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Everything posted by StrangeSox

  1. Highest School-Related Virus Cases Since August For Will County
  2. Some advice on another forum from someone who's done a few stints at research bases in Antarctica where you don't necessarily know when winter will end and you get to go home: Don't set a date, even in your mind. "The end" is out of your control entirely. While it may seem nice to think about "well, we should be good by next June, then we can X," if June comes and goes, you'll be in worse spot mentally. Focus on things you can control.
  3. Pretty easy to be socially distant when your nearest neighbor is 50 miles away! Drove from Midland-Odessa down to BBNP last December. There's a whole lotta nothing on the way, and even more once you get there. We're going to be going the opposite way, if anything. Currently, we both work from home, and our parents watch our kids 4 days a week. They're all either wfh, retired or furloughed and don't go anywhere but the grocery store once every week or so, maybe the occasional doctor's appointment. Once my wife is back in school and the kids are in daycare, we won't be able to see them until mid-June. Unfortunate, but that's the way to keep them safe from exponentially more second-order contacts via the daycare and school.
  4. I didn't really pay attention to the schedule when it first came out and now just look up week-by-week to see what time the game's on, but I was shocked to see the first Packers matchup isn't until Week 12. Anyway by the transitive property of Bears > TB > GB, the Bears are clearly the best team in the NFCN this year!
  5. Daniel Griffin on the latest TWiV pointed out something important. A lot of spread may not be traced to happening in the school buildings themselves right now, but kids and families have shifted their risk assessments substantially based on the clear and loud public policy signals that "schools are safe." So if schools are safe, and the kids are in classrooms with other kids all day...why not let Johnny have a birthday party with 10-15 other kids? And sure the parents can come for a bit, too, we're all already exposed indirectly. The risk-taking creeps and creeps and creeps. Oops, superspreader event! I'm glad my wife's district is now remote until January at the earliest for everyone but the highly special needs. She's already had two students in her remote classes test positive. Illinois actually tallied the most cases in the country yesterday, cracking 4.3k on a Sunday. Lots of sharks down at Oak Street Beach.
  6. Really shows the false dichotomy of "savings lives/the economy" It turns out that unless you get the pandemic under control, your economy suffers!
  7. The problem with that study is that you're working with very incomplete and limited data. It relies on schools self-reporting infections and doesn't account for asymptomatic spreading. She's not an epidemiologist. The whole article has a very smug attitude about it as well, which makes me wonder if there's some motivated reasoning going on behind this economist's research.
  8. "After Reporting 67,000 Tests, Public Health Officials Announce Highest One-Day Coronavirus Disease Case Total – 4,015 New Cases" https://www.dph.illinois.gov/news/a...day-coronavirus
  9. Europe on the whole really relaxed over the past few months, and now they're seeing what that leads to. Lots of countries and cities are re-imposing restrictions. Came across this as well:
  10. Europe had been doing a lot better
  11. Isn't Christie still in the hospital?
  12. The White House has embraced a declaration by a group of scientists arguing that authorities should allow the coronavirus to spread among young healthy people while protecting the elderly and the vulnerable — an approach that would rely on arriving at “herd immunity” through infections rather than a vaccine. Many experts say “herd immunity” — the point at which a disease stops spreading because nearly everyone in a population has contracted it — is still very far-off. Leading experts have concluded, using different scientific methods, that about 85 to 90 percent of the American population is still susceptible to the coronavirus. Sky News found dozens of fake names on the list of medical signatories, which anyone can add to if they tick a box and enter a name. These included Dr. I.P. Freely, Dr. Person Fakename and Dr. Johnny Bananas, who listed himself as a “Dr of Hard Sums”. One medical professional on the list gives his name as Dr Harold Shipman, a general practitioner in the United Kingdom. A GP called Harold Shipman killed more than 200 of his patients before he was arrested in 1998. Sky News also found 18 self-declared homeopaths listed on the open letter as medical practitioners, despite the fact that homeopathy has no scientific underpinning or clinical evidence to support its use. In addition, the letter has been signed by well over 100 therapists, including massage therapists, hypnotherapists, psychotherapists and one Mongolian Khöömii Singer who describes himself as a “therapeutic sound practitioner”.
  13. Wisconsin Republican judges have destroyed the state's ability to ever respond to a public health crisis
  14. Cases and hospitalizations are both rising again, giving us a third wave with no end in sight. I'm not sure "common sense" is something we should keep following given the death toll. Maybe we should give "medical and scientific expertise" a shot instead?
  15. https://www.chicagotribune.com/coronavirus/ct-coronavirus-antibody-testing-chicago-rate-northwestern-20201009-jxzpyewzlrcgnny2fyflupqdcq-story.html#nt=pf-double chain~top-news-chain-1~flex feature~curated~antibodies-fri-530a~JXZPYEWZLRCGNNY2FYFLUPQDCQ~1~2~3~4~art yes
  16. You can add my wife's 86 year old cancer-survivor grandma to the list of Wisconsin SARS-CoV-2 positives.
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