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Everything posted by StrangeSox

  1. The state with the lowest percentage of people facing eviction is at 22%
  2. There have been plenty of young, healthy people getting wrecked by this disease, Death isn't the only risk. There are also more than players at stake here, plus the general increased spread. As was already pointed out multiple times, the Marlins' positive tests include coaches.
  3. I mean, we're seeing the results of the whole "just have everyone go back to work whatever" approach, it's pretty terrible, maybe we shouldn't be doing that??
  4. Sure, but as long as people continue to insist this is no big deal and that we shouldn't contain it as much as possible, the risk for actually essential workers like grocery store staff increases.
  5. The Marlins numbers include at least some coaches. Players aren't the only ones at risk.
  6. There are adverse consequences besides death.
  7. Some may be pre-symptomatic in that they'll develop symptoms in the coming days/weeks. And it's not just the players but the staff, coaches, etc.
  8. I've got some bad news about how smart the people running this multi-billion dollar organization are e: more accurately, how equipped they are to handle any non-normal situation.
  9. MLB clearly did not plan at all for this nearly 100% likely scenario to occur:
  10. People get pregnant using condoms or birth control, doesn't mean you don't decrease or increase your risk depending on your behavior.
  11. They know what'll happen to the economy and their revenues if the pandemic continues unchecked. Meanwhile, we have at least part of the federal government insisting that as many people go back to work as soon as possible and that we jam schools full of hundreds or thousands of people for hours every day. At the same time, here's how a much poorer country with one of the best COVID track records is responding: And a bit of a look at how "generous" our current (largely broken) UI system is: My mom's been waiting 15 or so weeks now for IDES to process her claim. Relying on intentionally underfunded and already broken state UI systems as the primary means of helping people was a predictably terrible idea.
  12. probably should have thought about this fairly probable scenario beforehand, imo
  13. I enjoyed the ~8 total innings of baseball I was able to watch this year, see ya in 2021!* *maybe
  14. Lots of public spaces that aren't national chain stores. It remains a total governmental failure that masks aren't state-level mandates everywhere with federal support.
  15. Raw cases and positivity keep climbing
  16. Sinclair owns about 200 local news stations across the country. Dangerous false propaganda that will get people killed
  17. It can be turned out more quickly if they're the top priority Or if MLB teams bought a bunch of those less sensitive but still good Abbott machines that give results in like 30 minutes.
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