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Everything posted by stretchstretch

  1. "I don't have kids" this is obvious If I did, I wouldn't feel the need to teach them about the intricacies of when to boo and when not to boo. Let them decide. don't predict what you'd do with kids until you have them, you'll be shocked at how differently you do things once you're actually in that position. lines like this remind me of people who talk about how good of a parent they'd be based upon the care they provide for their dog and/or cat! It's a sport their watching afterall, and if they feel justified in booing a player then it's their choice. so is text messaging/emailing while driving a moving vehicle, putting 8 woofers in a box in the backseat of your honda civic so people 2 miles away can share your "musical choice", or telling an overweight person they are fat, but I don't agree with doing those either.......having a choice and one being in bad taste are very different things. PK knows he's sucking, emphasizing that by "calling him fat" doesn't help anything for him, you, or the Sox organization. KW will eventually do what he needs to do with or without the public booing. The BoSox or Yankee fans might boo but that still doesn't make it right to the opinion of some, in fact to some it's an indication of being lower on the civilization scale, it's pretty easy for any mindless mouthbreather to do....
  2. more artistry in baseball than any other sport (pitching and hitting in particular) speed alone doesn't trump other athletic abilities as it does in f'ball and hoops (a major annoyance for me) variety in parks similar to the variety of golf courses grew up in a die hard 4 generation whitesox household in bridgeport, just part of my DNA.......
  3. QUOTE (BaseballNick @ Jul 11, 2008 -> 03:12 PM) As of July 11, the White Sox are #1 in ESPN's Power Rankings. Check it out wow, who among us would have thunk during spring training the chart'd look like that days before the ASB???? During the the couple days I spent in Tucson, would have a bet a few paychecks against it......
  4. QUOTE (stretchstretch @ Jul 2, 2008 -> 10:37 PM) if it ain't broke.............. again.........we were doing fine w/o him, at least get through the 1st half strong instead of risking falling into second place before the ASB... would the extra week off have hurt his progress? it certainly wasn't going to hurt the Sox chances to extend the lead in the division before a nice team-wide rest (ex Carlos/Crede)
  5. QUOTE (DABearSoX @ Jul 9, 2008 -> 03:29 PM) Well slow day at work so I have been voting all day, but MLB just pisses me off with the damn check boxes. I don't want the damn junk mail but you know you're going to forget to unclick them on of the 25+ times voting. I have to make random email address so I dont get that crap in my good one. you use a fake address, keep the boxes checked, then plow away, doesn't seem to affect the vote going through, they're not checking the email address it seems
  6. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 9, 2008 -> 01:12 AM) How could a Ray beat out Dye?? Do the Rays have fans?? It's rigged if Longoria is leading. no but being in the same division as ESPNs two favorite teams, the exposure to a natl audience is substantial
  7. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jul 7, 2008 -> 12:39 PM) Looks like a bunch of Red Sox fans voted in that poll... clearly, John Lester the overwhelming snub of AL pitchers? his numbers don't even come to the 16 AL pitchers ahead of him including Danks who gave up 31 v 44 ER and ERA of 2.52 v 3.51 and note the two top players not deserving are Arod and Jeter but no mention of Ortiz or Ramirez....... tell me, go ahead and tell me how hypocritical it is for ESPN to even have such a pole after spending the past decade doing everything they could to help the national popularity of the RSox.......they are squarely to blame for what an 11 yr old on the internet picks, they have no clue what the stats are, only the highlights and behind the scenes that ESPN drills into their impressionable brains week in and week out.
