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Dick Allen

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Everything posted by Dick Allen

  1. As I stated, believe as you wish. Make no mistake, however, it is all true. Do you really like Colon's record with us? No I don't like his record. But as Buehrle apologists would know, he has pitched much better than his record indicates. He was out of gas against SF and every manager in the league would have yanked him after Bonds hit that HR in the ninth. He made one mistake to Ramirez last night for a 3 run homer on an 0-2 pitch. He very easily could be 8-5 or 9-4. 6-7 is still a better winning percentage than the team has. If KW is not the GM why is he not banned from the ballpark? Why has no one in the media picked up on the story? Why is he still quoted in the papers? Please answer if you truly have the inside scoop. These "complications" you speak of seem to be that the story just isn't true.
  2. This argument against Colon is ridiculous. Its almost as ridiculous as the theory KW is no longer the GM. These people are grown men, they care about their paychecks more than about someone maybe giving them crap in Spanish. If something like that bothers them they should be playing in a beer league. This personality crap is so overated. The biggest a-hole in the world is Barry Bonds, his team was in the World Series last year, and with a different group of guys in first place this year.
  3. Ultimately, Einhorn. There are many 'comlpications' involved, however, disregarding what anyone, myself or HSC claims, think about the last 3 seasons under Williams, and his micro managing style. Do you think that Manuel would have been allowed to fire his batting coach, and hire the replacement on his own, with approvals only? Particularly when Williams hired the guy in the first place, and Foulke, Durham and others said he was KW's 'spy'? So if the Sox were to make a trade EE would be making it.? I like EE a lot and am glad he is feeling better, but I don't want him making trades. 8 coaches have been fired since JM took over. Changing the hitting coach is probably the cheapest way to shake up a dead team. I'm sure Gary Ward's salary is less than just about everyone except Man so Lee, so firing Ward is no indication KW is powerless. The other thing is , since this was reported more than a month ago, the team may be playing worse than before. I'm sure something happened with KW and EE, and maybe KW was told to go scratch. But I think KW got a reprieve and is still in charge. If not, and KW is keeping his high public profile, it would indicate that this organization has deeper problems than KW and field personel.
  4. Both you and HSC have posted saying KW is GM by name only, because he crossed EE. What is the real story. He still is at the park, still does the talk shows, still is quoted in the papers. This supposedly happened more than a month ago. If true, some of the media would have caught on by now. And if KW has no power , why is this not public, and just who is calling the personel shots?
  5. That's exactly right. Big time pitchers don't worry about run support they just shut the other team down. While the defense behind him has been shaky at best, he has pitched like crap most of the season. I was at the game last night, and considering the game was over in the first inning, and I paid good money to watch, I deserve to and did boo the crap out of him. Whining about the fans will do him no good. We'll probably hear today how he was just joking around, just like the St. Louis thing, and didn't mean to criticize the fans, who pay his salary, which if he had a brain in is head would be a lot more than it is. Shut your trap MB and get somebody out.
  6. I believe you, I just want him out.
  7. KW is sitting behind homeplate just to the right of the right hand batters box. HSC is that him? I thought he is house hunting down south and is no longer with the team.
  8. Selig will suspend Sammy for fewer games than he suspended Colon. He will make the announcement as soon as he wipes Sammy's manjuice from his chin.
  9. Canseco's a moron. If McGwire or Ripken corked their bats and it shattered all over the field, they too would be busted. This Sosa deal is being covered up. They didn't even take the bats they checked until the 4th inning. MLB probably called the Cubs and told them to get the other corked bats out of the clubhouse, and probably told Sosa how to explain it. The fact that most of the general public believes Sosa's explanation is appaling, Watch how light his suspension will be, I wouldn't doubt if it is shorter than Bartolo's 5 game. Ridiculous.
  10. I think he's both :finger :finger :finger :finger Sosa sucks.
  11. Maybe he beat her again with a wine bottle and he was hiding the evidence.
  12. Enough is enough. This team sucks. Do something, anything, just show you care for once. Changes must be made now. Trade, fire or release as many of these sleepwalkers as possible, its time to start over.
  13. Tinker-bell hasn't had a good idea in 3 years.
  14. He said he dropped it, but wasn't sure if he should have caught it or not. For $5 million a year catch the f-ing ball or go home.
  15. Yea last week in one of the papers Jose says he is biting his tongue, trying not to complain about a lack of effort. Look in the mirror, one of the reasons this team sucks is because he can't hit and you can see better defensive shortstops at any local little league field. He is stealing money this year.
  16. I just threw CF out there because the outfield is the only place they should let him go with a glove. The bench or home to Puerto Rico sounds just as good to me.
  17. Any MLB shortstop could have and should have made that catch..that even includes Royce...Jose just f***ed up.. But remember Jose's lack of defense Never hurts the team.
  18. EVERY other shortstop in the majors makes that play easily. Put him back in CF.
  19. He's in the major leagues. He gets paid $5 million a year. The ball hit his glove. This guy sucks. I can't believe they didn't give him an error. He blows.
  20. clown boy just cause it hasnt been announced officially doesnt mean it didnt happen.... have you been to the park lately and seen who was sittin with jr up in the tower??? ill bet not.... nor did whats his face cause from where he claims to sit you cant see s*** up there.........maybe 75% of the concrete that surrounds the press box but thats about it.......just stating facts, nothing defensive about it at all........call me out and then lie im gonna put it back in your court............ I've got no reason to make things up. I want KW gone just as much as you do, but the reality is I saw him in JR's box Friday. Why don't you come up to my seats on the 11th and look into JR's box. You will see more than concrete, you might even see KW.
  21. I am tall, but there are no obstructions.
  22. I know the difference between JR's box and the press box. Please don't insult my intelligence. I happen to see JR there too and I know he's not going to hang out in the press box. From the front row of my section you can see maybe 75% of JR's box. KW was in there. 335 is about the closest section to JR's box.
  23. George Ryan was there last Tuesday night, but Friday is was KW , Rick Hahn and Harold.There may have been more but that was all I could see.
  24. sect. 335 , it was definetely KW I saw Friday night .
  25. From my club level seat Friday night, I saw KW talking on the phone in JR's box, Rick Hahn and Harold Baines were also in attendance. The stories about KW's demise have been greatly exagerrated, he is still in charge.
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