher. Dump his fat ass now. KW will be assigned elswhere within the organization, why on earth would he be 'banned' from the ballpark? Again, believe as you wish. The ninth inning is supposed to be Koch's. Durham hit a shot to lead off the inning, Bonds hit a rope in the stands. JM still has no one warming up. No way would any other MLB manager let Colon give up 7 runs. Your calling for the trade of Colon. You said EE is in charge. You want him doing the trading. Remember a young Doug Drabek, sent to the Yankees for a washed up Roy Smalley Jr. That was Eddie's baby. KW may be and should be assigned somewhere else in the organization if the season keeps going like this, but he hasn't been yet, I don't believe it.
  24. Its funny how Bartolo's personality didn't make Cleveland or Montreal kick balls around or hit into double plays all the time. Only the sensitive pricks on the Sox. Why don't they sell Jimenez to Korea?
  25. This argument against Colon is ridiculous. Its almost as ridiculous as the theory KW is no longer the GM. These people are grown men, they care about their paychecks more than about someone maybe giving them crap in Spanish. If something like that bothers them they should be playing in a beer league. This personality crap is so overated. The biggest a-hole in the world is Barry Bonds, his team was in the World Series last year, and with a different group of guys in first place this year. Bonds is a total prick, you are correct. But i may want to mention, how many rings does that prick have? Your right he has no rings. But how many rings did that 2000 "frat house" get. The point is Bartolo's "behavior" has nothing to do with the failure of this team.
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