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Posts posted by stretchstretch

  1. QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Jun 24, 2010 -> 02:52 PM)
    I'm about to leave work and am trying to make a ton of posts in a hurry, thus you ended up with that mess. I've never understood playing grammar police on a message board though, 90 percent of posts are a grammatical nightmare.


    I like your original post, the double negatives drove home a completely different point than without. To say it was logically impossible to NOT give up on the team does in fact emphasize something completely different than it was possible to give up on them


    The first clearly states that given what we had witnessed, one would be crazy to not give up on them, the second says "one sees this, one gives up", boring and pointless

  2. QUOTE (chw42 @ Jun 24, 2010 -> 02:40 PM)
    I am somewhat afraid of the Cubs coming in and beating us. Don't know why, but it's just a feeling.


    When was the last time this team won 10 games in a row?


    the reason is because none of us could have predicted this streak, and now that we're feeling it and getting a little optimistic, the Cubs seem like an assumed team to pounce on, and we all know once we start expecting something with the Sox is when things go the opposite...


    how many 6+ ERA guys have we made look like the CY the past few years? how many times have we faced the oppositions ace and come out with the W? strangely too much

  3. isn't this about the time when everyone is supposed to start lamenting about how much the ball will start flying out of the park when the weather warms up?? ;)


    I've really missed seeing that one this spring......

  4. QUOTE (Thunderbolt @ Jun 7, 2010 -> 12:18 PM)
    I think we can compete next year without Buerhrle and Garcia. Just by looking at the free agent class of pitchers i think it would only take one signing to get a rotation of Peavy, Danks, Floyd, Hudson, SP to respectability.


    any assumptions that the Sox can compete in the coming decade assumes they have a coaching staff who can get something out of the talent, and from what we've seen since mid-2006, we currently do not have such a staff.


    just as we have nothing to lose by unloading and reloading players, we have less to lose IMHO by unloading coaches



  5. good time to get back to this thread, while we've racking up one run against an 8+ ERA guy, and MN is losing pretty big to NY, we're showing why our schedule "advantage" is, in fact, not

  6. QUOTE (hogan873 @ May 12, 2010 -> 10:06 AM)
    This White Sox team was supposed to compete....But if the Sox play .500 ball and MN plays .600 ball, it's a different story. Same goes if the Sox play .600 ball and MN plays .500 ball.


    and boy when you see 4 guys in our starting lineup with 1 as the first digit in their BA, you HAVE to think up is the only place this team can go.....or is that crazy white sox bizzaro world talk? ;)


  7. QUOTE (docsox24 @ May 12, 2010 -> 02:59 PM)
    i sure hope not as valentin was my least favorite sox player of all time


    or as my wife used to refer to him, "that guy who hits all the doubles"


    of anyone who's every donned the uni, least favorite, really?

  8. excellent post, and at the same time, probably making me the most depressed I've been as a Sox fan since October 2005.


    to realize that in 4.5 yrs this organization took the opportunity of the century, literally, and let it go so far south on top 5-10 payrolls every year is just so hard to take. with all the hope coming into this year, to have nearly the worst case scenario playout for nearly all the question mark players is simply put, crushing.


    from GM, to owner, to manager, to player by player, in total free fall, to the point we're now talking about preparing to come back in 3+ years for an organization that fought through so much to overcome second class status in Chicago and nationally, and make up for the sins of 1919. I'm a pretty avid Illini fan and alum, and the parallels of the 2005 Sox and 2005 Illini are very close, sitting on top of the world for a brief period and simply unable to capitalize, hell why not throw the 85' Bears into the mix of dynasties in the making gone wrong.


    Not sure quite honestly where to go from here as a fan? I give a great deal of credit to you local guys, who have them on TV every night, and continue to pour your hearts into such a losing situation. As a non-resident the reasons to keeping donning Sox gear have shrunk to about zero.....

  9. Not sure if there's a better place to put this topic, but wondering if anyone knows of a 2005 Sox disc in HD?


    I did not have a HD TV at the time, and now have a bluray player, wondering if anyone knows of a high def disc from "the season"

  10. QUOTE (knightni @ May 6, 2010 -> 07:28 PM)
    My whole point was that if Walker was going to get lambasted every time 3 or 4 guys are hitting under .200, then Cooper should also get grief because over 3/4s of the starting staff has an ERA above 5.00.


    Walker is not getting blasted for momentary lapses of production but years strung together of guys regressing, IMO that's a big big difference. and when the outlook on a pitcher wasn't good, and they jettisoned the guy, like McCarthy or Garland, the outcome generally followed the belief

  11. this post is absolutely dead on.


    does Coop fix every single problem, no, but his success rate is very high, very acceptable, and very much appreciated by this fan.


