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Everything posted by StrangeSox

  1. Cancelling all sports seems to have woken a lot of people up to "oh shoot this is actually really serious"
  2. Broke: Italy popping off Woke: Spain popping off (The US is on a nearly identical trajectory to Italy right now)
  3. You could also see mortality of other diseases increase if there are no hospital beds or drugs available.
  4. Unless you want to start including deaths from WW2 which arguably was caused by the Great Depression, then the answer here is actually pretty surprising: https://phys.org/news/2009-09-life-death-great-depression.html Short answer is that while there was widespread suffering, deaths due to starvation were in the hundreds per year. Uptick in suicides, but otherwise not really an increase in mortality. 70-150M infected at 1-3% mortality rates...
  5. What are those people going to do when the economy grinds to a halt and they lose their jobs anyway? Oh, and probably their insurance with it? Not saying there's an easy answer either way, but continuing on as normal won't address those issues, either.
  6. I dunno, it's spread to a whole bunch of states already. Even "sparse" states like Wyoming are reporting cases now. There's only a few left without their first cases. Most Americans live in urban or suburban environments. The overall population density in the US is low thanks to enormous amounts of unpopulated land west of the Rockies. 20 states are just as or more dense than Italy. Texas is heavily populated but density is low because so much of west Texas is just completely empty. It's still going to tear through population centers like Dallas, Houston etc. Iran is getting hit brutally hard and is only slightly more dense than the US as a whole.
  7. The one saving grace so far is that it's not hitting children, even infants, hard. That would be a whole different level.
  8. I could be wrong but I think there are ways to independently verify the claims about infection spread and deaths to at least some degree of certainty, and the larger epidemiological community seems to agree that the spread really has slowed significantly in China (and SK, who is testing like crazy). I don't think we could even accomplish a Wuhan-level lockdown in this country, though. How can we handle it more efficiently?
  9. Yeah the goal is to "Flatten the curve." We're, what, 6-10 days behind the Italian curve and on an identical trajectory so far? They've run out of hospital beds. That's when you'll see mortality rates climb. And Jenks, 1-3% mortality on an estimated 70-150M infected in this country alone is....millions of dead people in a year. Low end, 1% mortality at 70M is still 700,000 people. If we hit the higher end, 150M and 3%, that is 4,500,000 Americans dead. Cross your fingers, pray, whatever that things don't get this bad here:
  10. They're also just not gonna test the Washington cases any more because the CDC declared it endemic. So we'll have no real idea how many people are infected because we're just not going to bother testing https://www.evergreenhealth.com/community-message-3420
  11. Yeah more I meant that the outcome wasn't really in doubt on the final couple of drives
  12. Didn't deserve it imo Still great that the chiefs dominated for like six whole minutes and easily won
  13. FYI to everyone the Kansas City Chiefs are based in Missouri, not Kansas.
  14. StrangeSox


    imo they should make their biggest focus on scoring more runs than the opponent. I think that will give them pretty good odds in winning any given game!
  15. Brady's kinda mediocre at this point and will only get worse, so I'm not sure letting him "get away" is a big deal. Trading away Jimmy G for a #2 was a bad move that Bill Belicheck was against I think.
  16. StrangeSox

    Nest vs Ring

    fwiw Ring can and will turn over your video to law enforcement without your knowledge or consent their backend integration is kinda trash but that's more applicable to the commercial world than home security systems what specific problem are you trying to solve with a video doorbell? that might help guide your decision of which, if any, to purchase.
  17. fire all of management and sell the team are steps 1 and 2 imo
  18. He's not the only problem, but he's not just a symptom either. He's a playoff killer on any team because he's pretty bad at football. Conversely, this team with a competent quarterback is probably a wildcard team given how closer the defense held most games.
  19. Lol at anyone who ever defended Trubisky in any way
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