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Everything posted by StrangeSox

  1. They need two, 50 + Pence gets him in right? Murkowski *seems* like a no right now. Don't trust Collins. Gotta figure Flake is a yes. Don't know what to expect. Either her performance this morning and Kavanaugh's shitshow this afternoon have rankled enough GOP that it's clear McConnell doesn't have nearly enough votes, or they're sitting on 48 or 49 and he's going to bring it to a floor vote regardless of judiciary, jam his caucus and force them to play their cards a la ACA repeal.
  2. Collins choice is lose in the general in 2020 if she votes yes or face a serious and probably successful primary if she votes no.
  3. He sounds like he feels even having to be here is beneath him. How dare he ever be questioned or denied what he wants and believes is due to him.
  4. They are abysmal for him and the GOP. Will it matter? Remains to be seen.
  5. Her recollection of Mark Judge working at a grocery store also matches with his own autobiographical work that describes his time working as a bag boy at a local grocery store.
  6. Boy it sure would be nice for Mr. Kavanaugh if the GOP held a real investigation so that his name could be cleared. Oh well.
  7. you missed a lot of literal crying over calendars and workout routines from the 80's. I still can't believe he brought up the idea that this is all a conspiracy to get revenge for the Clintons.
  8. from his earlier conspiratorial rambling before he began weeping over calendars for five minutes: "Revenge on behalf of the Clintons". Clearly, an impartial man who should be given a seat on the highest court of the land. And his calendar defenses don't make sense, anyway. He's gone on weekends, and apparently high school students never party during the week in the summer. He had football camp the following week, so of course they'd never party that weekend. What.
  9. More or less. A female friend of his confided her assault to him at one point, which proves
  10. I think this is pretty important here. Kavanaugh's whole career was doing political dirty work up until he was made a judge. His reaction here is borderline unhinged and lashing out strongly against conspiratorial democratic forces. In what world could he be trusted to be fair and impartial?
  11. That stuff has devolved into accusations of literal child rape and cannibalism. Q supporters are frequently seen at Trump rallies, often right behind Trump.
  12. His anger and indignation seems to be coming from a sense of entitlement, that he's owed this Supreme Court seat, that it's rightfully his.
  13. It's a performance for Trump is my guess. He was allegedly not happy with his fake-contrite Fox News interview.
  14. so weird how absolutely none of this ever happened to Gorsuch or Alito or Roberts or Kennedy or Souter or Scalia or really any non-rapey GOP nominee
  15. Kavanaugh going whole-hog on the "it's an orchestrated Democrat conspiracy" claims
  16. Kavanaugh coming out sounding very angry/like a huge douchebag boom, roasted:
  17. You cartwheeled into the thread to cast shade on an accuser and seem to have zero interest in actually discussing Kavanaugh or the multiple sexual assault and rape allegations against him.
  18. Judiciary Committee vote tomorrow morning. Other Senate votes over the weekend, per C-SPAN just now, confirmation timeline would put full Senate vote Monday or Tuesday. Senate has a whole bunch of arcane rules that generally mean you can't ram things through instantly.
  19. Dr. Blasey Ford's testimony/questioning is over. Kavanaugh's will begin in ~45 minutes.
  20. You're insisting on talking about anything but Kavanaugh's alleged sexual assaults and rapes. The "moral dilemma" you're posing is irrelevant to the topic at hand. If you want to talk about why people may or may not step in in situations like that, the bystander effect, or anything like that, feel free to start another thread. This thread is about accused attempted rapist/actual rapist Brett Kavanaugh and the allegations against him, not what one of the alleged should or shouldn't have done when they saw Kavanaugh lined up for a rape.
  21. The ending of Blasey Ford's questioning was interesting. The hired goon pressed her on whether the five-minute segment structure was the best way or even a common way to investigate these sorts of allegations, and of course Blasey Ford said no. The prosecutor pointed out that the best method is a private one-on-one interview, which would have happened in a legitimate investigation. Grassley chose this format. Grassley, Trump, and the rest of the GOP refuses to have an actual investigation. I have no idea what that line of questioning was supposed to be.
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