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Everything posted by stretchstretch

  1. QUOTE (PlaySumFnJurny @ Jul 1, 2009 -> 10:26 AM) I voted a qualified "No," because I don't expect the return of a healthy Q. I think we'll have a chance at the division if he's back in full form by August 1. I'm conceding the Wild Card to the AL East runner up. with the strides this team has made in the past weeks, across most positions, and in particular, the Rotation, I'm just not understanding why so many feel making the playoffs is solely dependent upon CQs return???
  2. QUOTE (southsideirish71 @ Jul 1, 2009 -> 06:01 PM) Anytime the sox want to put this crappy pitcher away is fine by me. He is garbage, lets not make him into something he isn't. after years of crushing the guys we shouldn't and being embarrassed by the guys we should crush....why stop now?
  3. Panic attacks out here in SoCal, can't read anything, type anything after demolishing the best team in bball on Wed google searches trying to find news from somewhere what happened. got so desperate searching for forums, ended up as this place called whitesoxinteractive trying to quench the thirst, needless to say it's a whole different vibe and knowledge level, very unsatisfying thanks for not going out of business.......;-)
  4. QUOTE (fathom @ Jun 20, 2009 -> 08:59 PM) 4 errors on the Sox tonight. More miscommunication on the infield. que?
  5. I've been in a funk for hours, this one really really hurt.....Tiger win doubles the impact.....
  6. QUOTE (Stan Bahnsen @ Jun 17, 2009 -> 03:24 PM) The resurrection of Pods has really been an amazing thing, and I'm enjoying every minute of it. Prancer has been the Man-swer
  7. "alright, after the heart attack, I gotta say Ditka 17, Giants 14.....he just barely gets by"
  8. QUOTE (Jimbo's Drinker @ Jun 8, 2009 -> 12:16 AM) station to station, pull only hitters. watch a full day of other teams and you will discover things like sac bunts, hitting the opposite way, and shortened swings. exactly, watch a week of Angels baseball, and you'll see the full tool kit: power, speed at almost every position, perfectly executed bunting, situational hitting, stealing, opposite field shots, a 17M center fielder performing miracles with the glove, a 5'7" Figgins snagging everything that comes his way and firing across the diamond with the best of 'em, not to mention a continuous flow of new names and faces from the farm system that bring immediate impact most of the time, a manager who usually makes decisions that you'll agree with, and a GM that actually lands people like Hunter/Texeira..... they have injuries like any other team (Lackey, Santana, Escobar, Vladimir), lost some key free agents like Francisco Rodgriguez, and had the severe misfortune of a having a super promising pitcher die in his first full season......but they find a way to grind through droughts and emerge strong.....every year I live here the more impressed I am and wonder at which point it's time to ditch the Sox....(which I was firmly committed to in the winter of 2005 when they traded the power away, seemingly quitting on the fans,,,, then they opened up the season on fire and never looked back of course and sucked me right back in..)
  9. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jun 8, 2009 -> 06:04 PM) I'd rather see you at third. I'm so disappointed in Josh I can't even describe it. I loved the pick in 2004. You saw legitimate flashes in 2007. There hasn't been a worse all-around 3B in all of baseball. maybe KW can coax Greg Nettles out of retirement....I loved his game as a kid....
  10. ya know what, if the entire offense didn't just get blanked in 3 out of 4 games against terrible teams, or bring up the rear on offense in a number of key categories, we wouldn't be having threads like this one. it's only from being so desperate offensively as a club, that people are picking apart young players (though I lead the charge on the Fields hitch thing, still needs to be fixed if it was, could allow him to explode offensively)
  11. QUOTE (chw42 @ Jun 2, 2009 -> 07:55 PM) It's only impossible to hit a guy with a 0.00 ERA... the Sox have been a disaster in pitching matchups that heavily favor them for as long as I can remember, if there was an award for it each year, we'd win hands down.
  12. QUOTE (OilCan @ Jun 1, 2009 -> 09:51 PM) Um.......Joeynach........Josh's swing in his last 10 games have given him 12 hits in the last 35 ABs, according to Yahoo Sports.Com. It may be ugly/girly/whatever....but it's working, with the exception of tonight. Who knows?????? If it ain't broke... No, it's broke. Because if he corrected the hitch, instead of a power hitter with a great stance, strong hands, who has only 2 HRs and a 238avg to show for it, he could be a 290+ guy with 25+ HRs every year......
  13. QUOTE (joeynach @ Jun 1, 2009 -> 09:42 PM) Anyone else pretty disgusted with Josh Fields' swing mechanics....I mean wow does this guy look like the epidemy of the go back to the minors to work on it type guy or what. I mean not only can he never hit any fastball above 90 MPH...PERIOD, but his little stupid clutch/hitch before he swings is pathetic. Its like the worst part of a swing I have ever seen. Then of course he cant hit anything thigh high or above, becuase well lets face it, the damn swing clutch slows him down. Then you see his right hand, fly off the bat as he wraps his bat around his body with his follow through with only 1 hand. Seriously, WTF is wrong with this guy. He seems like the exact opposite of the type of hitter Ozzie and KW have been preaching for years now. Honestly, go away Josh Fields it looks like you have a lot to work on in the minors still! I cant be the only one who sees this. incredible, yesterday in the eating crow thread I posted: "as long as Fields has that "windup hitch" in his backswing he'll never catch up with a good MLB fastball, which he misses consistently, even when right down the pipe. If only we had a hitting coach to correct such minor flaws" I considered starting a thread on this when I watched him whiff at 90mph down the middle fastballs repeatedly, but decided to bury it in the Crow thread that mentioned his possible resurgence...to open this up and see "my thread" just shows how many see this glaring issue. As a hitting coach for my 7yr old's baseball team , I'm pretty qualified to see Josh could explode if he shortened the path minus that flaw which most guys remove before leaving high school!
