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Everything posted by StrangeSox

  1. Are there any rumors of Microsoft dropping the price of the 360? My cheap ass isn't going to pay $400 for a video game system.
  2. Nice work Logan. Ozzie confirmed my sig with his "management" this inning.
  3. Go deep or go home: The White Sox Offense
  4. Whats the maximum sentence for this level of animal cruelty?
  5. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ May 27, 2007 -> 03:35 PM) Ozzie needs to have a quicker hook on when he changes someones role. Last year he marched Politte and his ripped up arm out in late game situations because of 05 and he clearly didnt have it. He kept trying over and over and over losing games. This year we are trying to do the same thing with Mac. The guy cannot throw strikes right now, and his velocity is way down. Something is up. See my signature.
  6. Couldn't even advance him one base with 3 outs...
  7. Thought it was an enjoyable movie. Nothing more, nothing less. Better than the second one, not as good as the first.
  8. QUOTE(Alpha Dog @ May 24, 2007 -> 11:39 AM) So unless we have 100% confirmation on intelligence from every available resource, we should not act? Let's change your words here a bit to fit a different argument......And not every scientist in the world agreed 100% that global warming is a imminent threat. Any dissent, however, was brushed aside, ignored, or crushed by the Eco-nazis. No, I never said that. I just sick of people acting like everyone in the world agreed that Saddam had weapons and was a imminent threat. QUOTE(Jenksismyb**** @ May 24, 2007 -> 12:46 PM) I don't think it was as cut and dry as this. (a) it's a big country. we found bunkers we didn't know saddam had after we invaded. just because a group of 20 inspectors goes in and looks around doesn't mean they checked every possible place (B) they were never given enough time to complete the job. if i recall correctly saddam waited a long time before he let them in, and when he did he didn't cooperate fully. also the inspectors DID find weapons that were banned after the Gulf War the he said he got rid of but obviously didn't. The left can try to spin this all they want, but the fact was the majority of the world thought he had them. The best intelligence available said he had them. If you want to debate that the Bush admn tried to sell the war on shaky intelligence (my favorite was the mobile missile systems on semi-trucks), ok fine. But the evidence did exist and it was believed by the majority of the international intelligence community at the time. It wasn't fabricated like so many people think. They asked for more time, but Bush said he was going to start bombing. As for the evidence, yeah, it was out there, but as you said, it was all very, very shaky and barely verifiable. There was evidence that contradicted the assertions that he had weapons. There were clear indications that some of the intelligence was just complete garbage.
  9. You think Heads is skinny? I've got 5 inches on him and only about 20 lbs... I'm going to be starting to work out myself this summer. I know I'm not going to get much bigger. I have a friend who is the exact same body type as me and had to work out non-stop for about 3 years to build up a good amount of muscle. That's not my goal, though. Just looking to get stronger and get my ass in shape.
  10. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ May 24, 2007 -> 08:40 AM) How did I know this thread would be back? It's kinda like Herpes, it never really goes away. It just flares up from time to time.
  11. QUOTE(kapkomet @ May 24, 2007 -> 07:23 AM) The intelligence was wrong. Everyone in the WORLD's inteligence was wrong. And it's a nice mantra to say "Congress got duped!!! OMG!!!!"... that's utter bulls*** as well. And, like was already pointed out, there was evidence and information out there indicating that the intelligence was pure BS. Congress didn't get to see that. Congress was not privy to all of the information that the Executive was. They got to hear and see the intelligence that the Executive wanted them to hear and see. And not every intelligence agency in the world agreed 100% that Saddam had any weapons or was in any way, shape, or form a imminent threat. Any dissent, however, was brushed aside, ignored, or crushed by the Executive.
  12. I think the future look was done to shift the focus off of "will they get off the island?" to "WTF is this island, and what happens between then (radio tower) and now (Jack at airport)." I don't think it was a "possible" future or anything like that. As far as Jack's dad goes, I think that he never told anyone he was dead.
  13. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ May 23, 2007 -> 08:21 AM) That's the plug-in car, yes? Cars that just pull a charge from elsewhere and use it up aren't really doing much to help either the environment or your gas bills. It just shifts the energy demand from the road to the power plant. A large-scale power plant is going to be more efficient than an internal combustion engine. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ May 23, 2007 -> 10:30 AM) Definitely gives me more disposable income. Seems like a great idea for people in dense, urban areas. I'd definitely consider public transportation if it were a realistic option for people in the suburbs.
  14. I chose the Yankees because the Sox could be in a WC race with them.
  15. While watching "Lockup" on MSNBC last night, a thought came to mind: are prisoners now banned from smoking? I know that they have made exceptions for state-run nursing homes so that they can smoke in their own rooms still.
  16. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ May 13, 2007 -> 09:29 PM) Or replace them all with "blonde" or "pollack" and see if anyone even notices... The existance of a double-standard doesn't make racial slurs ok.
  17. QUOTE(Jenksismyb**** @ May 12, 2007 -> 07:31 PM) It's not as if the school is giving these kids money to throw a racist party. Why hold them to a higher standard? Because they're smart kids and they should know better? Does that it make it more right or more wrong? I'm in agreement with Nuke here. I just wish minorities would learn to give it back. Society gets along better when we can all laugh at each other. Someone (cough*liberals in academia*cough) created a nation of whiney This post has been edited by the Soxtalk staff to remove objectionable material. Soxtalk encourages a free discussion between its members, but does not allow personal attacks, threats, graphic sexual material, nudity, or any other materials judged offensive by the Administrators and Moderators. Thank you. that are offended at everything. And as I always point out in these types of discussions, if you look hard enough, you'll find offensive speech in everything. Funny how 90% of successful television sitcoms revolve around making fun of men, showcasing them as morons who couldn't walk straight if it weren't for their wives. Isn't this offensive to every man in the nation? Shouldn't we be boycotting these networks for their offensive speech? I'm calling my Congressperson. If they are a student organization, they receive funds and support from the school. I'm in agreement with Tex here. There's a difference of several orders of magnitude of Nuke and his buddies cracking a racist joke amongst friends, and a school-sponsered club holding a party with racial slurs and stereotypes. Replace all of the "spics" with "n*****s" on those kids' shirts. Still seem OK to you? Just "brush it off?"
  18. QUOTE(Hideaway Lights @ May 11, 2007 -> 12:02 PM) post all-star break 2006 I have 10th/14 AL teams and 16th/30 MLB....the 7th place AL team scored 11 more second half runs whereas the bottom team was nearly 30 runs worse is that really "near the bottom" or just "slightly below average"? This season they are 14th/14 and 27/30...I don't think the two are comparable frankly Its 4 teams removed from the bottom and 3 teams removed from average. Either way, it was s***ty offensive production.
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