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Everything posted by StrangeSox

  1. The other two with this position were Wynn, a man with tons of abuse and rape allegations, and Broidy, another man facing criminal charges.
  2. and former National Security Advisor, at some point, once his cooperation with ongoing investigations in complete
  3. .Why is it okay to lock out the media for wealthy donors but not for regular constituents? What is the "fact" about functions for the wealthy that makes it okay for them to be secretive in order to solicit their donations that can't apply to normal people? I'm not even making a purity argument here, so I don't know where you're getting that. It's an argument that nobody gives a shit when secrecy is afforded to the wealthy but god forbid someone try to create a safe environment for constituents who might feel vulnerable to express their concerns. It's a bunch of pearl-clutching from people who love to punch left.
  4. Bolton filmed a video for Butina at the insistence of the former head of the NRA Trump's first NSA was literally a foreign agent so this might actually be a marginal improvement.
  5. An illustration of just how empty most of the country really is (when you take a bunch of cross-country flights to California, you really do see a whole heck of a lot of nothing out there)
  6. He has an entire section called "war and peace" that appears to be entirely about foreign policy, as one would expect. Come on. For comparison, here's Clinton's current website. Not sure what it looked like in 2016, but it looks...pretty similar to Sanders' at a high level. https://www.hillaryclinton.com/issues/ edit: I am surprised that he doesn't have a whole page for trade deals, though. that seems like it'd be right in his wheel house.
  7. Trump's realized he has another power that, like the pardon power, is basically unchecked. He's going to threaten to revoke the security clearances of anyone who dares to question him.
  8. Another monument to treasonous slavers was torn down last night, this time at UNC. Something to remember when you see people clutching their pearls over it:
  9. So you're perfectly fine with the wealthy having private events so long as the name is different. How many times has your candidate barred the media from events? Actually it's just your okay with anything that lets you punch left. That's the core standard here. And then you'll whine if a single progressive voter doesn't support the latest garbage establishment candidate with zero self awareness.
  10. Why is a no media event to meet with actual constituents some egregious thing but having a no media event to meet with the wealthy perfectly acceptable? How many no media events for wealthy donors has your campaign done? What's the justification that doesn't hold for a town hall with actual people?
  11. It's categorically different but I've never seen you complaining about the private events with no press for wealthy donors. It's hard to take your concern here as genuine.
  12. that is insane, I can barely make it up a slight incline. I have no idea how people regularly ride through the mountains, sometimes even hauling tens of pounds of backpacking gear! Sunrise had one of our favorite hikes on Rainier out to an old firewatch tower overlooking the north side of the mountain
  13. Paul Ryan regularly gets lauded and even got some sort of fiscal policy award for his complete nonsense budgets that rely heavily on Heritage Foundation magick to come into any sort of balance and are still primarily aimed at harming as many poor people as possible in service of the rich. The difference in tone of the media coverage between the Serious Republicans and AOC is pretty telling. e: Paul Ryan also revealed last year that he does not understand the fundamental concept of insurance when he complained that "healthy people shouldn't have to pay for the sick," but he still gets treated as a Very Serious and Smart Policy Wonk.
  14. Yeah, that's what makes it completely different. Maybe you can disagree with the approach, but the intention was to offer her constituents a place they could feel comfortable sharing personal issues with her. It wasn't an anti media move.
  15. Campaigns have private, closed door events all the time. Usually they're $10k/plate fundraisers for their wealthy donors, though, and the press doesn't get in a big tizzy over that.
  16. 1-4 chance for R's to keep the house is pretty far from zero imo. That's one out of four coinflips. Their other two models have Dems at 2/3 chance. Gonna be fun when the final vote is something like D+8 but republicans still keep the house
  17. WV GOP is currently impeaching their whole Supreme Court, which many/most may or may not deserve it, but they're timing it so that the current 3-2 democratic majority is fully replaced by the Republican governor after they'd have to put the positions on the 2018 ballot. NC GOP says "hold my beer"
  18. That's what the latest tape of Laura Trump was about, her offering Omaraso an indefinite position in the campaign not really doing much but earning $15k/month. Laura even mentioned in the tape that the money for the payments would be coming from donors and mainly small dollar donors. Trump's former bodyman Keith Schiller has been getting $15k/month from the RNC in what appears to be a very similar hush money situation. https://www.cnn.com/2018/02/21/politics/donald-trump-keith-schiller-rnc-contract/index.html
  19. First concert would have been one of those Q101 Twisted Christmas shows as my friend's dad's work had a skybox at the UC back in the 90's. Probably was excited to go see Everclear or some other 90's garbage at the time, but I did get to see The Cure and I've liked them ever since. I have tinnitus now from way too many shows at Metro, Fireside Bowl, etc. in the late 90's through the mid 00's.
  20. Georgia GOP planning on closing 7 of 9 polling places in majority minority county https://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2018/08/15/us/ap-us-polling-places-proposed-closures.html If Roberts and the rest of the conservatives on the court hadn't gutted the VRA back in 2013 with one of the worst rulings in generations, this wouldn't be possible. But they had no problem enabling the conservative movement's goal of suppressing as many voters as possible. Looking forward to decades more of these rulings from an increasingly illegitimate court.
  21. also, rasmussen Pew put trump's approval among black people at 14% back in June http://www.people-press.org/2018/06/20/1-views-of-donald-trump/
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