  8. QUOTE (whitesoxbrian @ Jun 8, 2008 -> 04:55 PM) Actually, Duke/UNC is the best rivalry in sports. But, this is great news. I'd love to embarrass or just beat the Cubs for the whole nation to see...twice. case in point!! ESPN makes a national event of the two reg season games, exactly as they do for the 12+ times NY and BOS play, and low and behold, it worked, people get online and repeat what they've been sold ad nauseum. Duke was not even program until the 1990s and suddenly this rivalry....rivals 90+ yr old battles.....Bears/Packers, Michigan/OSU, UCLA/USC I don't include NY/BOS in there because for the entire 1926-2004 span, NY had 26 WSC's and Boston ZERO, so what exactly is the rivalry????????????? One is the most dominant force in their sport, the other a perennial whipping post of bitter fans from 6 states who disliked being so.....
  9. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Jun 8, 2008 -> 12:27 PM) Finally the best interleague rivalry gets put on TV. I am sick of the Yankees or Red Sox on ESPN 4 days a week. No you don't seem to understand. The Yankee Red Sox rivalry is the most important rivalry in the history of planet earth, the lives of all americans and citizens of the world hang in the balance. And when they are not playing, the Mets and Phillies have a similar impact on our collective futures. I mean before 2004 the RedSox hadn't won the world series in 87 years but somehow At least with the Yankees, Ohio State, Notre Dame, USC, UCLA, Celtics, Lakers, etc there are larger than life winning traditions to back it up, but the RedSox we all got taken along for the ride, and the revenue they've gained from it has allowed them to be self fulfilling prophecy
  10. QUOTE (bmags @ Jun 8, 2008 -> 11:56 AM) lol I live with a bunch of cards fans, and it sure was nice to be able to watch a game and have my team kick the crud out of the twins. Also, nobody around here realizes we are in first place. With all those national stories about the clubhouse people think we are in last and doing awful. Living here in CA, I've just accepted that the net, WGN on occasion, and this site are my only chances of seeing the Sox get their due, when earned (and criticism when earned as well). ESPN has always been a nightly disappointment, and at some point us non-locals have to just put that pipe down. You have a first place battle 4 game set in a premier division, and they have absolutely nothing to say about it other than open with the Damon walkoff for the FOURTH PLACE Yankees while giving up 20 runs in two games to the Royals team we just annihilated, the Mets going down...again, the BOS game, the Philly highlights (the third in the triumvirate of NE cities). They (Colin Cowherd) say all the time that ESPN just show the people what they want to see, but how are natl fans ever going to develop an appreciation for a team if they're story is never told? if they don't get ticker lines when a .250 player has a day off for his wife to have a baby, for their rookie setup guy is treated like the second coming of Goose Gossage for accomplishing not even a half season of pro ball? Jenks could be a premier topic, Thome's 500th was an afterthought blip, the emergence of Floyd and Danks has barely been discussed, if they were wearing Yankee of RSox unis they'd spend 20mins per baseball tonight episode with Kruk and the guys out of the hardwood floor showing the intricasies of their delivery, pitch arsenal, etc, etc etc.
  11. WTF is happening??? Buerhle giving up 1 ER through 6?? Crede hitting two 3 run jacks?? PK pounding the ball, and to the opposite field?? PK legging out a triple?? Swish ripping shots down the line with RISP?? Thome singling twice to the opposite field and negating the shift?? OC hitting like he's wearing an Angels uniform?? Quentin needing to do almost nothing and still win by 9? AJP throwing out..by a margin... one of the best base stealers in MLB?? Cats living with Dogs?? Sun rotating around the Earth?? Help, I'm scared!!
