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Everything posted by StrangeSox

  1. hey reddy any public polls of IA-01 lately?
  2. Why do these things happen over and over in the US but don't seem to happen in other countries that have similar media access and similar levels of mental health issues?
  3. It won't be too long until we're at "actually it's good that the GOP colluded with Russia to stop Clinton!"
  4. They did a massive stimulus in the form of $2T of tax cuts for the wealthy and businesses. Still not trickling down to real wage growth for most people, though.
  5. So weird that Nunes wouldn't let the Democrats subpoena his phone records to see who he made a restricted call to before and after the meeting.
  6. also this midwest Gov poll, wow
  7. Russian hacking, coming to a midterm near you! I'm very confused though our big boy president told us that Russia was actually in favor of the Dems??
  8. I think they're up to 100 different allegations against the OSU doctor, yet Jordan maintains he knew absolutely nothing about any of it. So today he announced his intention to replace Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House
  9. Chicago sending thousands of poor, mostly black people into bankruptcy over city sticker tickets. They thought they could raise about $16m in revenue, which of course never happened, but these peoples' lives are being severely negatively impacted instead.
  10. There seem to be some serious omissions in this list. It's also amusing that most of it is things Democrats have failed to implement. It ends with pointing out that the GOP has controlled the House for 19 of those 25 years, but apparently this doesn't cause the author to rethink the wisdom of pursuing the same strategies that led to that.
  11. She did win the race though, by a big margin, because Crowley and what he represents sucks.
  12. As part of a national project or supreme court ruling outlawing partisan gerrymandering, yes.
  13. e.g. Poll says majority of Northeast Ohioans want Medicare for all It turns out that good things are actually popular even in non-coastal areas! Wow!
  14. look at the good that automatic voter registration does: More voters, higher participation. Voter registration hurdles and purges have a clear goal and purpose.
  15. love our good democracy where you can routinely win legislative majorities with a minority vote share
  16. NC GOP up to more antidemocratic measures I'd expect more of this across the country as the GOP struggles to win in fair elections. e:
  17. Fun follow up to this: The deliberately ignored any evidence of the benefits of the national monuments designations and focused solely on how to promote extraction industry access! Shocking, right? They accidentally released a bunch of emails documenting this. Trump administration officials dismissed benefits of national monuments Don't like what the facts are? Simply remove them from consideration!
  18. We've had a literal civil war that left hundreds of thousands dead. Bland centrism that doesn't appeal to many people won't actually stop the bleeding, either. But either way, you kinda missed the opportunity to explain why Clinton's campaign wasn't the epitome of the thinking you're advocating, or why the 1000+ seats lost by Democrats after 2008 wasn't representative of it, either. It's not like the Democrats were out there forcefully advocating for things like M4A and free college and $15 and getting beat over and over, it was the opposite! Tepid technocratic incrementalism was the flavor of Obama's administration, running away from defending the ACA was common in Congressional races, and they lost state houses across the country. None of this happened because there was a socialist or left-wing insurgency that pushed radical candidates that couldn't win general elections.
  19. Clinton was very much a "continue on with incremental improvements to the status quo" campaign though. We'll always be at the "stop-the-bleeding" phase with that framing.
  20. It's great when you remember that Meghan McCain owes everything she has entirely to the birth lottery and that her father voted for her to inherit millions of dollars tax free, yet she'll still whine about "handouts". this was even better though: I love that they're giving AOC and her platform so much free airtime.
  21. He's run for President a few times and never did well at all, so he doesn't have a great track record there. Economically, his policies have long been to the right of Clinton. He is a war hawk as well. And I wouldn't be shocked if he's got a few of his own #MeToo skeletons in the closet as he also has a history of being borderline creepy. He's good as a Dem hypeman and I'll always appreciate his dunking all over Paul Ryan in the 2012 VP debates, but I don't want someone with his ideology setting the tone for the party.
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