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Everything posted by StrangeSox

  1. He also wrote an article a few years back about an imaginary black man stealing his bicycle justifying his prejudices.
  2. It's pretty weird to argue that a lifetime appointment to the federal government made by a politician and confirmed by a bunch of other politicians shouldn't be "politicized," too. The whole process is political from start to finish.
  3. The GOP's gambit appears to be "say we should hold public hearings over these accusations" with the expectation that Ford would decline, but she immediately called their bluff and said she'd testify publicly.
  4. what he deserves is to not have a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the country. crimes are used for political purposes constantly, and honestly, they absolutely should be. we shouldn't want criminals and rapists with that much power. defending him and attacking her, which is absolutely what you're doing here, is awful. that she chose to finally come forward when the stakes were at their highest is not a slight on her. you're arguing that because she didn't come forward before, she needs to sit down and shut up now while her smiling attempted rapist gets appointed and hailed as a great man.
  5. Straight up denial now Pure garbage person
  6. And lest you think there's any basis to that "70%" claim anyway, that it would actually excuse this disgusting conspiracy nonsense, there isn't
  7. Meanwhile, Trump and his GOP enablers are doubling down on the disgusting conspiracy theory that the death toll in Puerto Rico is fake.
  8. Nyt basically had to retract that entire story. Decision was made in 2016 and she didn't want them.
  9. Podesta also seems to be in a world of trouble edit: lol
  10. Oh absolutely. Still, they've known for a while and took it seriously enough to find all of these women. Although "well he didn't try to rape me!" isn't exactly the stellar defense they seem to think it is.
  11. right, you want the left to sit down and shut up and never say a bad word about any centrist candidates or policies while those same centrists should be free to attack the left at all times and immune to any challenges
  12. That seems to make a fundamental mistake that democratic elections will tend to result in the "best" politicians and policies, too. It could be true that leftist policies are both good and plausible to implement but are still not popular among the voting public for a wide variety of reasons.
  13. Grassley just happened to have 65 letters from former HS classmates saying how Kavanaugh was such a great guy ready to go.
  14. I think Matty's point here is valid, and it tracks with what I've seen from Lipinski at least during his primary battle this spring. While he's still a conservative democrat with bad personal policy preferences, he's shifted both his rhetoric and some of his votes leftward as pressure increases. Hopefully, Cuomo does the same. At the very least, the IDC got wiped out.
  15. 3,000 dead Americans don't count because they're not Republican voters Trump is a symptom, not the disease. The rot that brought us Trump runs very deep within the republican party. The next time around, his brand of politics will be lead by someone who's actually competent. For example:
  16. That's not a complaint just an observation. I think Dave Weigel even backed Carper over Harris in the DE race or at least hinted at his preference. He's a WaPo reporter. There was something floating around last night about someone within Nixon's campaign actually complaining about high turnout, though. I don't know if it was substantiated but if true, that's an awful look. edit2: oh I see Weigel actually linked the tweet I was talking about! Still haven't seen who that little screenshot snippet was supposed to be from, though.
  17. There's been some backroom scuffling on the Dem side over a letter that Feinstein has relating to Kavanaugh. She came out with a statement just now: Criminal referral to the FBI. Wonder what the hell is in that letter. Gonna be cool to have a straight up criminal on the SCOTUS.
  18. oh good now the GOP is going to feed Trump's Hurricane Trutherism nobody tell Grassley that the Senate has oversight and investigatory powers of its own! they seem to have forgotten since the 154th Benghazi investigation ended
  19. Cuomo is so progressive he worked with Republicans to make sure the state house stayed in their control!
  20. love the passive voice and the complete dismissal that the horribly managed response could be responsible in any way
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