QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Apr 23, 2007 -> 11:32 AM)
I'm as big a defender of gun rights as anyone here, but, that statement is ridiculous. You think a shotgun is better than a dead bolt? Or an alarm system? Or calling the police? Or any number of other smart security measures?
Crowbar > dead bolt
Police and alarm systems take time to respond. Time you may not have. Besides, it has been tested in court and affirmed numerous times that the police force's duty is to protect the community, not the individuals.
Keep your gun locked up and next to your bed. You hear someone breaking in, quietly and quickly unlock the safe. Its not like the intruder is going to charge into the bedroom first. They're probably going to root around the living room and other areas for electronics and other valuables and avoid people. A lock isn't that complicated to open, its not like putting in nuclear launch codes.