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Posts posted by iamshack

  1. 6 hours ago, Chisoxfn said:

    Their SUV is really slick looking too - has a range rover kind of look to it.  

    I have a deposit on one for my wife. They’re very nice. If they can hit those specs it’ll be a big winner.

  2. 6 hours ago, ChiliIrishHammock24 said:

    June 30th has come and gone. Today I charged up for the first time this month, aaaaaaaaandddd......

    Still got free supercharging. ??

    They just hired some guy away from Apple that was highly involved with Apple Pay to work on superchargers...my guess is he will some of these issues.

  3. 1 hour ago, BrianAnderson said:

    like the electric car talk on here. i'm very seriously considering the cybertruck. at first i hated the look... then it started growing on me. Then i couldn't get it out of my head. I was looking at a few cars ... all over the map. I have a challenger, was looking at a 1970 c10 chevy truck, a 2015 z06 corvette. Basically i want a car that makes me feel something. Every damn car is almost exactly the same over the past 15-20 years. I miss feeling something when you see a car. It may be a feeling of hate or love or ... anything. but i want the machinery to evoke some feeling of some sort. Cybertruck does that. It pushes boundaries. Still waiting to pull the trigger based on this whole pandemic - but really interested in Tesla. 

    A Tesla will definitely make you feel something. I have a Cybertruck on order and think if Tesla can truly hit those specs it will be the best vehicle on the market at that price point by far. 

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  4. 2 hours ago, ChiliIrishHammock24 said:

    When you use a supercharger, it shows how much electricity it uses and how much you just paid for it (as of now $0.00 for me), but I don't think it gives any sort of feedback when you use a any other type of charger. But for $15 that plug might be worth it just because I would be curious. I haven't done the math in a while but I believe the cost should be about $8-10 for 300 miles of range.

    65-75 kWh should run you $4-5 depending on what kind of rate you have. Often times you can find an EV charging rate overnight for about 4-5 cents a kWh.

  5. 26 minutes ago, Dick Allen said:

    We had an insider saying the Sox would sign BOTH Machado and Harper. They both signed for less than he projected and the Sox were $50 million short on Machado, and didn't even engage with Harper when they found out Boras doesn't play the discount game. Even  for the opportunity to have Yolmer Sanchez dump a cooler of Gatorade on your head.  There was a lot of BS going on, and anyone who questioned it was villified as someone who was pretty clueless. 

    Oh Dick, how I’ve missed you

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  6. 8 hours ago, ChiliIrishHammock24 said:

    If he's willing to make the jump to 100% electric, sure. But for a lot of people I know, it makes them nervous to have to plan out their mileage more than they do with gas.

    Based on the driving habits he described, it should be no problem. 

  7. On 6/20/2019 at 10:52 PM, ChiliIrishHammock24 said:

    Get a Chevy Volt. You'll fill up gas every other month with your usage.

    No. Get a Tesla Model 3. Any other choice listed would be a poor choice. 

    • Haha 1
  8. 14 minutes ago, Iwritecode said:

    I think different states do registrations costs differently. In Illinois it's a flat $101 for most vehicles. At least is was until they just voted to increase it by $50.

    I think electric vehicles are $250/year to make up for what they aren't paying in the gas taxes.

    That was my understanding as well. In Nevada, it’s based on MSRP, so if you purchase/lease a fairly expensive car, it’s really a bit of a punch in the mouth. You can deduct this from federal income taxes, however. But in Illinois, at least previously, it used to be very reasonable (for once).

  9. 14 minutes ago, Eloy Jiménez said:

    Gas tax is for infrastructure, not a sin tax for the environment.  Regardless of which you think is heavier, they're close enough they put equivalent strain on infrastructure.

    Not the point I was making

  10. 33 minutes ago, NorthSideSox72 said:

    I don't think EV's are going to be any heavier - you add battery and take away engine etc. Any difference would be negligible anyway. But I agree, the gas tax concept starts to fail as more EV's hit the road.