  12. QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Jun 4, 2008 -> 11:51 PM) The main thing that stands out from that 2005 season was the camaraderie in the clubhouse and the loosey-goosey attitude the team had. Watching tonight's celebration at home plate reminded me so much of that 2005 team. I have the end of that 15th inning Tivo'd and it is just something else to watch. A few things to note...the 1st man to greet Paulie down that 3rd base line was Ozzie. He gave the big ole' high five and everything. Next in line was Swisher. Waving the towel around and being the personality we all know he is. Then you've got guys like OCab, Alexei, and Quentin jumping in the the middle of the pile. Quentin throwing punches at Paulie's ribs was hilarious as well. Ozuna then treating Paulie like a horse giving him multiple ass-slaps. JD and AJ then attack him outside the batters box and in the dugout, telling him something and pointing to the scoreboard (would love to know what they were talking about there). Then you see Brian and Burls doing something on the side, laughing and pushing eachother. That reminded me a lot of Rowand and BA in the dugout when Pods hit the walk-off. "No way! NO WAY!" Then Thome caps it off with the hug coming down the steps into the clubhouse. Hell, even Gavin was all over PK. And then of course, Toby comes in with the shaving cream pie to the face. This season has been very fun to watch, even with all of our offensive struggles. This is a very fun team to be a fan of, and I'm hoping we can keep it up en route to a 2005 Part Two. I think Tony said it best in the game thread...this looks like a very fun clubhouse to be around. you know I thought the same exact thing after the Q walkoff against LAA, but then came Tampa Bay, I realized those moments are just that, moments, and consistency has to come from many different stars aligning rather than a single act, WO homer, manager tirade on TV, etc.
  13. QUOTE (The Ginger Kid @ Jun 6, 2008 -> 07:52 PM) like clockwork: meaningful series against the twins, sox poop their pants. I beg your pardon
  14. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 5, 2008 -> 08:28 PM) Konerko dropped back below .200 again. The Yahoo Sports article today pointing out the age factor being not a slump but sign of being past his usable prime nails it with him, I think baseball has already seen PK's best.
  15. for those of us "watching" the game on camecast it's stunning how many outs from PK, Dye, Swisher are infield popups, if that doesn't tell the storing on their lack of hitting approach.......
  16. QUOTE (Brian @ Jun 1, 2008 -> 02:00 PM) I have no doubt we are about to get walked off on. that's the difference between being a Sox fan and a RedSox fan, whereas in their games there just always seems to be a threat to win late, both at home and on the road. The Sox's lack of fundamentals keeps them from rallys on the little things like stolen bases, bunt, singles in the hole.....everything except the HR which happens once in 30 games when it really matters, and for that reason why this division lead is very very fleeting........they can get through another 4 months this was, either 10M+ guys start producing or MN will again take the central in a year when no one picked them....
  17. The surprising White Sox will look to hand Tampa Bay its first back-to-back home losses in six weeks on Friday, when the teams continue the first series between outright first-place clubs in the history of the ballpark. wow.........
  18. hoping to take game 1 in particular and apply pressure so we need one more win to at least split, or 2-3 to dominate the series...... it's BS that we have to play this young team 7 straight in their park, and only get them once at home later this summer.....hopefully the beating we gave them in the two wins in April will create a little doubt in their heads compared to the teams in their division they've taken it to?
  19. QUOTE (Leonard Zelig @ May 28, 2008 -> 06:32 PM) He has been traded twice in his career. you have to wonder though after winning the WS with Boston why they immediately traded him off
  20. no sweat, two quick Quentin GS's, Jenks, the win
  21. QUOTE (southsideirish71 @ May 26, 2008 -> 09:19 PM) Check out the main MLB espn page. The sox are up there with a feature on their pitching. they had no choice after the "Yankee and Red Sox highlights next on ESPN" sign from last night's SNBball calling them out for the NY/BOS sports marketing firm that they are!!!
  22. QUOTE (Sox It To Em @ May 26, 2008 -> 09:37 PM) Shoot. Who pitches now? does it really matter? seriously, this team does not deserve to win ball games like these, when they stop feasting off of the Giants, Mariners, and Clevelands for misleading 8game win streak, they are going to absolutely get their asses handed to them when facing teams that can both pitch and hit........
  23. wouldn't it be better at this point to call someone up to replace Paul and Jim?? It's literally cannot get any worse, we're giving away critical W's that will be needed in Sept, and it might be better for them to simply NOT PLAY BASEBALL than try to "work through it" they're not working through sh*t just costing the team a chance to go to the playoffs, 0-5 are you f*cking kidding me at 12M per year?????
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