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Posts posted by iamshack

  1. 8 minutes ago, Balta1701 said:

    Well at least I beat him :)

    No one other than Harper or Machado makes sense for this team for the next month. They should look for pitching scraps in January to fill their starting rotation. They should not really sign anyone for the bullpen as they need to give their kids innings. The only other position they really need someone right now is backup catcher. So if you're not picking Harper or Machado, pick a backup catcher. 

    I would like to see them get in on Eovaldi, but barring that possibility, I think Harper is the guy they are focused on. Tough to know if they’ve kept the leaks to a minimum, or if they really haven’t been really in on anyone yet, but I’m not really sure they really love any of the SP on this year’s market. 

    I think it’s Harper, Machado, or bust. 

    As it should be. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Chicago White Sox said:

    All very fair points, but the difference between him and Morton is you’ll have to pay him for that breakout talent he flashed last year.  Charlie only got 2/$14M from the Astros, Eovaldi will likely get somewhere between 3/$48M & 6/$68M in this market.  There still could be some upside there, but it’s greatly outweighed by the downside risk IMO.

    If that’s as bad as it gets, sign me up. 

  3. On 10/22/2018 at 11:55 AM, lasttriptotulsa said:

    She's told me age doesn't matter to her. The last guy she was somewhat seeing was 33 so not much different. Yes she knows how old I am.

    Do you like her? Does she like you? Are any laws being broken? Life is short, do what makes you both happy and who gives a fuck what some silly formula equates to.

  4. 11 hours ago, NorthSideSox72 said:

    Would be ideal if you could get a reliable number, but how do you do that? You'd have to require people every year to bring their car to a facility to have it checked for mileage. That could make for an expensive program and kind of a pain. It's the most fair I agree, just not sure it is practical.

    I'd actually be in favor of more toll roads. Like, all highways being toll roads. And get rid of the gas tax.


    I suspect that would be a pretty simple app to develop.

  5. On 10/16/2018 at 7:04 AM, NorthSideSox72 said:

    OK. Makes sense to start something like that, but the amount isn't going to cover it in the long run and that's state, not federal. Maybe that is better in the end, to start pushing infra down more to the states, but that's a whole other can of worms. Thanks for the link. Will be very curious to see how this goes.

    I think it should be based on miles driven and applied when the vehicle is registered annually. 

  6. 1 hour ago, NorthSideSox72 said:

    The maintenance of a combustion engine is so, so minimal though, in this scenario. I get an oil change like once a year, a filter here or there. And in exchange I get a car with very high efficiency but also the ability to drive longer distances. It's the best of both worlds from my perspective.

    I should note the current PHEV we have is a Kia Optima. 4-door sedan, works just fine for almost everything we do. But for the runs to the hardware store or garden shop or with bikes somewhere, that kind of thing, having one of our cars as an SUV would be very useful.


    Yeah, I view it inversely: the number of instances in which the range is an issue is so limited that in those instances I can borrow or rent a vehicle to accommodate for them. 

    I really like cars, so I’ll never say never, but I’d like to think I’m all EV from here on out.

    Just activated rooftop pv today at my house actually, which makes the decision to go full EV even easier.

  7. 11 minutes ago, NorthSideSox72 said:

    After driving one for over a year now, I just want to say I am loving the plug-in hybrid concept. We've been using it in a way that it's an EV like 95% of the time. Put gas in it about once every 2 or 3 months. But then still has the range for long road trips and gets 41 mpg even after the battery runs down and it goes to straight-hybrid.

    In 2-3 years we will replace our current 2nd car (a 2012 Honda Pilot), probably with another SUV, and am hoping to get a PHEV for that too. Looking around, there are a bunch of those and more coming, but the problem is it's all expensive luxury brands: BMW, Mercedes, Audi... Volvo has some that are not quite as pricey but still pretty expensive. I'm really hoping that the Toyota/Honda/Subaru/Hyundai/Kia's of the world, or VW or Ford, start going down this road with SUV's too in the next few years.


    I just don’t care for having to maintain an ice if 95% of my use is covered by batteries. For that reason, I refuse to purchase a hybrid. 

    That being said, there is a huge gap in the market for bev suv’s. So if you must have an suv, I can understand the predicament.

  8. 45 minutes ago, StrangeSox said:

    No, it was "stop tweeting dumb crap"


    How's the $35k model 3 coming along?