    Those with larger batteries are heavier, but I’m not sure it’s a meaningful impact on roads. 

    No issue with paying a tax, but how about the idea that I’m not contributing as much CO2 into the environment? EV owners are saving public healthcare dollars.

  11. 2 hours ago, southsider2k5 said:

    I know people want to be upset, but this is a pretty straightforward thing here. 

    It is a shame that our reporters fear for their job too much to write objective articles. This isn’t the case in many other large markets. 

    OTOH, I personally don’t think we see the full puzzle quite yet. 

    • Thanks 2
  12. 3 minutes ago, Balta1701 said:

    1. For not offering any defenses, your last line offers a defense.

    2. Failing to understand that $300 million was not an overpay is an indictment. 

    3. If Rick did not have that freedom, Rick Hahn needed to work better with ownership to make ownership understand the importance of this deal. That is exactly what a professional front office person, AJ Preller did with his ownership. If Ownership was not on board then Rick needed to get them on board. For example, I know of $40 million they could have saved this offseason if ownership was not ok with spending $300 million, $56 if you count Abreu's arbitration offer. If ownership is giving edicts like "Don't spend $300 million but $250 is ok", which are going to hurt the franchise, the General Manager needs to figure out how to work with ownership to find a way to make ownership content. We saw exactly that happen in San Diego.

    4. If he did have that kind of limit and ownership could not get around it and they knew that, then every single time this organization opened their mouths this offseason about adding premium talent, they were putting their feet in their mouths. Every time they leaked confidence to people, they were lying to the people who pay their bills. That behavior would be completely unprofessional as well. 

    The Phillies thought it was overpayment.

    Come on, dude. Give some people that do this for a living a little deference. 

    What happened to you that you became so omniscient?

    Did you find a radioactive rock or something?

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    • Haha 1
  13. Just now, Balta1701 said:

    So your defense of the White Sox is that "I don't know how many time might he have done this", meaning you're saying that you believe it was possible that Lozano put a reasonable contract, $300 million over 10 years, out as something they would have signed more than once, all the way back in January, and the White Sox said no over and over and over again to a reasonable contract, while he waited for someone to meet it?

    That...would be worse. Much worse. Frankly, if they had been doing that, then Lozano was being overly nice to the White Sox by even coming back to them after the Padres put a higher offer on the table, because that's a statement that the White Sox front office is a bunch of jokes who can't recognize a fair contract when one is staring them in the face.

    How is it that any time I accept one of these so-called defenses it makes the White Sox look less competent?

    I’m not offering any defense. I’m just trying to point out that things aren’t as simple as you’d like to pretend. 

    I’m sure reasonably bright individuals can discuss geology (or whatever science is your expertise) with you, but that doesn’t make them “professionals.” 

    Yeah, I think Rick is probably questioning everything that happened and how he could have done better. 

    Me personally, I would have been willing to overpay, market be damned. But I don’t know that Rick had that freedom, tbh. 

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  14. 6 minutes ago, Balta1701 said:

    Of course there are other details, but you're hiding behind all those. They met briefly on Monday, they didn't have a 12 hour session where they threw everything out and started negotiating from scratch to cover all those details. On Monday, they put new numbers down in structures they had discussed previously, with all the other topics covered previously, and by not accepting something along the lines of Lozano's structure, the White Sox left Lozano no reason to come back to them when another team did.

    Lozano's side gave the White Sox a reasonable offer and the White Sox said no while someone else said yes. Regardless of everything else that was discussed in previous weeks, that's what happened. 

    Lozano supposedly asked for final numbers prior to New Years’ Day. How many times might he have done this? 

    This thing was almost done many times, only to then suddenly stop. 

    With the benefit of hindsight, the time Lozano honestly was closing it out was the time it is easy to criticize the Sox for not biting. 

    You have no idea how many other times they didn’t bite and nothing happened. 

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