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Everything posted by stretchstretch

  1. QUOTE (sunofgold @ Aug 31, 2011 -> 11:55 AM) Tiggs has a recent history of blowing division leads. Until they win a division, have to hold them to that standard. lol! Hopefully, the tiggs wilt With the amount of one run squeeker wins DET keeps pulling out (like the 8 in a row between 7/31--8/13 + the last two days with pathetic KC unable to hold on for one freaking inning, errgghhh!) they'll win the division and summarily get pasted in the ALDS hate to see a team get in so unconvincingly, but here it comes
  2. QUOTE (kitekrazy @ Aug 23, 2011 -> 10:03 PM) He'll be a Sox in two years because Kenny always wanted him. you know, maybe KW should be called Sloppy Seconds, cuz that's what all his acquisition of players once past their prime reminds me of.....wait til there current club sees them no longer fit then go and get the "bargain" with name still attached
  3. QUOTE (flavum @ Aug 23, 2011 -> 09:51 PM) I have to admit, I'm glad the Tigers are winning. Two reasons--I'm tired of the White Sox teases, and I'd rather see a team from the Central win 90 games than go in with 84-86. and as much as it pains me to say it, I'd rather have the Angels sweep this series, win the division, and make my 9 yr old die-hard Angel fan son and wife happy, rather than have the Sox help take them out of the playoffs while simultaneously having DET win the central anyway--- a lose-lose and if it helps get Oz out of town, that it's a true win-win
  4. QUOTE (sunofgold @ Aug 21, 2011 -> 07:12 PM) Something to consider...Detroit hasn't had a winning second half (after All Star break) since 2000. I have them at 19-15 in second half so far. They also have been in first place in Sept of 2006 and 2009 but didn't win the division. Tigers have never won the AL Central (realignment in 1998).... guess we just have to hang in (all-in) there and see what happens And if u look at their string of one run wins since July 31st it's almost maddening ( 8 in a freaking row), at some point you'd think that squeaking by games would have to slow down
  5. Seems there are certain inexplicable tendencies with this team that drive me up a wall, things I recall from at least the last three seasons... 1) Win the first of a 3 game set, get my hopes up and roll over the next two, while conversely losing the first game and miraculously pulling out the next two. The frequency of LLW/WWL seems to outnumber LWL/WLW 2:1 2) While hovering around .500 the past few years, their win % when on WGN and I get to actually watch a game has to be about 25% I'm sure others have certain pet peaves they've picked up on ?
  6. QUOTE (SoxAce @ Aug 21, 2011 -> 05:22 PM) Love watching Tyler Flowers approach at the plate. Just a breath of fresh air. be patient, walker will get to him
  7. for those of us who can't see this on TV, the gap in ability to draw a walk between the two teams is astounding
  8. the question is are we alone the quantity of trades gone bad over a stretch of at least a couple years? not just one isolated trade by a given team. It seems objectively that the Sox lead in low productivity per trade dollar the past couple seasons.. Cubs and Mets come to mind as close, but can't think of another team spending 110M+ with such a long list of names that fall in the "bust" category
  9. Given that most of us are focused on our own club, I'm wondering once the emotion is taken out, how we objectively stack up to other teams in terms of busted trades. I can so easily be infuriated by Swisher and Dunn, specifically for inexplicable career worsts under the Sox (of course OG and Walker may very well be the explanation but that's another thread). Then of course there are the fixer upper and aging veteran trades like Q, Rios, Pierre, and to an extent an injury prone Peavy. Of course credit must be given for successes, mostly pitchers, as I try to think of position player trades that were really great and can't think of ONE. So for those with enough knowledge of MLB trades, can anyone cite another club with a comparable imbalance of bad-to-good w some examples? Again, the cause is a whole different debate, I'm just wondering if there are other fan bases with so much angst over big money wasted. (aside from the Cubs because that's too easy).
  10. QUOTE (elrockinMT @ Jul 29, 2011 -> 12:21 PM) Saturday at 5:00 PM MDT on WGN Sunday at Noon MDT on TBS See you behind the big screen These series against bos and nyy make you realize how much those two are televised. Four of seven are on national tv here thx to tbs and espn. For us out if towners the phi bos nyy mets games between MLB, tbs, espn is ree-dickulusss
  11. QUOTE (LVSoxFan @ Jul 28, 2011 -> 11:26 AM) Has there been ANYONE we acquired from KC where it ended up like: yeah, that was an awesome trade!? Absolutely! Callaspo had been fantastic so far! Wait Nevermind, thought this was the Angels forum?
  12. Aliens invade earth, replace White Sox with baseball team!!
  13. anyone with a quick W-L record when on WGN? cuz seems like I get the loss of the 3 game series way more than not(eg COL gm 1)..... and not just this year but for the many years I've lived out of state if anyone had that stat for the last 5 yrs or so.
  14. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 7, 2011 -> 11:21 AM) At this point, if Rios could be Juan Pierre with the bat the rest of the way, it'd still be an improvement. 20-25 HR would be unreasonable, yes, he's only hit 20 in his career twice. If he could give us a .700+ OPS the rest of the way, at least that's something. It's not earning his salary, but at least we could play him without it costing us too many games. people still don't want to hear it, but to think of the stable situation at CF we dumped after 2005 for the clusterfudge that has been that position for the last 6 seasons. you have a leave it all on the field fan favorite, clubhouse uniter, and trade that for this revolving door joke.
  15. and you gotta love how espn titles their article "White sox sweep slumping Red Sox" right, the team who won 5 of their last 6 before we came to town is "slumping"...... to degrade the quality of the sweep as if they came to the park and took advantage of a wounded animal.....rather than admitting we punkslapped a hot first place team in the AL East....
  16. there are no real words to describe how pathetic this team/organization has become....
  17. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Apr 11, 2011 -> 08:43 PM) This team should be 9-1 after tonight. This is so frustrating. bottom.....line......
  18. I was sitting behind Paulie playing first at the AS game when McCann hit that ball off Thornton, and had a feeling at that very moment it was going to effect him
  19. man, yesterday I posted in the 11th that this felt like groundhog day from last year, who'd a thunk we'd be right back Punxsutawney again today!!!!
  20. last year we got TOR while they were hot at the beginning before cooling way down, and now KC while hot before they do there annual plunge. Would rather just get the AL east out of the way early like MIN did last year
  21. QUOTE (stretchstretch @ Apr 5, 2011 -> 09:44 PM) last season here we come!!! watching games into scoreless extra innings, feeling the inevitable road loss is like groundhog day, over and over again
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