  14. QUOTE (SoxFan562004 @ May 30, 2009 -> 10:52 AM) Good post! Hopefully some of us will have to do a Fields' one soon. as long as Fields has that "windup hitch" in his backswing he'll never catch up with a good MLB fastball, which he misses consistently, even when right down the pipe. If only we had a hitting coach to correct such minor flaws
  15. just got back from the game. Defense was simply spectacular, 2 killer plays by Alexei, Nix with an absolute all out dive stop up the middle, PK a great DP, Pods throwing Hunter out at third on the tagup. best of all, though the LOB was high, they were hitting the ball hard all night, keep up this kind of contact and taking the pitchers deep in the count, they might just be alright. Couple guys had to hold up from 2nd to 3rd because the single were such ropes... couple of nice steals too......Pods bunting a popup to the first was one of the few mistakes....
  16. QUOTE (fathom @ May 11, 2009 -> 08:10 PM) I'll stick up for DAllen and Greg Walker....Carlos Quentin says hello and I'll provide a HUGE correction: 2008, first season with the WhiteSox, 288avg, 100RBI, 36HR, AL MVP frontrunner in shortened season Carlos Quentin, and first season with the White Sox, 290avg, Rookie of the Year candidate Alexei Ramirez say hello!!! 2009, second season with the White Sox .239 avg Carlos Quentin, second season with the White Sox .194 avg Alexei Ramirez, and Rookie of the Year Winner Evan Longoria now hitting .358, with 11HR, 44RBI in his second season with player developing Tampa Bay, all say "What's up Greg Walker??"
  17. you watch, bring Beckham up, and see how quickly Walker completely f+cks up his fundamentally perfect swing/approach. I almost would rather have his stay down and out of harms way, at least this way, our fantasy of how good he would be at the pro level cannot be destroyed.... seriously, how much worse can the progress of hitters get with ANY replacement at hitting coach...?
  18. yeah the pitching hasn't been great, but they're also getting garbage run support. you see Sox down 0-3, 0-4, 1-5 and it's essentially an assumed loss. I was at the Angels game today, watching 5-1 on the board, and thinking of all the ways they could come back with 5 more at bats, but knowing that they've been essentially a group of heartless fold of the tenters once they go down, I wasn't at all suprised to see 6-1, 7-1, with offense shutting down early. They either win by 8 or quit. I wouldn't want to pitch the Sox if I was any one of the guys in that rotation, Danks gave up 1 run through six and didn't get the win!!! no fire....and at some point, season after season you hv to look to the management. this constant stand there like a lump while strike one goes right down the pipe makes me sick to watch, they end up in an 0-2 hole WAYYY too often and it makes it about impossible to get the edge on pitchers when most guys get behind in the count....and hey!! turns out there's this thing called the "opposite field" where a batter can sit back on a curve ball away and drive it??
  19. alright top eleven, let's get some infield popups here!!!
  20. just put em out of their pathetic misery already!!!!
  21. QUOTE (EvilJester99 @ May 5, 2009 -> 07:25 PM) Not really shocked here... when the offense finally shows the pitching sucks.. when the pitching doesn't suck the hitting doesn't show up. the sox are lucky they're in the central and KC is in first. by season's end KC will fade into oblivon, and we'll be competing with the other four squads, who luckily for us are playing just about as poorly right now.
  22. feel....this.....one.....slipping.....away.....
  23. QUOTE (PlunketChris @ Apr 29, 2009 -> 08:07 PM) I could open the "what if we had actually signed Torii Hunter" can of worms if we're opening cans of worms... Oh yeah, Hunter, did that guy ever catch on anywhere???
  24. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Apr 23, 2009 -> 04:44 PM) MLB network is changing things. It's not all about ESPN anymore. They aren't remotely as biased with the Yanks and Red Sox. You know a couple weeks ago I added a thread called "Kudos to MLBTV", as it was just being offered by my cable provider, and I was ecstatic about the balanced coverage of the teams. But i have to say since then, in watching their nightly recap, "MLB Rountripper" I'm seeing the same pattern, open the show with almost exclusively AL East content, move to NL East, dance around to some live games, and get in what they can on the other divisions/teams. I also check MLBTV on my cellphone daily for score updates, and the small screen view (before expanding) ALWAYS shows NYY, BOS, NYM, scores ahead of all other teams.....I do believe that the dramatization of the AL/NL East sagas over the years has created an unstoppable monster where kids are dissing their local teams in favor of what they see/hear constantly, which in turn has generated the kind of revenue those teams need to keep themselves in a perpetual state of high priced, high quality athlete rosters, that by default are competititve....
  25. agree, I just about "call uncle" to the ESPN-machine located between NYC and BOS Their endless propoganda push for the teams from these two cities has made events like this too big of a mountain to climb every year, and I'm just too busy to stay online hitting "vote again" thousands of times to hope, just maybe, we can get one player on the roster, and as a sub at that....punch AJ was cool, Dye should have been in last year no questions asked, overall the effort reqd to just get close is over the top.... with basically one national sports network, whose sunday night baseball, monday night baseball, wednesday night baseball, baseball tonight, sportscenter, and commercials are relentlessly pimping pedroia, papi, formerly manny, pappelbon, jeter, arod, clemens, pettite, name your met player, KG, pierce, allen......fans from other teams just cannot win. couple that with having this voting basically before the g-damn season has even started, the msg is clear: "the roster has already been defined by 'the system', just need millions of people viewing the online advertisements, uh, I mean 'voting' "
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