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Posts posted by Rishard101

  1. QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 12, 2006 -> 01:52 PM)
    My favorite line by Pinella today was in response to this:


    Albert: You had Podsednik in Seattle


    Lou: Yes, we had Podsednik in Seattle.....silence




    then he says he was a great athlete, not saying anything about his baseball game

  2. I have been saying all along that that trade made absolutely no sense. We gave up a good prospect and an arm we could've used in the bullpen, Duque. Plus why the hell would we trade for a fifth starter when we had McCarthey who pitched great at the end of last year, and wa ready to be a major league starter. INstead we hav Vazquez and his career 5+ ERA

  3. Okay I'm not saying Ozzie is a bad manager or anything, I think he is great at motivating a team and having them ready to play everyday, as well as adding in the element of suprise every once in a while. However, I don't think his baseball IQ is very high. The last two and a half years I have seen him make countless strategic mistakes, which I thought were crazy b/c he was managing with his "gut." Everytime it seems like he has done this his player has picked him up and gotten the job done, and I've said "Ozzie got lucky on that one." I think this way of manging has now caught up to Ozzie and it is showing in the win column. Anyone else have any thoughts on this?

  4. Does Ozzie actually do anything as manager once he makes up the lineup card. I mean he leaves the starting pitchers out there until they give up 2 or 3 more runs than they would have if he had pulled them at the right time. In addition this team does not steal bases, bunt for hits, or hit and run anymore. So Ozzie you did a great job last year, but I'm calling you out. GET OFF YOUR ASS AND DO SOMETHING!!!!

  5. OK so I was reading a book today on the history of the White Sox and discovered a big similarity between the 2005 White Sox and 1959 White Sox, both teams went to World Series, and then what both these teams did in the following off seasons. In 1959 the White Sox were a team built on pitching, defense, and timely hitting, much like the 2005 White Sox. Between 1959 and 1960 Bill Veck felt that the team needed more power and traded away some of the lesser known position players for some more pop in the lineup, including aquiring Minnie Minoso. The following year the team raised its team batting average by 30 points (.240 to .270) however the team finished ten games out of first.


    This brings me to my point. The White Sox traded a key position player in Rowand for some more pop in Thome, as well as getting rid of other key parts from last years team like El Duque and Marte. Much like the 1960 team, this team appears better than the year before. However, the added power and other losses have taken away from how this team won last year, smallball.


    Anyway I'm just commenting on how there are many similarities between the 59-60 Sox and the 05-06 Sox, and I'm hoping history won't repeat itself.

  6. QUOTE(tealeafreaderii @ Jul 13, 2006 -> 08:21 PM)
    Whites still have a definite socioeconomic advantage... its not as entranched as it once was... but its still there. It takes more then a few supreme court rulings and legislative band aids to erase the damage done by hundreds of years of slavery.



    That is BS, it is a known fact that blacks get jobs over whites even when the white person is more qualified. Have you ever heard of affrimative action. Blacks only make up around 13% of the population, yet in any public jobs (politics and personel sports jobs for the most part) they hold a lot higher percentage of the jobs than 13%

  7. QUOTE(shoota @ Jul 8, 2006 -> 05:36 PM)
    The similiarities are many. Both teams could hit, with plenty of pop throughout the lineup. Both had a couple stud starting pitchers: Colon/Buehrle in 2003 and Contreras/Buehrle in 2006. Both teams were one of the best teams in baseball.


    The 2003 team ultimately couldn't even make the playoffs, failing to beat the first-place Twins late in the season when it mattered most. Hopefully the 2006 Sox won't face the same story when playing Detroit.



    No offence but this is a stupid post. First of all even if we don't win the division right now we have a 6 game lead in the wild card. And I believe we have been playing at a pace that we can keep up, while Detroit is playing out of their minds.

  8. I agree the NCAA tourney is perfect right now. Honestly by the time the Elite 8 rolls around, and my picks are toast, I'm kind of sick of watching the games unless the Illini or a huge underdog (George mason) is still playing. If they expanded it I would just get bored sonner.

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