    Not sure, but the $50k version is the fastest selling luxury car in America and is outselling the Toyota Camry. Meanwhile, the Chevy Bolt’s sales are complete shit. 

    It’s pretty clear that even despite the lack of the vehicle at the price point originally promised, the Model 3 is a massive success.

  9. 4 hours ago, StrangeSox said:

    "I do not think there is any serious chance of the settlement being rejected, based on 2nd Circuit precedent," Pritchard added. "This is just a hoop to be jumped through."


  10. 22 hours ago, southsider2k5 said:

    This was the original plea deal he had just turned down.

    Yep, that is what I have read as well. Finally he listened to his lawyers!

    I will be anxious to see how the stock reacts tomorrow, but good to just get this behind them. 

  11. 8 minutes ago, Tony said:

    May actually be good for the company. He doesn’t lose much control but has a little safety net built in now. 

    He remains CEO and gives up the Chairman role for 3 years. It’s pretty much a slap on the wrist. I’m pretty pleased with it. 

  12. 50 minutes ago, AustinIllini said:

    You can waste your money on a trash car if you want.  It's your hard-earned money.  I'm just telling you what he did is illegal and to fall into his second rate reality distortion field has clearly clouded your judgement.

    But at least when one of the top 5 or 6 manufacturers goes out and buys Tesla you can say "I bought a limited edition one.  You know, the one where you can steal it with an iPhone, the one that prematurely rusts, or the one shuts down mid driving".  Father Elon said it was great so I bought a prototype with no clear cut competitors.

    Well don’t you look like a fool now.

  13. 9 minutes ago, AustinIllini said:

    The SEC doesn't play hands they can't win.  They are selective with the best lawyers in the world.  

    And yes, I've driven a Tesla.  The Model 3 is great as an Accord or a BMW 320i competitor but not at the $70K price point you have to pay.  And the build quality issues are well noted on those vehicles.  

    The Model S is a great car but not at its ridiculous price point.  Look at what all the luxury car brands can do at an $80K price point.  Tesla just doesn't compete.  And the Model X?  Yeah right.  Spare yourself paying a second mortgage and get an MDX.  

    On the bright side, when they eventually go bankrupt, a major car manufacturer will likely buy them for nickels on the dollar and Teslas will become good cars.

    If you believe the Model 3 Performance configuration is similar to a Honda Accord or a BMW 320i, than your opinion on automobiles is simply not worthy of consideration. 

    The build quality issues were limited to the early production vehicles. These have been addressed and this has been commented on in numerous articles. 

    Simply because you don’t think the other models offer value is immaterial. The market clearly does. 

  14. 3 minutes ago, southsider2k5 said:

    I have actually worked extensively with SEC rules and conducted examinations of member firm activities based on exchange rule sets taken directly from the SECs rule sets, including the interpretations and enforcement actions taken historically on their behalf. I think you are underestimating how incredibly stupid these actions were.

    Yeah, perhaps I am. 

    We know he’s lawyered up, but I will admit, I’m sure he’s ignoring their advice. 

    • Like 1
  15. Just now, southsider2k5 said:

    They are absolutely making an example of him, but it is because he clearly broke the law and gave them a slamdunk conviction on a platter. They can't let something like this go.

    We’ll have to wait and see, but I think you are overestimating the strength of their hand. 

  16. 1 minute ago, southsider2k5 said:

    The rules never mention intent, though the quotes the SEC gathered at the very least make a clear case he knew what he said wasn't entirely true, which is the burden required by the rule set.

    It’s pretty obvious that the SEC feels Musk is not taking them seriously in not accepting their plea deal, and they are trying to make an example of him.

    If you think they are going to get him removed from TSLA you simply aren’t looking at the reality of what has happened to top executives who have done far, far worse than this. 

  17. 2 minutes ago, southsider2k5 said:

    To add to this, reading his board's tweets on the matter is the most damning part of all.  Officers in the company have no idea what he is talking about, and think it might be a joke.

    He admitted he texted while driving and didn’t give it much thought. I honestly don’t think it really occurred to him how stupid it was. This is the same guy that went on Rogan’s podcast and smoked a huge reefer. 

    The bottom line is, there wasn’t some huge intent to defraud anyone. It was a stupid thing to say for a guy who doesn’t always think enough before he acts.

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