    Name me a player who consistently progressed offensively under Walker (even plotted as a best fit curve if you have to).


    There's also a tendency for good/great hitters to open strong with the Sox then regress sequentially under Walker, Quentin case in point, Beckham case in point, ARam case in point. I also look at an "unfixable" Uribe who has had two career years at the plate in SF. And I simply don't want to hear about Q's injury/attitude, Beck's soph slump, Uribe in natl league pitching.... no excuses.

  12. QUOTE (ROC Sox Fan @ Apr 18, 2010 -> 10:36 AM)
    I over react every game on a small basis. I learned this from listening to Hawk.


    I've taught myself that solo shots are my favorite kind of home run and small things like that to ensure that I even enjoy our losing efforts.



    love the post, but it irks me to no end when people put Boston in a different category than NYY. They were an abysmal failure until they purchased, yes purchased, Manny, Ortiz, Schilling, then Beckett, Jason Bay. Take away those names and it's 92 yrs and counting......IMHO


    As name recognized as their home grown players have become thanks to ESPN, it's the bought players that made it happen...


    MN, and ATL absolutely, all ground up big names....

  13. this is an organization hell bent on getting a bargain: buying "use to be" players at low prices (vizquel, jones), injured players with potential at low prices (quentin), attitude players with talent at low prices (rios)......and yes, hope to catch lightening in a bottle


    Peavy was the first prime of his career player we just laid out the cash for in as long as I can remember. So here we sit with a top 7 payroll team that can't buy a win, or runs to be specific.


    the combined salaries of PK, Jenks, Putz, Pierre is 32M, just think what other teams could do with that money!! the fact that Pierre and Mauer make the same money and Konerko makes more than Morneau is downright comedy!!

  14. I initially listed Pierre as a "project" but after looking up his stats didn't realize his career worst avg was .276 and hit close to or above .300 the past 4 seasons, can't blame KW for having him on the radar so long and taking the opp. this season when presented. no reason to see this as anything but a huge slump


    i would not have guessed Pods would be off to the start he is, and this board could not wait to get rid of his key baserunning mistakes last season, me included. JP can't get any worse, so when he finally breaks out of it, this team has no where to go but up. problem still remains that the twins need to come back down to earth at some point


    now, the twins have many a time done a season reversal and taken the division in the closing month, but we historically have not been such a team, which is why the slow start panics sox fans (unlike yankee fans who just assume it will happen at some point)

  15. QUOTE (WCSox @ Apr 17, 2010 -> 09:34 PM)
    and partially because I'm trying really, really hard to remain optimistic, despite the way that this team has badly under-performed in two of the past three seasons.


    that was the point of my posting this, we all try to remain optimistic, pre-season, early season, and mid-season the last three, and despite the fact that we were generally picked as a question mark and the twins picked to win the division this season, we're right back here...again


  16. no one here should be surprised. we all knew going into the season that we'd have an excellent pitching staff.


    analysts, prospectus, sports news, and all of us knew the offense had a bunch of question marks, and "if only" situations, and we're now seeing the results of that realistic skepticism.


    we have NOT ONE stud anchor player in the prime of his career on offense. Pierre, Carlos, Jones, Rios, Kotsay are projects, Vizquel is a mentor, PK is the usual question mark, and the rest are young players in development, AJ is the only guy doing what is expected of him. There will be occasional breakout days, where the talent of the vets and young guys comes through, but get prepared for many 2-3 run days.....


    4 of Cleveland's 5 wins came against us, and they are simply not a good baseball team


    I honestly feel the critical mistake we made was declaring PK our anchor with his post WS contract. That was our time to take $15M/Yr and capitilize and we picked the wrong horse, while MN has Mauer and Morn producing year upon year, Sizemore in CLE, and Hunter in LAA

  17. QUOTE (The Baconator @ Apr 15, 2010 -> 12:14 AM)
    Was the full-time closer for the Nats last year. I actually brought my Dougy road Sox jearsey out to a game for him to sign last year when I lived there, figuring the 12 Nats fans there wouldn't even know him. He never even bothered to come out to the field. The Nationals have since released him, I don't know where he is now.


    EDIT: Upon looking at my post, I should clarify: yes, I actually do have a Mike MacDougal jersey. I don't think his own mother even has one.


    quick story, was at spring training in 2008, McDougal got absolutely lit up. After the game there as entire family, about 8 people from young to old, all wearing McDougal jerseys, walking out the parking lot with their heads down, absolutely must have been his family cheering him on to make it happen.......was one of the saddest things I've ever seen, really drives home what goes into the long long road into the pros and what some families experience in what supposed to be a great thing.....


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