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Everything posted by StrangeSox

  1. QUOTE(RME JICO @ Jul 13, 2006 -> 10:58 AM) I think 50 is easily achievable for him at this point. Here are his monthly totals: April (80 AB) - 10 May (100 AB) - 10 June (72 AB) - 5 July (37 AB) - 5 If he was to keep up his current pace he would end up with 57 HRs, 120 Runs, and 133 RBI for the season in 500 ABs. Interleague is over too, so he won't have to sit as many games.
  2. Love Stewart and the Daily Show, colbert too. I've read several of "The Dugout" series and haven't even cracked a smile. I drive an old Porsche and eat my fish cooked.
  3. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Jul 13, 2006 -> 02:47 AM) A lot of stats being thrown around in this thread but I think one of the more important stats hasn't been discussed yet, the fact that the Sox are under .500 this year when Scott doesn't start. I believe this was also the case last season(if we weren't under .500, we were considerably worse with him out of the lineup) and him getting injured coincided with the August slump. Like I said earlier, I can't stand to watch him play left field but I do believe he's a pretty solid lead off hitter. As annoying as he can be when he watches strike three or can't get a bunt down, he does have some very serious value to this team. Pods also usually is someone that makes a pitcher work, you rarely see him swing at the first pitch and most of the time he'll see a good amount of pitches per at bat. That seems to be forgotten with him a lot of the time and I think that was especially important last season when you had a guy coming in from Japan who had never seen major league pitching before. You also have to look at who else is out of the lineup, who's pitching, who the opponents are, etc. Just looking at what games he was in or not doesn't give the whole story.
  4. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jul 13, 2006 -> 01:34 AM) And yes Athomeboy, he did lift them up....for the monumental fall that came when their jobs/pensions/professional lives collapsed beyond all recognition. Not everyone who worked for Lay got screwed over. I know someone who worked at Florida energy company owned by Enron who still gets a pretty good pension. But for the most part, yeah, this guy was scum. I like the pity store his family tried claiming. They were poor, their press release issued from their Aspen vacation home claimed.
  5. Money For Nothing - Dire Straits Dancing In The Street - David Bowie & Mick Jagger
  6. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jul 12, 2006 -> 12:05 PM) NW Indiana is also home to the 3rd largest refinary capacity in the USA, one of the few LEGITIMATE targets that could actually be taken seriously. I don't take anything in Indiana seriously.
  7. I'm not sure I entirely understand your question, but: If the stereo doesn't have at least 5.1 outputs (center, front l/r, back l/r, sub), then you're not going to be able to hook up each speaker. Well, you'd need some kind of splitter/crossover thingy but it'd completely defeat the purpose of surround sound. You could hook it up to a receiver with more outputs (7.1) I suppose.
  8. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Jul 11, 2006 -> 12:41 AM) That was quite stupid. Apparently I'm not the only one who doesn't "get" The Dugout. Not even slightly funny.
  9. StrangeSox


    I saw The Sting last night (Newman, Redford classic) on AMC for the first time; what a great movie. I've been unimpressed by the Spiderman movies. I've been thinking about getting Netflix lately. What are some opinions or experiences on it? Blockbuster is a ripoff. Family Video isn't bad (2 movies, 5 nights, 1 buck), but I often find myself wandering around the store for up to an hour before I find something. My girlfriend and I are pretty picky when it comes to movies (luckily we have similar tastes), so I thought being able to browse through Netflix and choose that way would be good. Thoughts?
  10. The cycle of violence is very disheartening. Both groups absolutely hate each other and would like nothing more than to see the other wiped from the face of the earth.
  11. Whatever lawyer filed this case should be debarred, instantly. Scum like that disgrace the profession.
  12. StrangeSox


    QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jul 10, 2006 -> 10:40 AM) I disagree. The end showed that the cycle of violence led all involved to nothing good. They were all either dead or fearing that they soon would be dead. No more sense of patriotism for Bana, just a final realization that he had done nothing good by basically being a terrorist himself. And then they showed the WTC at the end to show how the violence had spread far enough to affect us. Oh I got the final scene, and it was good. But the movie just seemed to peak about an hour in and die off slowly. I found myself checking the clock several times. It wasn't a bad film, but I don't think it deserved all the praise it got. Speaking of overrated movies though, I hated Crash. I really, really dislike it when films try to be "intelligent" and instead just beat you over the head with the issues. There's racism in America, surprise! That movie offered no new insight or perspective on the situation.
  13. StrangeSox


    Finally saw Munich last night, boy was that overrated. The first 45 minutes or hour were great, but then it just sort of stalled and dragged on. Pay for information, set up hit, boom, repeat. Boring. Very anticlimactic too. I also saw PotC on Friday. I'd agree with the review above: good, enjoyable movie that wasn't quite as good as the first. The ending was obviously just an intermission in the story with basically nothing resolved (think LotR).
  14. QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Jul 9, 2006 -> 08:22 PM) I loved it when Thome hit a line off of Schilling. I only wish it'd hit his big mouth. If anyone has a picture of the Schilling hit, do share. Yeah, that was awesome. I can't imagine how much getting drilled by Thome must hurt.
  15. Just conceded that game. Time to wax my car, back to the radio.
  16. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jul 9, 2006 -> 06:59 PM) McCarthy with a f***ing great performance today. Thank you, bullpen. This game has got me shaking. Oh man, we have to end it at some point, right? Right? My prediction of the White Sox players missing the ASG because this game is still going on is looking better and better
  17. Nope, into the 15th. END ALREADY. Screw this, I've got to rewire the stereo in my car. I'll just listen to it on the radio.
  18. QUOTE(Greg The Bull Luzinski @ Jul 9, 2006 -> 06:02 PM) How about some 2 out magic from our defensive liability. He just grounded out. Oh, you mean the other huge liability.
  19. Mackowiak with uglier swings than Uribe at his worst.
  20. Mackowiak with uglier swings than Uribe at his worst.
  21. cintron-mackowiak-podsednik That does not bode well for our chances of ending this game right here.
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