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Everything posted by StrangeSox

  1. I don't think rabbit accepts that the DNC was hacked at all. The central claim of the Seth Rich conspiracy theory is that he was murdered for leaking the DNC files. As of last week, rabbit was still posting that the DNC wasn't hacked.
  2. The Clinton Foundation has done a ton of actual, legitimate charity work around the globe. That doesn't preclude potential influence-peddling, but it is definitely a real charity.
  3. Rauner vetos bill that would have removed Illinois from Kris Kobach's "voter crosscheck" system that produces numerous false positives and purges legitimate voters from the rolls
  4. he immediately undermined his walk-back though this is Charlottesville all over again. say something horrendous, kinda-sorta walk it back by reading a statement written by your staff, immediately go back to what you originally said.
  5. Republicans are doing something about it: advocating for Robinson. Trump's ambassador lobbied Britain on behalf of jailed right-wing activist Tommy Robinson
  6. our voting systems are...not great
  7. Putin's Puppet No Russian Interference wait wait let me fix that Putin's Puppet? No, Russian Interference! really makes the idiots in Congress who rushed out to defend him look great lol
  8. lol extremely convincing great job burying the equivocation Reuters
  9. FWIW the Butina indictment yesterday pushes Russian interference in our elections, this time via the GOP and the NRA rather than specifically the Trump campaign, to early 2015.
  10. predictable conservative response is predictable much like his praising of literal Nazi murderers, this won't matter at all in a week or so. e:
  11. smh scumbags in both parties in Congress at it again
  12. reddy do you honestly not see how your own attitude and approach deepens the rift between moderates and those on the left?
  13. This is why Trump always goes after "MS-13". It's time-honored fascist rhetoric--attack a small, indefensible subgroup of the real target but generalize it to the whole group, play ignorant when your rhetoric is called out. Stoke the fear in your supporters of the "illegal immigrant MS-13 gang members" that gets blurred with a heightened fear of immigrants in general.
  14. FWIW Rosenstein did not say "there were no Americans involved." The language in the indictment is very specific. First, the indictment references US persons multiple times including a Congressional candidate. So the indictment is very clear that US persons were involved. The quoted section there is factually stating what the indictment does or doesn't contain. It offers no conclusions whatsoever on whether Americans were actually knowingly involved. This indictment contains no charges against any US persons, but nothing in the indictment or in that statement precludes the possibility of future charges.
  15. Tucker Carlson, with whom Trump sat down with shortly after the press conference, decided that doubling down on white nationalism is the way to go on defense today
  16. Per the email quoted in the indictment, the Gun Rights Organization is referred to as "the largest sponsor of elections to the US Congress, as well as a sponsor of The CPAC conference [...]". NRA's been linked to Russian funding already, too https://www.politico.com/story/2018/04/11/nra-russia-money-guns-516804 Too bad about scumbags in both parties Republicans' repeated efforts to block any sort of legislation requiring full disclosure of that sort of funding, though.
  17. I didn't know it was even possible to be this bad at politics real strong message there going into the midterms, Chuck
  18. lol the NRA's been getting in on the Russian money game too
  19. We saw something similar when he praised and defended the Charlottesville Nazis last August. They'll come around. Some already have.
  20. lol He already gave his post-meeting interviews with both Hannity and Tucker Carlson. The official spin line will be out tonight. Several Republicans and Fox News personalities are already practicing it. We'll see a wave of Very Deeply Concerned statements from Republicans who will then do absolutely nothing, even the Deeply Troubled Senators who could grind his entire admin to a halt single-handily if they wanted to.
  21. embarrassing the extremely dumb, corrupt and compromised POTUS by asking him very basic and critical policy questions relating to the guy he just met in private with is good imo
  22. just going to openly believe Putin over my own intelligence agencies, definitely not a traitor to my country e:
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